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01.Speaking, 118.High School Band

118.High School Band

Hana: So I've heard that you were in a band when you were a high school kid.

Ben: Yeah, actually I was. All four years I was in high school I was actually in a few bands. Yeah, I was in one pretty early on when I was a kid. Me and four of my friends.

Hana: All right. So, did you have a name for your band or bands?

Ben: Yeah, I guess the serious band I was in we were called Lucky Number Two. I know it sounds stupid and I thought it did too actually but I came into the band. I was asked to join. I didn't start it.

Hana: Okay, right.

Ben: They said, "Hey, we need a bass player. Do you play bass?"

Hana: And I said, "Yeah, I do. I play bass, why?"

Ben: And they said, "Well, we need a bass player so can you come and try out, audition?" And I did. And I said, "Oh, hey what's the band name?" And they're like, "Lucky Number Two." I was like, "Oh, wow. So lame." But, I wanted to play music so I just went along with it and said, "Yeah, sure."

Hana: Okay, right. So why did they name the band Lucky Number Two? Do you know the reason?

Ben: I don't think there was a reason. I think at one point they just when they were thinking about what to do they couldn't decide on something so they just decided something and just went with it. They said, "Okay, we're going to decide this and we're going to do it." So I don't know, Lucky Number Two, yeah.

Hana: Right. So what kind of music did you used to play?

Ben: It was like a punk music.

Hana: Okay.

Ben: So, yeah, which actually at the time was not very popular among young people in my town.

Hana: Right. I'm not really a big fan of music, I don't really know anything about music. So what's punk music like?

Ben: What's punk music like?

Hana: Yeah.

Ben: Well our band, we had two guitar players, a bass player, and a drummer. And one of the guitar players sang too. So punk music is fast.

Hana: Right.

Ben: It's fast and the drums are also fast. And the vocals are usually kind of yelling or screaming in a way. And not always but sometimes bands are political.

Hana: Right. Political?

Ben: Like we had a political ... I don't know how you would say ... At that time it was 2008.

Hana: Yeah.

Ben: Sorry, that's wrong 2004. Yeah. George Bush was the President.

Hana: Yeah, yes.

Ben: And we didn't like him. We were kind of on the other side. So a lot of our songs were kind of politically driven.

Hana: Right.

Ben: So our lyrics were like about ...

Hana: So like criticizing.

Ben: Yeah, like anti-president lyrics like that. I don't know. It's kind of funny because one of our songs actually ... 'cause you know the American flag is red, white, and blue the colors.

Hana: Yes.

Ben: So one of our songs was called Red, White, Black, and Blue like a bruise.

Hana: Oh.

Ben: I don't know. We were angsty. I don't know. That's how I would describe punk music at that time.

Hana: Right.

Ben: Fast, politically driven lyrics, and screaming vocals.

Hana: Okay. Sorry to ask stupid questions but ...

Ben: No, no, go ahead.

Hana: So the guitar that you used to use it's that one that sort of connects to the amplifiers?

Ben: Yes.

Hana: Not like acoustic guitar?

Ben: No, everyone played electric loud, loud music.

Hana: Okay.

Ben: Yeah.

Hana: Loud music.

Ben: Yeah, very loud guitars.

Hana: Okay. Why do you or why did you like punk music?

Ben: I don't know. I was a high school student and I was angry about life and my parents. I didn't really get along with my parents. And so, it was a good outlet for me, a way to express myself outside of school. And so, it was very useful in that way. That's why I liked it.

Hana: Did you have a chance to sort of perform in public?

Ben: Yeah, you know it's funny because we thought ... when you're 15 years old you can't really think too far ahead in the future but we thought, "We're going to be popular. People are going to like this and we're going to get big. Maybe we don't have to go to college. Maybe we can just play music for the rest of our lives."

Hana: Right.

Ben: But yeah, no, back to your question sorry. We probably played a show as we call it or like we would play at different venues around, different live houses around in our town.

Hana: Yeah, oh cool.

Ben: Probably like twice a month.

Hana: All right.

Ben: We'd sell tickets. I'd go actually we'd make a flyer and I would go to the top of the stairwell in the high school and I would take all these flyers and just throw them down the stairs, just have the flyers ... I don't know it sounds funny to talk about it now, but yeah.

Hana: All right.

Ben: So we played like twice a month for about three years.

Hana: Wow. So you used to make money from that then.

Ben: I don't know about money but we did make enough to pay for our CD's that we would record.

Hana: Oh wow.

Ben: Yeah.

Hana: Wow.

Ben: No, it wasn't profitable in any way it was just fun. And I met so many different people from being a band so it was really, really, it was really nice. Socially it was really good for I think a high school student like myself.

Hana: Oh, that's interesting.

Ben: Yeah, thanks. Thanks for asking.

More English Listening Lessons for Language Learners try out I tried out for the band. When you try out for something, you perform and demonstrate your skill in hopes of being accepted to join something. Notice the following: 1. In high school I tried out for the football team but I did not make it. 2. She tried out for the football team. go with it We just went with it. When you go with something, that means you make a decision to do something with confidence and no regrets. Notice the following: 1. If you like the idea, then go with it. 2. When I started my company, I just went with it. politically driven Our music was politically driven. Here, driven means motivated or influenced. Notice the following: 1. The ads on TV are all commercially driven, meaning the sponsors what people to buy something. angsty We were angsty. When you are angsty, you have angst which is a feeling of uneasiness or dread or worry. Notice the following: 1. Children often get angsty at the doctor's office. 2. I get angsty when I fly. flyer We threw flyers from the roof. A flyer is a sheet of paper that advertises or promotes something, often an event. Notice the following: 1. I saw a flyer about a new cafe that is opening next month. 2. Someone left a flyer on my car.

118.High School Band 118.Banda de la Escuela Secundaria 118.高校吹奏楽部 118.고등학교 밴드

Hana: So I've heard that you were in a band when you were a high school kid. Хана: Я чула, що ти був у групі, коли був старшокласником.

Ben: Yeah, actually I was. Бен: Так, насправді був. All four years I was in high school I was actually in a few bands. Усі чотири роки, коли я навчався в середній школі, я був у кількох групах. Yeah, I was in one pretty early on when I was a kid. Так, я був у ньому досить рано, коли був дитиною. Me and four of my friends.

Hana: All right. So, did you have a name for your band or bands? Отже, у вас була назва для вашого гурту чи гуртів?

Ben: Yeah, I guess the serious band I was in we were called Lucky Number Two. Бен: Так, я думаю, серйозна група, в якій я був, називалася Lucky Number Two. I know it sounds stupid and I thought it did too actually but I came into the band. Я знаю, що це звучить безглуздо, і я думав, що це теж насправді, але я прийшов у групу. I was asked to join. Мене попросили приєднатися. I didn't start it. Я не починав це.

Hana: Okay, right.

Ben: They said, "Hey, we need a bass player. Бен: Вони сказали: «Гей, нам потрібен басист. Do you play bass?" Ви граєте на бас-гітарі?"

Hana: And I said, "Yeah, I do. I play bass, why?"

Ben: And they said, "Well, we need a bass player so can you come and try out, audition?" Бен: І вони сказали: "Ну, нам потрібен бас-гітарист, тож ти можеш прийти і спробувати, прослухати?" And I did. І я зробив. And I said, "Oh, hey what's the band name?" І я сказав: "Ой, як називається група?" And they're like, "Lucky Number Two." І вони схожі на «Щасливчик номер два». I was like, "Oh, wow. So lame." Такий недолугий." But, I wanted to play music so I just went along with it and said, "Yeah, sure." Але я хотів грати музику, тому я просто погодився і сказав: «Так, звичайно».

Hana: Okay, right. So why did they name the band Lucky Number Two? Так чому ж вони назвали групу Lucky Number Two? Do you know the reason?

Ben: I don't think there was a reason. Бен: Я не думаю, що була причина. I think at one point they just when they were thinking about what to do they couldn't decide on something so they just decided something and just went with it. Я думаю, що в один момент вони просто коли вони думали про те, що робити, вони не могли вирішити щось, тому вони просто вирішили щось і просто пішли з цього. They said, "Okay, we're going to decide this and we're going to do it." Вони сказали: «Добре, ми це вирішимо і ми це зробимо». So I don't know, Lucky Number Two, yeah.

Hana: Right. So what kind of music did you used to play? То яку музику ви грали?

Ben: It was like a punk music. Бен: Це було як панк-музика.

Hana: Okay.

Ben: So, yeah, which actually at the time was not very popular among young people in my town. Бен: Отже, так, що насправді в той час не було дуже популярним серед молоді в моєму місті.

Hana: Right. I'm not really a big fan of music, I don't really know anything about music. Я не дуже великий фанат музики, я нічого не розумію в музиці. So what's punk music like?

Ben: What's punk music like?

Hana: Yeah.

Ben: Well our band, we had two guitar players, a bass player, and a drummer. Бен: У нашій групі було два гітаристи, басист і барабанщик. And one of the guitar players sang too. І один із гітаристів теж співав. So punk music is fast.

Hana: Right.

Ben: It's fast and the drums are also fast. Бен: Це швидко, і барабани також швидкі. And the vocals are usually kind of yelling or screaming in a way. А вокал зазвичай схожий на крик або крик. And not always but sometimes bands are political.

Hana: Right. Political?

Ben: Like we had a political ... I don't know how you would say ... At that time it was 2008.

Hana: Yeah.

Ben: Sorry, that's wrong 2004. Yeah. George Bush was the President.

Hana: Yeah, yes.

Ben: And we didn't like him. Бен: І він нам не сподобався. We were kind of on the other side. Ми були ніби з іншого боку. So a lot of our songs were kind of politically driven. Тож багато наших пісень були політично спрямовані.

Hana: Right.

Ben: So our lyrics were like about ... Бен: Наші тексти були схожі на...

Hana: So like criticizing.

Ben: Yeah, like anti-president lyrics like that. I don't know. It's kind of funny because one of our songs actually ... 'cause you know the American flag is red, white, and blue the colors. Це трохи смішно, тому що одна з наших пісень насправді... тому що ви знаєте, що американський прапор має червоний, білий і синій кольори.

Hana: Yes.

Ben: So one of our songs was called Red, White, Black, and Blue like a bruise. Бен: Одна з наших пісень називалася Red, White, Black, and Blue like a bruise.

Hana: Oh.

Ben: I don't know. We were angsty. I don't know. That's how I would describe punk music at that time. Так я б охарактеризував панк-музику того часу.

Hana: Right.

Ben: Fast, politically driven lyrics, and screaming vocals.

Hana: Okay. Sorry to ask stupid questions but ...

Ben: No, no, go ahead. Бен: Ні, ні, давай.

Hana: So the guitar that you used to use it's that one that sort of connects to the amplifiers? Хана: Отже, гітара, якою ти користувався, як би підключається до підсилювачів?

Ben: Yes.

Hana: Not like acoustic guitar? Хана: Не подобається акустична гітара?

Ben: No, everyone played electric loud, loud music. Бен: Ні, всі грали електричну гучну, голосну музику.

Hana: Okay.

Ben: Yeah.

Hana: Loud music. Хана: Гучна музика.

Ben: Yeah, very loud guitars. Бен: Так, дуже гучні гітари.

Hana: Okay. Why do you or why did you like punk music? Чому вам або чому вам подобається панк-музика?

Ben: I don't know. I was a high school student and I was angry about life and my parents. Я був старшокласником і злий на життя і своїх батьків. I didn't really get along with my parents. Я не дуже ладнав з батьками. And so, it was a good outlet for me, a way to express myself outside of school. І тому для мене це був хороший вихід, спосіб самовираження поза школою. And so, it was very useful in that way. І таким чином це було дуже корисно. That's why I liked it.

Hana: Did you have a chance to sort of perform in public? Хана: Чи була у вас можливість виступити на публіці?

Ben: Yeah, you know it's funny because we thought ... when you're 15 years old you can't really think too far ahead in the future but we thought, "We're going to be popular. Бен: Так, знаєте, це смішно, тому що ми думали... коли тобі 15 років, ти не можеш думати надто далеко в майбутньому, але ми думали: «Ми станемо популярними. People are going to like this and we're going to get big. Людям це сподобається, і ми станемо великими. Maybe we don't have to go to college. Можливо, нам не доведеться йти до коледжу. Maybe we can just play music for the rest of our lives." Можливо, ми зможемо просто грати музику до кінця нашого життя».

Hana: Right.

Ben: But yeah, no, back to your question sorry. Бен: Але так, ні, повернемося до вашого запитання, вибачте. We probably played a show as we call it or like we would play at different venues around, different live houses around in our town. Напевно, ми зіграли шоу, як ми його називаємо, або ніби грали б на різних майданчиках, у різних концертних залах нашого міста.

Hana: Yeah, oh cool.

Ben: Probably like twice a month. Бен: Можливо, двічі на місяць.

Hana: All right.

Ben: We'd sell tickets. Бен: Ми б продали квитки. I'd go actually we'd make a flyer and I would go to the top of the stairwell in the high school and I would take all these flyers and just throw them down the stairs, just have the flyers ... I don't know it sounds funny to talk about it now, but yeah. Насправді я б пішов, ми зробили листівку, і я б піднявся на сходи в середній школі, я б узяв усі ці листівки та просто кинув їх униз по сходах, просто візьміть листівки... Я не Не знаю, що звучить смішно говорити про це зараз, але так.

Hana: All right.

Ben: So we played like twice a month for about three years. Бен: Ми грали двічі на місяць протягом приблизно трьох років.

Hana: Wow. So you used to make money from that then. Отже, ви тоді заробляли на цьому гроші.

Ben: I don't know about money but we did make enough to pay for our CD's that we would record. Бен: Я не знаю про гроші, але ми заробили достатньо, щоб заплатити за наші компакт-диски, які ми записували.

Hana: Oh wow.

Ben: Yeah.

Hana: Wow.

Ben: No, it wasn't profitable in any way it was just fun. Бен: Ні, це не було прибутковим, це було просто весело. And I met so many different people from being a band so it was really, really, it was really nice. І я познайомився з багатьма різними людьми, будучи групою, тому це було дуже, дійсно, було дуже приємно. Socially it was really good for I think a high school student like myself. У соціальному плані це було справді добре для такого старшокласника, як я.

Hana: Oh, that's interesting.

Ben: Yeah, thanks. Thanks for asking.

More English Listening Lessons for Language Learners **try out** I tried out for the band. When you try out for something, you perform and demonstrate your skill in hopes of being accepted to join something. Notice the following: 1. In high school I tried out for the football team but I did not make it. 2. She tried out for the football team. **go with it** We just went with it. When you go with something, that means you make a decision to do something with confidence and no regrets. Notice the following: 1. If you like the idea, then go with it. 2. When I started my company, I just went with it. **politically driven** Our music was politically driven. Here, driven means motivated or influenced. Notice the following: 1. The ads on TV are all commercially driven, meaning the sponsors what people to buy something. **angsty** We were angsty. When you are angsty, you have angst which is a feeling of uneasiness or dread or worry. Notice the following: 1. Children often get angsty at the doctor's office. 2. I get angsty when I fly. **flyer** We threw flyers from the roof. A flyer is a sheet of paper that advertises or promotes something, often an event. Notice the following: 1. I saw a flyer about a new cafe that is opening next month. 2. Someone left a flyer on my car.