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01.Speaking, 59.Life's Ups and Downs

59.Life's Ups and Downs

Adelina talks with Chris about some of the lessons she has learned in her life.

Chris: Hi, Adelina. So, let's talk about ... about life in general. Could you tell me a bit how ... how has been your life, some highlights up till now?

Adelina: Well, I don't know. I can say my life is like a roller coaster so I don't know, I think life is all about learning lessons and I completely agree when they say that when you stop learning lessons then you are ready to die. So I don't know, I think I'm learning experiences and lessons every day.

Chris: Explain me why you would say you're like a roller coaster, your life is a roller coaster. Like, you travel a lot or you ... I don't know, explain that.

Adelina: Yeah, my life is a roller coaster because I hate routine so because of that I travel a lot and I change job a lot and I change friends a lot. Well, I still keep them but I'm not with them I'm not like a girl that lives in a village and she always hangs out with the same people and everything so that's why maybe my learning experiences are much more in volume than a person that they are like robots that they do every day the same routine and the same things all over again so they will learn less lessons than me for example.

Chris: So in a way you're not like a stable person?

Adelina: No I'm not. Who wants to be a stable person?

Chris: Well, I guess there are different opinions about that.

Adelina: Yeah, of course but it's like for me, to do every day the same, to have all the future so planned, it's like a movie you've already seen.

Chris: Yeah, that seems more like ... like you said that you're quite spiritual that you have a lot philosophies about that but it could also turn out bad for you.

Adelina: Why?

Chris: I mean, of course, you're not a stable person, you want to try new things but not everything you try has a happy ending.

Adelina: No, but I think if I keep trying I will find my happy ending, but my really happy ending.

Chris: I guess that's the real idea behind learning.

Adelina: Yeah, and also to get better, to challenge yourself. Like, I don't know, I'm very critic with myself and I think it's good because at the end of the day, it's the only way you can get better.

Chris: Yeah, and is there an example, a highlight of, for example when you fail that something and learn that important lesson in life?

Adelina: I don't know, I cannot say something specific. but I fail ... when I fail I don't blame anybody else, I blame myself because I trust people or because I put too much faith in something. I don't have the only control of it. That's when I fail, when I trust other people and there are so many people with two faces and they don't turn the way they are selling themselves, you know. So that's when I fail because I trust too much.

Chris: Okay, thanks for that.

Adelina: Thank you.

59.Life's Ups and Downs 59.die Höhen und Tiefen des Lebens 59. Los altibajos de la vida 59.人生の浮き沈み 59. os altos e baixos da vida 59.Взлеты и падения в жизни 59.Hayatın İniş ve Çıkışları 59. життєві злети і падіння 59.人生的起起落落

Adelina talks with Chris about some of the lessons she has learned in her life. Adelina parle avec Chris des leçons qu'elle a apprises dans sa vie. Аделіна розмовляє з Крісом про деякі уроки, які вона засвоїла у своєму житті.

Chris: Hi, Adelina. So, let's talk about ... about life in general. Отже, поговоримо про... про життя взагалі. Could you tell me a bit how ... how has been your life, some highlights up till now? Не могли б ви трохи розповісти мені, як ... як склалося ваше життя, деякі основні моменти до цього часу?

Adelina: Well, I don't know. I can say my life is like a roller coaster so I don't know, I think life is all about learning lessons and I completely agree when they say that when you stop learning lessons then you are ready to die. Я можу сказати, що моє життя схоже на американські гірки, тому я не знаю, я думаю, що життя полягає в тому, щоб вчити уроки, і я повністю погоджуюся, коли кажуть, що коли ти перестаєш вчити уроки, ти готовий померти. So I don't know, I think I'm learning experiences and lessons every day. Тож я не знаю, я думаю, що я отримую досвід і уроки кожного дня.

Chris: Explain me why you would say you're like a roller coaster, your life is a roller coaster. Like, you travel a lot or you ... I don't know, explain that.

Adelina: Yeah, my life is a roller coaster because I hate routine so because of that I travel a lot and I change job a lot and I change friends a lot. Well, I still keep them but I'm not with them I'm not like a girl that lives in a village and she always hangs out with the same people and everything so that's why maybe my learning experiences are much more in volume than a person that they are like robots that they do every day the same routine and the same things all over again so they will learn less lessons than me for example. Ну, я все ще зберігаю їх, але я не з ними, я не схожа на дівчину, яка живе в селі, і вона завжди тусується з тими самими людьми і все, тому, можливо, мій досвід навчання набагато більший, ніж людині, що вони схожі на роботів, що вони щодня виконують ту саму рутину й ті самі речі знову й знову, тому вони засвоять менше уроків, ніж я, наприклад.

Chris: So in a way you're not like a stable person?

Adelina: No I'm not. Who wants to be a stable person? Хто хоче бути стабільною людиною?

Chris: Well, I guess there are different opinions about that.

Adelina: Yeah, of course but it's like for me, to do every day the same, to have all the future so planned, it's like a movie you've already seen.

Chris: Yeah, that seems more like ... like you said that you're quite spiritual that you have a lot philosophies about that but it could also turn out bad for you. Кріс: Так, це більше схоже на... як ти сказав, що ти досить духовний, що у тебе є багато філософії з цього приводу, але це також може обернутися погано для тебе.

Adelina: Why?

Chris: I mean, of course, you're not a stable person, you want to try new things but not everything you try has a happy ending. Кріс: Я маю на увазі, звичайно, ти нестабільна людина, ти хочеш пробувати щось нове, але не все, що ти пробуєш, має щасливий кінець.

Adelina: No, but I think if I keep trying I will find my happy ending, but my really happy ending. Аделіна: Ні, але я думаю, якщо я продовжу намагатися, то знайду свій щасливий кінець, але мій справді щасливий кінець.

Chris: I guess that's the real idea behind learning. Кріс: Гадаю, це і є справжня ідея навчання.

Adelina: Yeah, and also to get better, to challenge yourself. Аделіна: Так, а ще - ставати кращими, кидати собі виклик. Like, I don't know, I'm very critic with myself and I think it's good because at the end of the day, it's the only way you can get better.

Chris: Yeah, and is there an example, a highlight of, for example when you fail that something and learn that important lesson in life? Кріс: Так, а чи є приклад, яскравий момент, наприклад, коли ви зазнали невдачі і отримали важливий життєвий урок?

Adelina: I don't know, I cannot say something specific. but I fail ... when I fail I don't blame anybody else, I blame myself because I trust people or because I put too much faith in something. але я зазнаю невдачі... коли я зазнаю невдачі, я не звинувачую нікого іншого, я звинувачую себе, тому що я довіряю людям або тому що я занадто багато вірю в щось. I don't have the only control of it. Я не єдиний, хто це контролює. That's when I fail, when I trust other people and there are so many people with two faces and they don't turn the way they are selling themselves, you know. Саме тоді я зазнаю невдачі, коли довіряю іншим людям, а є так багато людей з двома обличчями, і вони не поводяться так, як продають себе, розумієте. So that's when I fail because I trust too much.

Chris: Okay, thanks for that.

Adelina: Thank you.