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해커스보카, Phrasal verb for everyday life

Phrasal verb for everyday life

hi Lucy thanks for coming over.

you're looking great come on in.

hi, Melody, sorry for turning up so late.

it's fine don't worry about it.

welcome to my apartment.

it looks amazing~.

thanks for inviting me over.

I love the furniture.

The furniture was here

when I movedin .

sit down and make

yourself comfortable .


would you like something to drink?

I have Diet Coke fruit juice and coffee...

a diet coke , please.

so please tell me how are you getting on with your life

as a college student?

Well...in the beginning, it was hard for me

to fit in.

I grew up in a small town, I was

not used to living in a big city.

I didn't even have any friends and I felt

pretty lonely. it was hard for me to hang in there.

in there . but, Things have changed for the

better.... I finally made a few good friends

to hang out with.

That's great to hear. what's the typical day in your life like ?

Well...I wake up at 7 a.m.

I go to the bathroom wash my face and

brush my teeth. I work out every morning

I can't do without it !(exercise) Before exercising,

I would like to warm up by doing stretches then I take a shower

and after that I have breakfast.

next , I write down my to-do list for the day.

I always blend my day ahead.

I have a strict schedule and I do my best to

stick to it.

Then ..I check the weather because I like

to be prepared for the day and pick out

the right outfit before I leave.

I put on my makeup.

my classes usually start at


How many meals do you have a day?

I have five or six light meals a day. I've

noticed that three heavy meals a day.

generally weigh me down so I try to eat

less and more often. I have more energy

this way that I can concentrate much

better. whenever possible I try to

squeeze in fifteen to thirty minutes of

exercise in the afternoon.

Exercising helps me calm down when I'm stressed

and it doesn't take up too much of my time.

When do you usually get home?

It depends on the day, but typically

I get home at around 6 p.m.

I have dinner a little later.

Then I lie down for a few minutes

and scroll down social media on my phone.

next, I study for a few hours...

then I watch TV

I try to stay away from negative news,

I usually go for comedies.


Before going to bed, I fill in my journal

and reflect on the day.

My journal helps me with my emotions and thoughts.

It also helps me to set goals.

I plan on taking a French course this year.

That's my new goal.

I love to learn and try out new things

all the time.

I just want to point out that a journal

is really helpful.

Yeah I see. Maybe I should keep

a journal too.

I have many goals that I'd like to achieve.

I want to sign for a gym membership,

but I just keep putting it off.

I never actually get around

to ever doing it.

I plan on keeping a diet and cutting down

on sweets, but I never make it.

I need something sweet every day to help

me get through busy days.

To sum it all up, I think I'm a mess.

Just stick to your goals and don't give up.

Your effort will finally pay off.

what do you usually do in your free time?

Sometimes I sleep in on weekends, when I'm tired

I like to go out and catch up on friends and family.


what about you?

you're in the third year, right ?

what's your day like?

My schedule always runs over no matter

how organized I am.

I get up pretty late about 9:00 a.m.

My chaotic morning messes up the rest

of the day.

I wish I could wake up earlier,

but sleep is holding me back

each morning.

I go to bed very late at about 1 a.m.

I haven't been able to change this yet,

but I'm working on it

I'm sure you'll finally make it.

I have a very busy schedule, That's why I never

show up on time anywhere.

The problem is that I've taken up

a part-time job at the mall,

So I go to work every day after classes.

There's just too much going on

in my life right now.

I'm not great at dealing with stress.

Maybe you need to slow down and cut back

on some activities,

Otherwise you'll burn yourself out.

You're perfectly right. I'll drop a few

activities and set aside a time for rest.

Do you want to come round on Saturday

night? I'm throwing a party.

I'm not sure about that.

You know I'm not into parties.

Please don't turn me down. we'll have a

great time.

Okay then, if it's so important to you,

I'll try to come.

Great ! I'm looking forward to it !

Do I need to dress up?

No, you can wear casual clothes.

I have to go now. I don't want to take up

any more of your time.

and I have to get down to studying.


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Phrasal verb for everyday life verbo frasal|||| Phrasal Verb für das tägliche Leben Φραστικό ρήμα για την καθημερινή ζωή Phrasal verb para la vida cotidiana Verbo frasale per la vita quotidiana 日常生活のための句動詞 Czasownik frazowy w życiu codziennym Phrasal verb para a vida quotidiana Фразовый глагол для повседневной жизни Günlük yaşam için deyimsel fiil 日常生活的短语动词

hi Lucy thanks for coming over. |||||to my place Hola Lucy, gracias por venir.

you're looking great come on in. te ves muy bien entra

hi, Melody, sorry for turning up so late. ||||늦게 나타나|도착해서|| ||||aparecendo||| Hallo Melody, entschuldige, dass ich so spät komme. Hola, Melody, siento llegar tan tarde. Привет, Мелоди, извини, что так поздно.

it's fine don't worry about it. ||||그것에 대해| Está bien, no te preocupes.

welcome to my apartment. bem-vindo|||apartamento

it looks amazing~. se ve increíble~.

thanks for inviting me over. ||convidar|| gracias por invitarme. Obrigado pelo convite. спасибо, что пригласили меня.

I love the furniture. |||os móveis Me encantan los muebles.

The furniture was here Los muebles estaban aquí Os móveis estavam aqui

when I movedin . ||mudei-me ||ko sem se preselil cuando me mudé.

sit down and make sentarse y hacer

yourself comfortable . |confortável usted cómodo .


would you like something to drink? |||algo|para|beber

I have Diet Coke fruit juice and coffee... |possess|low-calorie|Diet soda|||| |||Coca-Cola Diet||||

a diet coke , please.

so please tell me how are you getting on with your life |||||||||||인생 |||||||indo|||| así que por favor dime cómo te va con tu vida

as a college student?

Well...in the beginning, it was hard for me |||o começo|||||

to fit in. |encaixar-se| para encajar.

I grew up in a small town, I was

not used to living in a big city. |acostumado|||||| no está acostumbrado a vivir en una gran ciudad.

I didn't even have any friends and I felt ||조차|||||| ||nem|||||| Ni siquiera tenía amigos y me sentía У меня даже не было друзей, и я чувствовал

pretty lonely. bastante| bastante solo. довольно одинокий. it was hard for me to hang in there. ||||||aguentar firme|| Es war schwer für mich, durchzuhalten. me costó mucho aguantar. foi difícil para mim aguentar-me. мне было тяжело там держаться.

in there . but, Things have changed for the pero, las cosas han cambiado para el

better.... I finally made a few good friends лучше... Я наконец-то завела несколько хороших друзей

to hang out with. para pasar el rato. чтобы болтаться с.

That's great to hear. what's the typical day in your life like ? каков типичный день в вашей жизни?

Well...I wake up at 7 a.m.

I go to the bathroom wash my face and

brush my teeth. escovar|| I work out every morning Hago ejercicio todas las mañanas я тренируюсь каждое утро

I can't do without it !(exercise) Before exercising, |||||||fazer exercício No puedo prescindir de él !(ejercicio) Antes de hacer ejercicio, Eu não posso ficar sem ele! (exercício) Antes do exercício, Я не могу без этого! (упражнение) Перед тренировкой,

I would like to warm up by doing stretches then I take a shower ||||aquecer||||exercícios de along||||| Me gustaría calentar haciendo estiramientos y luego ducharme. Eu gostaria de me aquecer fazendo alongamentos e depois tomar um banho Я хочу разогреться, потягиваясь, а потом приму душ.

and after that I have breakfast. e depois disso eu tomo café da manhã.

next , I write down my to-do list for the day. A continuación, escribo mi lista de tareas del día.

I always blend my day ahead. ||misturo|||à frente ||združim|||vnaprej Siempre mezclo mi día por delante. Eu sempre misturo meu dia à frente. Я всегда планирую свой день вперед.

I have a strict schedule and I do my best to |||rigorosa|horário rígido|||||| ||||urnik|||||| У меня строгий график, и я стараюсь

stick to it. persistir|| cúmplelo. придерживаться его.

Then ..I check the weather because I like então||||o tempo|||

to be prepared for the day and pick out prepararse para el día y elegir

the right outfit before I leave. ||roupa adequada||| a roupa certa antes de me ir embora.

I put on my makeup.

my classes usually start at ||geralmente||


How many meals do you have a day? ||refeições|||||

I have five or six light meals a day. |||||ligeiras refeições||| Eu faço cinco ou seis refeições leves por dia. I've Eu tenho

noticed that three heavy meals a day. percebi|||pesadas||| opazil|||||| notó que tres comidas pesadas al día. notou que três refeições pesadas por dia. заметил, что три тяжелых приема пищи в день.

generally weigh me down so I try to eat geralmente|me pesam||||||| generalmente me pesan, así que intento comer geralmente me pesam, então eu tento comer обычно отягощаю меня, поэтому я стараюсь есть

less and more often. |||frequentemente menos e mais frequentemente. I have more energy |||energia

this way that I can concentrate much |||||concentrar-me|

better. whenever possible I try to sempre que|||| kadar koli|||| siempre que sea posible intento

squeeze in fifteen to thirty minutes of espremer||quinze||trinta|| de quince a treinta minutos de espremer em quinze a trinta minutos de

exercise in the afternoon. ejercicio por la tarde.

Exercising helps me calm down when I'm stressed |||acalmar||||estressado

and it doesn't take up too much of my time. |||||||do|| y no me quita demasiado tiempo.

When do you usually get home? |||geralmente||

It depends on the day, but typically ||||||tipicamente Это зависит от дня, но обычно

I get home at around 6 p.m.

I have dinner a little later.

Then I lie down for a few minutes Luego me tumbo unos minutos

and scroll down social media on my phone. |deslizar|||||| y desplazarme por las redes sociales en mi teléfono.

next, I study for a few hours... ||||||horas

then I watch TV

I try to stay away from negative news, ||||||pessimistic or bad| ||||||notícias negativas|

I usually go for comedies. ||||as comédias


Before going to bed, I fill in my journal ||||||||diário Antes de acostarme, escribo en mi diario

and reflect on the day. |refletir sobre||| |odražati|||

My journal helps me with my emotions and thoughts. |diário||||||| |dnevnik||||||| Mi diario me ayuda con mis emociones y pensamientos. O meu diário ajuda-me a lidar com as minhas emoções e pensamentos.

It also helps me to set goals.

I plan on taking a French course this year.

That's my new goal.

I love to learn and try out new things Me encanta aprender y probar cosas nuevas

all the time.

I just want to point out that a journal ||||apontar|||| Я просто хочу отметить, что журнал

is really helpful. ||muito útil

Yeah I see. Maybe I should keep

a journal too.

I have many goals that I'd like to achieve. ||||||||alcançar

I want to sign for a gym membership, |||||||adesão Я хочу подписаться на абонемент в спортзал,

but I just keep putting it off. aber ich schiebe es immer wieder auf. pero sigo posponiéndolo. но я просто продолжаю откладывать это.

I never actually get around ||na verdade|| Ich komme eigentlich nie dazu En realidad nunca consigo eu nunca realmente me locomover Я никогда не обхожусь

to ever doing it. es jemals zu tun. a hacerlo nunca. para sempre fazê-lo. когда-либо делать это.

I plan on keeping a diet and cutting down |||||||reduzindo| Planeo mantener una dieta y reducir Я планирую придерживаться диеты и сократить

on sweets, but I never make it. |doces||||| en dulces, pero nunca lo consigo.

I need something sweet every day to help

me get through busy days. ||através de|ocupados|dias ocupados Me ayuda a sobrellevar los días ajetreados.

To sum it all up, I think I'm a mess. |resumindo||||||||uma confusão |skupaj|||||||| Подводя итог, я думаю, что я беспорядок.

Just stick to your goals and don't give up. |mantém-te||||||| |drži se|||||||

Your effort will finally pay off. |esforço||finalmente|| Tu esfuerzo por fin dará sus frutos. Seu esforço finalmente será recompensado. Ваши усилия, наконец, окупятся.

what do you usually do in your free time? что ты обычно делаешь в свободное время?

Sometimes I sleep in on weekends, when I'm tired

I like to go out and catch up on friends and family. ||||||atualizar|||||


what about you?

you're in the third year, right ? ты на третьем курсе, да?

what's your day like? каков твой день?

My schedule always runs over no matter |horário||se estende|acima de||não importa Mi agenda siempre se sobrepasa sin importar Мое расписание всегда переполняется независимо от того,

how organized I am. |organizado||

I get up pretty late about 9:00 a.m. |||um pouco||||

My chaotic morning messes up the rest |Disorganized||||| |||bagunça||| Мое хаотичное утро портит все остальное

of the day.

I wish I could wake up earlier, Я хотел бы проснуться раньше,

but sleep is holding me back |||impedindo||

each morning.

I go to bed very late at about 1 a.m.

I haven't been able to change this yet, |não tenho||||||

but I'm working on it

I'm sure you'll finally make it.

I have a very busy schedule, That's why I never |||||agenda|||| Eu tenho uma agenda muito ocupada, é por isso que eu nunca

show up on time anywhere. apareça na hora em qualquer lugar.

The problem is that I've taken up |||||started| |||||assumido| O problema é que eu aceitei

a part-time job at the mall, ||||||shopping center

So I go to work every day after classes.

There's just too much going on Há muita coisa acontecendo

in my life right now. na minha vida agora.

I'm not great at dealing with stress. ||||lidar||estresse ||||spoprijemanje||

Maybe you need to slow down and cut back Talvez você precise desacelerar e reduzir

on some activities, em algumas atividades,

Otherwise you'll burn yourself out. caso contrário|||| Caso contrário, você vai se queimar.

You're perfectly right. Você está perfeitamente certo. I'll drop a few vou deixar cair alguns

activities and set aside a time for rest. |||reserve um tempo||||descanso

Do you want to come round on Saturday Хочешь прийти в субботу

night? I'm throwing a party. |fazendo||festa Estou dando uma festa.

I'm not sure about that.

You know I'm not into parties. ||||interessado em| Você sabe que eu não gosto de festas. Ты же знаешь, я не любитель вечеринок.

Please don't turn me down. Por favor, não me rejeite. we'll have a vamos ter um

great time. bons tempos.

Okay then, if it's so important to you,

I'll try to come. |tentar||

Great ! I'm looking forward to it ! ||ansioso por||

Do I need to dress up? ||||me vestir|

No, you can wear casual clothes.

I have to go now. I don't want to take up

any more of your time.

and I have to get down to studying. e|||||||
