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02.Story by Cris, THE YOUNG AND PRODIGIOUS T.S. SPIVET( short 40/50 )


I was alone.I ran to the field to get my father.His face clenched up when I said Layton had hurt himself badly.He ran back, and I stayed there, not knowing where to go.Then I ran to the house and hid in the bathroom.I could hear my father whispering on the phone.And through the window, I saw the ambulance pull without the flashing lights.After a while, Gracie showed up.She was crying. She sat next to me in the floor.We stayed a long time like that.Lying on the floor without talking.I wanted you to know how proud I am to get this award.I'll do my best to fulfill your trust in me, and to be in the service of science.That's all I had to say. Thank you.



He clenched his fists in anger.

Through clenched teeth she told him to leave.


badly damaged / injured / hurt

The country has been badly affected by recession.


Don't you know it's rude to whisper?

What are you two whispering about?

show up/(informal)to arrive where you have arranged to meet sb or do sth

It was getting late when she finally showed up.


to fulfil a duty / an obligation / a promise

to fulfil the terms / conditions of an agreement

No candidate fulfils all the criteria for this position.

THE YOUNG AND PRODIGIOUS T.S. SPIVET( short 40/50 ) THE YOUNG AND PRODIGIOUS T.S. SPIVET( corto 40/50 ) IL GIOVANE E PRODIGIOSO T.S. SPIVET ( corto 40/50 ) 年轻而多产的 T.S. 斯皮维特(短篇 40/50)

I was alone.I ran to the field to get my father.His face clenched up when I said Layton had hurt himself badly.He ran back, and I stayed there, not knowing where to go.Then I ran to the house and hid in the bathroom.I could hear my father whispering on the phone.And through the window, I saw the ambulance pull without the flashing lights.After a while, Gracie showed up.She was crying. 只有我一个人 我跑到农场去找父亲 我告诉他雷顿受伤了,很严重,然后他的脸就揪了起来 他冲过去,我站在原地 不知道要去哪 然后我跑进房子躲在浴室里 我听到父亲讲电话的声音 后来看到窗外开来的没亮灯的救护车 过了一会,格雷西来了 她哭了 She sat next to me in the floor.We stayed a long time like that.Lying on the floor without talking.I wanted you to know how proud I am to get this award.I'll do my best to fulfill your trust in me, and to be in the service of science.That's all I had to say. 她坐在我身边,抱着我 我们待了很久 躺在地上,不说话 我想说非常荣幸我能得奖 我会努力不辜负大家的信任 继续为科学进步而努力 我说完了,谢谢 Thank you.


clench (通常表示愤怒、决心或不安时)揑紧,攥紧(拳头等),咬紧(牙齿等)

He clenched his fists in anger. 他愤怒地攥紧了拳头。

Through clenched teeth she told him to leave. 她咬牙切齿地让他离开。

badly 严重地;厉害地

badly damaged / injured / hurt 损坏/伤势/伤害严重

The country has been badly affected by recession. 该国受到经济衰退的严重影响。

whisper同义词:murmur 耳语;低语;私语;小声说

Don't you know it's rude to whisper? 难道你不知道窃窃私语是不礼貌的吗?

What are you two whispering about? 你们两人在低声说些什么?

show up/(informal)to arrive where you have arranged to meet sb or do sth 如约赶到;出现;露面

It was getting late when she finally showed up. 天色已晚,她终于赶到了。

fulfil 履行;执行;符合;具备

to fulfil a duty / an obligation / a promise 履行职责/义务/诺言

to fulfil the terms / conditions of an agreement 执行协定条款/条件

No candidate fulfils all the criteria for this position. 没有一个候选人完全符合这个职位的标准。