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60-SECOND SCIENCE, These Punk Rock Penguins Have a Bizarre Breeding Strategy

These Punk Rock Penguins Have a Bizarre Breeding Strategy

Christopher Intagliata: For 60-Second Science, I'm Christopher Intagliata.

Hundreds of miles southeast of New Zealand, lie the windswept Bounty and Antipodes Islands. It's there you'll find the breeding grounds of what may be the world's most punk-rock penguin.

[Penguin calls]

… which sports twin bleached-blond mohawks.

Lloyd Davis: "It's like if you took a penguin and put its flipper in an electricity outlet and it got a shock. That's what you might imagine it looks like."

Intagliata: Lloyd Davis of New Zealand's University of Otago says the erect-crested penguin, as it's known, also has a peculiar breeding strategy. The females lay two eggs. But generally leave the first one to die.

Davis: "They just plop the egg on the rock. It's just bizarre to see. And then 40 percent just turn their back on it. They don't even attempt to incubate it, it's like 'I don't care about that.'"

Intagliata: Davis says that's unusual—because most birds pour resources into the first egg, and the second, and however many more … but the last egg is almost an afterthought.

Davis: "The final egg acts like an insurance policy for them, so if they lose one of the other eggs, they can rear the chick from that one. But this is quite the opposite. Because, in this case—and this is why it's such a conundrum in the biological world—they don't favor the first egg, they favor the second one."

Intagliata: Davis and his colleagues traveled to the Antipodes Islands in 1998 to investigate that conundrum. And in reanalyzing their data, they've narrowed down the possible explanations for this behavior.

First, they think the penguins might reject the first egg because it forms while the birds are migrating, so it's smaller—inferior, perhaps—to the second, larger egg. And the penguins may be acknowledging a reality many species face—they simply don't have the resources to rear two chicks.

The study appears in the journal PLOS ONE. Lloyd S. Davis et al, [The breeding biology of erect-crested penguins, Eudyptes sclateri: Hormones, behavior, obligate brood reduction and conservation]

Davis notes that the penguins are now endangered.

Davis: "They seem to have gone down by about a third based on evidence we have and yet we know nothing about them, we know nothing about the causes, and we need to do what we can to protect these wonderful and forgotten penguins."

Intagliata: After all, you could say the birds themselves are already putting all their eggs in one basket.

Penguin audio courtesy study author Thomas Mattern, The Tawaki Trust, Dunedin, New Zealand, and the Global Penguin Society, Puerto Madryn, Argentina.

These Punk Rock Penguins Have a Bizarre Breeding Strategy |Punk Rock||||||| |Punk Rock|Punk Rock|Penguenler|||Tuhaf|Üreme stratejisi| |||||||Reproducción| Diese Punkrock-Pinguine haben eine bizarre Fortpflanzungsstrategie Αυτοί οι Punk Rock πιγκουίνοι έχουν μια παράξενη στρατηγική αναπαραγωγής Estos pingüinos punk rock tienen una extraña estrategia de cría Ces manchots punk rock ont une stratégie de reproduction bizarre Questi pinguini punk rock hanno una bizzarra strategia di allevamento パンクロック・ペンギンの奇妙な繁殖戦略 펑크록 펭귄의 기괴한 번식 전략 Te pingwiny punkrockowe mają dziwaczną strategię hodowlaną Estes pinguins Punk Rock têm uma estratégia de reprodução bizarra Эти панк-рок пингвины имеют причудливую стратегию размножения Bu Punk Rock Penguenlerinin Tuhaf Bir Üreme Stratejisi Var Ці пінгвіни панк-року мають дивну стратегію розмноження 这些朋克摇滚企鹅有一个奇怪的繁殖策略 這些朋克搖滾企鵝有一個奇怪的繁殖策略

**Christopher Intagliata:** For 60-Second Science, I'm Christopher Intagliata. |Intagliata|||||| |||secondo||||

Hundreds of miles southeast of New Zealand, lie the windswept Bounty and Antipodes Islands. |||||||||azotadas por el viento|||| ||||of||||||||| |||güneydoğusunda||||||rüzgarlı|||Antipod Adaları|Adaları centinaia|||||||||windswept|||| |||||||||wichrowe|||| À des centaines de kilomètres au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Zélande se trouvent les îles Bounty et Antipodes, balayées par les vents. A centinaia di miglia a sud-est della Nuova Zelanda si trovano le ventose isole Bounty e Antipodes. 뉴질랜드에서 남동쪽으로 수백 마일 떨어진 곳에 바람이 부는 바운티 섬과 안티포즈 섬이 있습니다. 在新西兰东南数百英里处,坐落着风吹雨打的赏金岛和反面岛。 It's there you'll find the breeding grounds of what may be the world's most punk-rock penguin. ||||||||||||||punk||penguin |||||üreme alanları|üreme alanları||||||||||penguen ||||||||||||||||penguin ||||||||||||||朋克摇滚|| |||||tereny lęgowe||||||||||| |||||zonas de cría||||||||||| C'est là que se trouvent les aires de reproduction de ce qui pourrait être le pingouin le plus punk-rock du monde. È lì che troverai i luoghi di riproduzione di quello che potrebbe essere il pinguino punk-rock del mondo. 在那里你会发现可能是世界上最朋克的企鹅的繁殖地。

[Penguin calls] penguin| [Richiami dei pinguini] [企鹅叫声]

… which sports twin bleached-blond mohawks. |||bleached-blond|| |spor yapan||beyazlatılmış|sarışın|Mohikan saçları ... qui arbore deux mohawks blonds décolorés. ...ツインブリーチブロンドモヒカン。 ……拥有双层漂白金色莫霍克发型的运动员。

**Lloyd Davis:** "It's like if you took a penguin and put its flipper in an electricity outlet and it got a shock. ||||||||||||||||outlet||||| ||||||||||||yüzgeç||||||||| ||||||||||||鳍状肢||||||||| ||||||||||||płetwa||||gniazdko elektryczne||||| ||||||||||||||||outlet||||| ||||||||||||aleta del pingüino||||||||| Lloyd Davis : "C'est comme si vous preniez un pingouin et que vous mettiez sa nageoire dans une prise électrique et qu'il recevait une décharge. 劳劳德·戴维斯:"这就像是你把一只企鹅的翅膀放进插座里,然后它受到电击了。 That's what you might imagine it looks like." 这就是你可能想象的样子。"

**Intagliata:** Lloyd Davis of New Zealand's University of Otago says the erect-crested penguin, as it's known, also has a peculiar breeding strategy. |||||of New Zealand|||||||crested|||||||||| |||||Yeni Zelanda'nın|||Otago Üniversitesi||||tepelikli|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||peculiar|| |||||||||||wzniesiony grzebień|||||||||dziwną|| ||||||||奥塔哥大学|||直立冠|冠状的||||||||奇特的|| Intagliata: Lloyd Davis of New Zealand's University of Otago says the erect-crested penguin, as it's known, also has a peculiar breeding strategy. Intagliata : Lloyd Davis, de l'université néo-zélandaise d'Otago, explique que le manchot à crête dressée, comme on l'appelle, a également une stratégie de reproduction particulière. Intagliata:新西兰奥塔哥大学的劳埃德·戴维斯说,直立冠企鹅(Erect-crested penguin)也有一种独特的繁殖策略。 The females lay two eggs. |females||| |Dişiler||| Les femelles pondent deux œufs. 雌性企鹅会下两个蛋。 But generally leave the first one to die. 但是通常会让第一个蛋死亡。

**Davis:** "They just plop the egg on the rock. |||戴维斯:「佢哋就咁将个蛋放喺石头上。」||||| |||Davis: "Yumurtayı kayaya bırakıyorlar."||||| |||plop||||| |||upuszczają||||| |||they plop||||| Davis : " Ils jettent simplement l'œuf sur le rocher. 戴维斯:"他们就把蛋放在石头上。" It's just bizarre to see. ||To po prostu dziwne.|| 看到这一幕真是奇怪。 And then 40 percent just turn their back on it. Et 40 % d'entre eux tournent tout simplement le dos à ce projet. そして、40パーセントが背を向ける。 然后40%的人就对它不理了。 They don't even attempt to incubate it, it's like 'I don't care about that.'" |||||孵化佢|||||||| |||||kuluçkaya yatırmak|||||||| ||||||||||||about| |||próbują||inkubować|||||||| |||||to incubate|||||||| Ils n'essaient même pas de l'incuber, c'est comme si cela ne les intéressait pas".

**Intagliata:** Davis says that's unusual—because most birds pour resources into the first egg, and the second, and however many more … but the last egg is almost an afterthought. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||事后想法 ||||||||aktarır||||||||||||||||||||sonradan düşünce ||||||||wkładają||||||||||||||||||||po namyśle ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||un pensiero secondario Intagliata : Davis dit que c'est inhabituel, parce que la plupart des oiseaux consacrent des ressources au premier œuf, au deuxième, et à bien d'autres encore... mais le dernier œuf n'est presque qu'une réflexion après coup. インタリアータ:ほとんどの鳥は最初の卵、2個目、さらに何個目......と資源を注ぎ込むが、最後の卵はほとんど後回しになるからだ。 Intagliata: 戴维斯说这很不寻常——因为大多数鸟类会把资源投入到第一只蛋、第二只蛋,以及更多……但是最后一只蛋几乎是个附带的想法。

**Davis:** "The final egg acts like an insurance policy for them, so if they lose one of the other eggs, they can rear the chick from that one. ||||||||||||||||||||||rear||pulcino||| ||||||||||||||||||||||wychować||||| Davis : " Le dernier œuf agit comme une police d'assurance pour eux, donc s'ils perdent l'un des autres œufs, ils peuvent élever le poussin à partir de celui-ci. デイビス:「最後の卵は、彼らにとって保険のような役割を果たす。 戴维斯:"最后一只蛋就像是它们的保险政策,所以如果它们失去了其他蛋中的一个,它们可以从那一只中育雏。" But this is quite the opposite. 但这正好相反。 Because, in this case—and this is why it's such a conundrum in the biological world—they don't favor the first egg, they favor the second one." |||||||||||难题||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||tercih ederler|||||||| |||||||||||zagwozdka||||||||||||||| |||||||||||conundrum||||||||||||||| Parce que, dans ce cas - et c'est pourquoi il s'agit d'une telle énigme dans le monde biologique - ils ne favorisent pas le premier œuf, ils favorisent le second". 因为在这种情况下——这就是为什么这在生物世界中如此令人困惑——它们并不偏爱第一颗蛋,而是偏爱第二颗蛋。

**Intagliata:** Davis and his colleagues traveled to the Antipodes Islands in 1998 to investigate that conundrum. ||||||||||||||conundrum |||||seyahat etti|||||||araştırmak için||muamma Intagliata:戴维斯和他的同事们于1998年前往反对派群岛以调查这个难题。 And in reanalyzing their data, they've narrowed down the possible explanations for this behavior. ||reanalyzing||||||||||| ||yeniden analiz ederek||||daralttılar||||açıklamalar||| 在重新分析他们的数据时,他们缩小了对这种行为可能解释的范围。

First, they think the penguins might reject the first egg because it forms while the birds are migrating, so it's smaller—inferior, perhaps—to the second, larger egg. |||||||||||||||||||||inferior|||||| ||||||reddetmek|||||||||||göç ederken oluşuyor||||daha aşağı|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||gorszy, być może|||||| Tout d'abord, ils pensent que les manchots pourraient rejeter le premier œuf parce qu'il se forme pendant que les oiseaux migrent, et qu'il est donc plus petit - inférieur, peut-être - que le second œuf, plus gros. まず、最初の卵は鳥が移動している間に形成されるため、2つ目の大きな卵よりも小さく、おそらく劣っているため、ペンギンが拒絶するのではないかと考えている。 And the penguins may  be acknowledging a reality many species face—they simply don't have the resources to rear two chicks. |||||acknowledging = recognizing||||||||||||||| |||||kabul etmek|||||||||||||||yavru penguenler |||||uznając||||||||||||||| Les manchots reconnaissent peut-être une réalité à laquelle de nombreuses espèces sont confrontées : ils n'ont tout simplement pas les ressources nécessaires pour élever deux poussins.

The study appears in the journal __PLOS ONE__. ||||||PLOS ONE dergisinde| Lloyd S. Davis et al, [The breeding biology of erect-crested penguins, Eudyptes sclateri: Hormones, behavior, obligate brood reduction and conservation] ||||||||||||Eudyptes||||obligate|||| ||||||||||||Eudyptes penguenleri|sclateri pengueni|Hormonlar||zorunlu kuluçka azaltma|kuluçka dönemi|||koruma çalışmaları 劳埃德·S·戴维斯等人,《竖冠企鹅的繁殖生物学,Eudyptes sclateri:激素、行为、强制性雏鸟减少与保护》

Davis notes that the penguins are now endangered. |||||||tehlike altında Davis note que les manchots sont aujourd'hui en danger. 戴维斯指出这些企鹅现在已经濒临灭绝。

**Davis:** "They seem to have gone down by about a third based on evidence we have and yet we know nothing about them, we know nothing about the causes, and we need to do what we can to protect these wonderful and forgotten penguins." |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||同埋|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||kanıtlarımıza göre|||||||||||||||||||||||||korumak||||| Davis : "Ils semblent avoir diminué d'environ un tiers d'après les données dont nous disposons et pourtant nous ne savons rien à leur sujet, nous ne savons rien des causes, et nous devons faire tout ce que nous pouvons pour protéger ces merveilleux manchots oubliés". 戴维斯说:"根据我们掌握的证据,它们似乎已经减少了大约三分之一,但我们对它们一无所知,原因也不清楚,我们需要尽我们所能保护这些美丽且被遗忘的企鹅。"

**Intagliata:** After all, you could say the birds themselves are already putting all their eggs in one basket. |||||||||||||||||cestino Intagliata : Après tout, on pourrait dire que les oiseaux eux-mêmes mettent déjà tous leurs œufs dans le même panier. インタリアータ結局のところ、鳥たち自身がすでにすべての卵を一つのカゴに入れていると言えるでしょう。

__Penguin audio courtesy study author Thomas Mattern, The Tawaki Trust, Dunedin, New Zealand, and the Global Penguin Society, Puerto Madryn, Argentina.__ ||||||||||Dunedin|||||||||Puerto Madryn = Puerto Madryn| Le son des pingouins est fourni par l'auteur de l'étude, Thomas Mattern, The Tawaki Trust, Dunedin, Nouvelle-Zélande, et la Global Penguin Society, Puerto Madryn, Argentine.