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English Conversation Skills with JenniferESL, Conversation Skills: Expressing Agreement 👍🤝

Conversation Skills: Expressing Agreement 👍🤝

Hi everyone. It's Jennifer.

Would you call yourself agreeable or difficult?

Do you enjoy being confrontational?

Sometimes I think it's just easier to agree with others. Don't you think?

Well, in this lesson I'll offer several ways to express agreement.

First, when someone asks for a favor, you can respond, "No problem."

For example:

Can you help me carry some boxes?

Sure. No problem. I'd be happy to.

No problem. My pleasure.

Second, when you agree and it's less from the heart and more to avoid an argument, you can say:

Anything you say.

Sure. Anything you say.

For example,

your dinner companion is very upset and feels the need to complain about the restaurant. He says:

That was awful. That was horrible. We'll never go there again. They should close that place down, right?

You agree and say, "Mmhmm. Anything you say."

Finally, sometimes we wholeheartedly agree.

We think the same thing or the same way as another person. In this case, any of these

expressions would sound natural.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

You're telling me.

Which means you're telling m,e but I know this already because I agree. You're right. You're telling me.

I couldn't have said it better myself - OR - I couldn't have said it any better myself.

You can say that again. Which means your words are true and I agree. You can say that again.

Try saying all the expressions again. Repeat after me. Ready? No problem. I'd be happy to.

Mm-hmm. Anything you say.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

I couldn't have said it any better.

I couldn't have said it any better myself.

You're telling me.

You can say that again.

Well, we'll end here. I'll see you again soon for another lesson. Please remember to like this video and subscribe.

As always, thanks for watching and happy studies!

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Conversation Skills: Expressing Agreement 👍🤝 |||Agreement Konversationsfähigkeiten: Zustimmung ausdrücken 👍🤝 Conversation Skills: Expressing Agreement 👍🤝 Habilidades de conversación: Expresar acuerdo 👍🤝 Conversation Skills : Exprimer l'accord 👍🤝🤝 Abilità di conversazione: Esprimere l'accordo 👍🤝 会話スキル同意の表現👍🤝。 대화 기술: 동의 표현하기 👍🤝 Umiejętności konwersacyjne: Wyrażanie zgody 👍🤝 Competências de conversação: Exprimir a concordância 👍🤝 Навыки разговорной речи: Выражение согласия 👍🤝🤝 Konuşma Becerileri: Anlaşmayı İfade Etme 👍🤝 Розмовні навички: Висловлення згоди 👍🤝👍 对话技巧:表达同意👍🤝 對話技巧:表達同意👍🤝

Hi everyone. It's Jennifer. Bonjour à tous. C'est Jennifer.

Would you call yourself agreeable or difficult? ||||pleasant||

Do you enjoy being confrontational? ||take pleasure in|| ¿Le gusta la confrontación?

Sometimes I think it's just easier to agree with others. Don't you think? |||||more convenient||go along||other people|||

Well, in this lesson I'll offer several ways to express agreement. |||teaching session|||multiple|||| Pues bien, en esta lección ofreceré varias formas de expresar acuerdo.

First, when someone asks for a favor, you can respond, "No problem." ||||||request|||||No issue

For example: |e.g.

Can you help me carry some boxes?

Sure. No problem. I'd be happy to. |||||glad to|

No problem. My pleasure. |||happy to help |||prazer

Second, when you agree and it's less from the heart and more to avoid an argument, you can say:

Anything you say.

Sure. Anything you say.

For example,

your dinner companion is very upset and feels the need to complain about the restaurant. He says: |"This place sucks."||||distressed||||||||||| ||companhia|||incomodado||||||reclamar||o|||

That was awful. That was horrible. We'll never go there again. They should close that place down, right?

You agree and say, "Mmhmm. Anything you say." Ti||||||| Estás de acuerdo y dices: "Mmhmm. Lo que tú digas".

Finally, sometimes we wholeheartedly agree. |||fully| |||de todo coração| |||končno se včasih popolnoma strinjamo|

We think the same thing or the same way as another person. In this case, any of these

expressions would sound natural.

You took the words right out of my mouth. ||||||||boca

You're telling me.

Which means you're telling m,e but I know this already because I agree. You're right. You're telling me.

I couldn't have said it better myself - OR - I couldn't have said it any better myself. No podría haberlo dicho mejor - O - no podría haberlo dicho mejor.

You can say that again. Which means your words are true and I agree. You can say that again.

Try saying all the expressions again. Repeat after me. Ready? No problem. I'd be happy to.

Mm-hmm. Anything you say.

You took the words right out of my mouth. Me has quitado las palabras de la boca.

I couldn't have said it any better.

I couldn't have said it any better myself.

You're telling me.

You can say that again.

Well, we'll end here. I'll see you again soon for another lesson. Please remember to like this video and subscribe. No, pa|||||||||||||||||||

As always, thanks for watching and happy studies!

Become a member of my learning community. Click the JOIN button to become a member of my YouTube channel English with Jennifer.

You'll get a special badge, ||||Du wirst ein besonderes Abzeichen bekommen.

bonus posts, on-screen credit, and a monthly live stream.

Note that YouTube channel memberships are not available in every country at this time.

Follow me and gain more practice on Facebook and Twitter. I also have new videos on Instagram.

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