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01.Speaking, 113.Bangkok Shopping

113.Bangkok Shopping

Todd: So, I'm here with Jerri, and she's Thai, and we are in Bangkok. And we are going to talk about fashion. So, Jerri, Bangkok is a very, very fashion-conscious city.

Jerri: Yes, absolutely.

Todd: Shopping is huge here. So, let's talk about prices. So, first we'll talk about jeans. You are wearing jeans today. So, how much are an expensive pair of jeans in Bangkok?

Jerri: Well, that's funny that you ask because the price range for clothes here is quite wide, so you can go from 200 baht - Thai baht - for a pair of jeans up to 4000 Thai baht for a pair of jeans in a, like a, like, one of the top brands.

Todd: Wow. So, just so people know, 200 baht would be - in U.S. dollar that's about six dollars. And 4000 baht would be about 130 dollars.

Jerri: Yes. Yeah.

Todd: Wow.

Jerri: So, it's quite a, quite a difference there. But I would say that generally it will be in the range of 500 to 2000 Thai baht.

Todd: Okay. 500 to 2000. That's still pretty a wide gap.

Jerri: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Todd: Okay, cool. So those are jeans. What about, for women, a blouse?

Jerri: A blouse? I would say...for, like, a nice quality one, like, 500 Thai baht.

Todd: Okay. That's not bad.

Jerri: Yeah. That's alright.

Todd: Fifteen dollars, about. Okay. What's the most you would pay for a blouse?

Jerri: No more than 1000 Thai baht.

Todd: Okay.

Jerri: Yeah.

Todd: That's your, that's - what about the cheapest?

Jerri: The cheapest? Like, 300 Thai baht. Like, if you started going lower than 300 Thai baht, then you have to accept that the, you know, the quality - you might get to wear it not more than three times.

Todd: Okay.

Jerri: So, that's the price you pay.

Todd: Nice, alright. So, what about shoes?

Jerri: Shoes? It's - it also depends on where you go. So, Chatuchak market is known for affordable clothes, so the shoes there would be from 200 Thai baht to 500 Thai baht. But if you visit the more well-known stores and the department stores, then they can be from 500 Thai baht to 1000 Thai baht.

Todd: Okay, that's interesting. So, you mentioned Jatujak market - can you kind of talk about Jatujak market?

Jerri: Yes, so, this is one of the main activities for tourists to do when they visit Bangkok. It's a weekend market, so it's only open on Saturdays and Sundays. It's quite crowded, but it's definitely something you should do. There's a lot of souvenir stores, a lot of local shops, and, yeah, a place to shop for clothes. And it's not just for tourists, you also see a lot of Thais go there because all the stores there are reasonable - reasonably priced and they're quite trendy. Yeah, they have, like, different styles...stores that you won't find anywhere else.

Todd: Right. Oh, yeah, I've been there a couple of times. It's massive. It's really, really big.

Jerri: Yeah, it's massive. It takes about half a day to do the entire thing.

Todd: It's easy to get lost right?

Jerri: Yes.

Todd: If you go inside, you kind of don't know where you are.

Jerri: Exactly, exactly. Which I guess is also the fun part of it. It's like an adventure in itself, right?

Todd: Right, exactly. Okay, so, what about things like, like belts or, you know, like accessories?

Jerri: I would recommend going to Platinum Mall. This mall is located near Siam BTS station. It's known for its accessories that are, like, reasonably priced. So, at that - at Platinum Mall accessories can be from two - 100 Thai baht to not more than 1000 Thai baht, but usually in the range of 100 to 500 Thai baht.

Todd: Okay. Oh, wow.

Jerri: Yeah. But there's a whole floor, like, two floors that's dedicated to accessories. So, you can find necklaces, sunglasses, rings, earrings, about ten shops for each category, yes.

Todd: Oh, that's fantastic. So, Bangkok's quite interesting because it has so many different ways. You can buy things on the street...

Jerri: Yes.

Todd: You can buy things at the markets. You can buy things at the nice, air-conditioned malls.

Jerri: Yeah.

Todd: Yeah. What about online? Do you Thais shop online very much?

Jerri: Yeah. Online - online shops are becoming more and more popular now because it's quite convenient. You just get it delivered to you. Yeah, there's a lot of - a lot of more fashion brands that are online. On Instagram, for example. Yeah, so it's becoming a thing.

Todd: Oh, cool. Alright, thanks Jerri.

Jerri: You're welcome.

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113.Bangkok Shopping 113.Compras en Bangkok 113.Bangkok Shopping

Todd: So, I'm here with Jerri, and she's Thai, and we are in Bangkok. Тодд: Отже, я тут із Джеррі, а вона тайка, і ми в Бангкоку. 托德:我和杰里在一起,她是泰国人,我们在曼谷。 And we are going to talk about fashion. 我们要谈谈时尚。 So, Jerri, Bangkok is a very, very fashion-conscious city. Отже, Джеррі, Бангкок дуже, дуже свідоме моди. 所以,杰瑞,曼谷是一个非常非常注重时尚的城市。

Jerri: Yes, absolutely. Джеррі: Так, точно.

Todd: Shopping is huge here. Тодд: Тут багато покупок. 托德:购物在这里很重要。 So, let's talk about prices. 那么,让我们来谈谈价格。 So, first we'll talk about jeans. Отже, спочатку ми поговоримо про джинси. 那么,我们先来谈谈牛仔裤。 You are wearing jeans today. Ти сьогодні в джинсах. So, how much are an expensive pair of jeans in Bangkok? 那么,在曼谷一条昂贵的牛仔裤要多少钱?

Jerri: Well, that's funny that you ask because the price range for clothes here is quite wide, so you can go from 200 baht - Thai baht - for a pair of jeans up to 4000 Thai baht for a pair of jeans in a, like a, like, one of the top brands. Джеррі: Ну, це смішно, що ти запитуєш, тому що діапазон цін на одяг тут досить широкий, тож ти можеш варіювати від 200 бат (тайських батів) за пару джинсів до 4000 тайських батів за пару джинсів у, наприклад, один із найкращих брендів. 杰瑞:你问得很有意思,因为这里的服装价格范围很广,一条牛仔裤从 200 泰铢到 4000 泰铢不等,都可以买到顶级品牌的牛仔裤。

Todd: Wow. So, just so people know, 200 baht would be - in U.S. Тож, щоб люди знали, 200 бат — у США 所以,让大家知道一下,200 泰铢换算成美元是多少。 dollar that's about six dollars. долар, це приблизно шість доларів. 美元,约合六美元。 And 4000 baht would be about 130 dollars. 而 4000 泰铢约合 130 美元。

Jerri: Yes. Yeah.

Todd: Wow.

Jerri: So, it's quite a, quite a difference there. Джеррі: Отже, це досить, досить велика різниця. 杰里:所以,这是一个相当大的差别。 But I would say that generally it will be in the range of 500 to 2000 Thai baht. Але я б сказав, що загалом це буде в діапазоні від 500 до 2000 тайських батів. 但我认为,一般在 500 到 2000 泰铢之间。

Todd: Okay. 500 to 2000. That's still pretty a wide gap. Це все ще досить великий розрив. 差距还是挺大的。

Jerri: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Todd: Okay, cool. So those are jeans. Отже, це джинси. What about, for women, a blouse? 对于女性来说,上衣怎么样?

Jerri: A blouse? I would say...for, like, a nice quality one, like, 500 Thai baht. Я б сказав... за, наприклад, хорошої якості, наприклад, 500 тайських бат. 我觉得......质量好的,大概 500 泰铢吧。

Todd: Okay. That's not bad.

Jerri: Yeah. That's alright. Це нормально.

Todd: Fifteen dollars, about. Тодд: Приблизно п'ятнадцять доларів. 托德15美元,约。 Okay. What's the most you would pay for a blouse? Скільки б ти заплатив за блузку? 您最愿意花多少钱买一件上衣?

Jerri: No more than 1000 Thai baht. Джері: Не більше 1000 тайських бат.

Todd: Okay.

Jerri: Yeah.

Todd: That's your, that's - what about the cheapest? 托德:那是你的,那--最便宜的呢?

Jerri: The cheapest? Like, 300 Thai baht. 比如,300 泰铢。 Like, if you started going lower than 300 Thai baht, then you have to accept that the, you know, the quality - you might get to wear it not more than three times. Мовляв, якщо ви почали знижуватись за 300 тайських бат, то вам доведеться погодитися з такою, як знаєте, якістю — ви можете носити це не більше трьох разів. 比如,如果你的价格开始低于 300 泰铢,那么你就必须接受它的质量,你知道,它的质量--你可能穿不超过三次。

Todd: Okay.

Jerri: So, that's the price you pay. Джеррі: Отже, це ціна, яку ви платите.

Todd: Nice, alright. So, what about shoes? 那么,鞋子呢?

Jerri: Shoes? It's - it also depends on where you go. Це також залежить від того, куди ви йдете. 这也取决于你去哪里。 So, Chatuchak market is known for affordable clothes, so the shoes there would be from 200 Thai baht to 500 Thai baht. 因此,Chatuchak 市场以价格低廉的服装而闻名,所以那里的鞋子从 200 泰铢到 500 泰铢不等。 But if you visit the more well-known stores and the department stores, then they can be from 500 Thai baht to 1000 Thai baht. 但如果您去的是知名度较高的商店和百货公司,那么价格可能从 500 泰铢到 1000 泰铢不等。

Todd: Okay, that's interesting. So, you mentioned Jatujak market - can you kind of talk about Jatujak market? Отже, ви згадали ринок Джатуджак – чи можете ви поговорити про ринок Джатуджак? 你提到了 Jatujak 市场,能谈谈 Jatujak 市场吗?

Jerri: Yes, so, this is one of the main activities for tourists to do when they visit Bangkok. Джеррі: Так, значить, це одне з основних занять для туристів, які відвідують Бангкок. 杰瑞:是的,所以,这是游客到曼谷旅游的主要活动之一。 It's a weekend market, so it's only open on Saturdays and Sundays. 这是一个周末市场,因此只在周六和周日开放。 It's quite crowded, but it's definitely something you should do. Тут досить людно, але це точно те, що ви повинні зробити. 这里人很多,但绝对是你应该去的地方。 There's a lot of souvenir stores, a lot of local shops, and, yeah, a place to shop for clothes. Тут є багато сувенірних крамниць, багато місцевих магазинів і, так, є місце, де можна купити одяг. 这里有很多纪念品商店、很多当地商店,对了,还有一个买衣服的地方。 And it's not just for tourists, you also see a lot of Thais go there because all the stores there are reasonable - reasonably priced and they're quite trendy. 不仅是游客,很多泰国人也会去那里,因为那里所有的商店都很合理,价格合理,而且相当新潮。 Yeah, they have, like, different styles...stores that you won't find anywhere else. Так, у них є різні стилі... магазини, яких ви більше ніде не знайдете. 是的,他们有不同的风格......你在其他任何地方都找不到的商店。

Todd: Right. Oh, yeah, I've been there a couple of times. О, так, я був там кілька разів. 哦,是的,我去过几次。 It's massive. Це масивно. 这是巨大的。 It's really, really big. Це дійсно, дуже велике.

Jerri: Yeah, it's massive. It takes about half a day to do the entire thing. На все це потрібно приблизно півдня. 整个过程大约需要半天时间。

Todd: It's easy to get lost right? Тод: Легко заблукати, вірно? 很容易迷路,对吧?

Jerri: Yes.

Todd: If you go inside, you kind of don't know where you are. Тодд: Якщо ви зайдете всередину, ви начебто не знаєте, де ви знаходитесь. 托德:如果你进去了,就有点不知道自己身在何处了。

Jerri: Exactly, exactly. Джері: Саме так, точно. 没错,就是这样。 Which I guess is also the fun part of it. Що, на мою думку, також є найцікавішою частиною цього. 我想这也是其中的乐趣所在。 It's like an adventure in itself, right? Це як пригода сама по собі, чи не так? 这本身就像是一场冒险,不是吗?

Todd: Right, exactly. Okay, so, what about things like, like belts or, you know, like accessories? 好吧,那么,像腰带或者,你知道的,像配饰之类的东西呢?

Jerri: I would recommend going to Platinum Mall. 杰里:我建议你去白金购物中心。 This mall is located near Siam BTS station. Цей торговий центр розташований біля станції BTS Siam. 该购物中心靠近 Siam BTS 站。 It's known for its accessories that are, like, reasonably priced. 它以价格合理的配件而闻名。 So, at that - at Platinum Mall accessories can be from two - 100 Thai baht to not more than 1000 Thai baht, but usually in the range of 100 to 500 Thai baht. 因此,在 Platinum Mall,饰品的价格从 2-100 泰铢到不超过 1000 泰铢不等,但通常在 100-500 泰铢之间。

Todd: Okay. Oh, wow.

Jerri: Yeah. But there's a whole floor, like, two floors that's dedicated to accessories. Але є цілий поверх, наприклад, два поверхи, які присвячені аксесуарам. 但有一整层楼,大概有两层楼是专门卖饰品的。 So, you can find necklaces, sunglasses, rings, earrings, about ten shops for each category, yes. 所以,你可以找到项链、太阳镜、戒指、耳环,每个类别大约有十家商店,没错。

Todd: Oh, that's fantastic. So, Bangkok's quite interesting because it has so many different ways. Отже, Бангкок досить цікавий, тому що тут є так багато різних шляхів. 因此,曼谷非常有趣,因为它有这么多不同的方式。 You can buy things on the street...

Jerri: Yes.

Todd: You can buy things at the markets. You can buy things at the nice, air-conditioned malls. 您可以在装有空调的漂亮商场里买东西。

Jerri: Yeah.

Todd: Yeah. What about online? Do you Thais shop online very much? Ви, тайці, багато робите покупки в Інтернеті?

Jerri: Yeah. Online - online shops are becoming more and more popular now because it's quite convenient. Онлайн - інтернет-магазини зараз стають все більш популярними, тому що це досить зручно. 网上--网上商店现在越来越受欢迎,因为它非常方便。 You just get it delivered to you. Ви просто отримаєте його до себе. 你只需把它送到你面前。 Yeah, there's a lot of - a lot of more fashion brands that are online. Так, в Інтернеті є ще багато модних брендів. On Instagram, for example. 例如,在 Instagram 上。 Yeah, so it's becoming a thing. Так, це стає справою.

Todd: Oh, cool. Alright, thanks Jerri.

Jerri: You're welcome.

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