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ESLPod Daily English 1-100, Daily English 13

Daily English 13

Welcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 13: Going to the Drugstore.

This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode 13.

I'm your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California.

On this podcast, we're going to go to the pharmacy or drugstore.

Let's get started!

[start of story]

I stopped by the drugstore last night on my way back home from work.

I had a few toiletries to pick up, as well as my prescription.

Fortunately, the chain pharmacy where I go has a little bit of everything: food, greeting cards, magazines – it's almost as big as a regular supermarket.

To begin with, I needed to get some medications for my allergies.

I've got hay fever, so I'm sneezing up a storm every morning when I wake up.

While I was at it, I also got some antacids and some Band-Aids.

Now it was time to pick up my refill.

I stood in line for a few minutes before being waited on.

Since it was not a new prescription, the pharmacist didn't have to do a consultation with me.

I just gave the clerk my insurance card and she rang up the sale.

Fortunately, I have a low copay, so my HMO foots most of the bill.

[end of story]

Now let's talk about some of the words we used in our discussion of going to the drugstore.

Let's start with that term “drugstore.

” A “drugstore” is the same as a “pharmacy.

” We could say that the word “drugstore” is synonymous with pharmacy.

It means the same thing.

I said that I “stopped by” the drugstore last night.

“To stop by” means that you are going somewhere, but before you go to that place, you go somewhere else first.

For example, I was going to my friend's house over in Beverly Hills, and, on my way there, I stopped by a store in West Los Angeles to pick up a bottle of wine.

“To stop by somewhere, then, means to go somewhere before you go somewhere else.

It implies that you may or may not have been planning on doing that.

I said that I was coming back from work.

I said, “I was on my way home.

” “To be on your way” means to be going in that direction.

I'm on my way to the store, for example.

Now, normally we use the preposition “to” after the phrase “on your way,” but the word “home” is an exception.

There's no “to.

” You just say, “I was on my way home.

” For most other places, however, you have to add a “to” after the phrase “on my way,” such as “I am on my way to the hospital” or “I am on my way to buy a nice big hamburger.

” Oh, that sounds good!

I said that I had to pick up some “toiletries.

” “Toiletries” (toiletries) refers to anything that you would use in your bathroom.

The word “toilet” and “bathroom” are often used to mean the same thing in the United States.

Technically, of course, “toilet” is just the thing you use to do, well, what you normally do in a restroom or bathroom.

I said I had to “pick up” some toiletries.

“To pick up” means to buy, to obtain, to get.

It's a two-word phrasal verb – “to pick up.

” One of the things I had to get was my “prescription.

” A “prescription” (prescription) is what the doctor gives you for some illness or some sickness.

A prescription drug is something that you can only get with the doctor's note, and that note is called a “prescription.

” But we often use the term prescription to indicate both the drug as well as the note or piece of paper the doctor has to sign, or put his signature on.

I said that the pharmacy I went to was a “chain pharmacy.

” When we talk about a “chain (chain) store,” we mean that there is more than one of these stores.

There's more than one “branch” (branch).

So McDonald's is a “chain' restaurant, because there are thousands of branches, or in this case, restaurants, that are called McDonald's.

They all belong to the same company or group of owners.

Here in Southern California, there are many chain grocery stores.

You can also have chain bookstores or a chain shoe store, or for any kind of business that sells things.

You can even have a chain service business, such as a place that cleans clothes or cuts your hair.

I said that the pharmacy had a little bit of everything, including “greeting cards.

” “Greeting cards” is a general term that means any sort of card that you would buy for someone to give them for some special reason, some special occasion.

It could be a birthday card, a Christmas card, an anniversary card, or any type of special event card.

A greeting card could also be for someone you love.

I used to give my wife greeting cards all the time to say how much I love her.

I still do, being the good husband that I am, right? Anyway, all of these are called “greeting cards.

But I didn't go to the drugstore to buy greeting cards.

I went to there to get some “medications.

” The term “medications” (medications) simply refers a type of drug.

There are two basic kinds of medication you can buy in a drugstore or pharmacy.

There are prescription medications, which require permission from your doctor, and there are “over-the-counter” medications.

“Over-the-counter medications” are medications or drugs that you can buy that you do not need a doctor's prescription for.

Examples of over-the-counter drugs include cold medicines, cough medicine, medicine for your stomach, and certain pain killers, things you take for when you have a headache.

Sometimes we call these by their initials, “OTC,” meaning “over-the-counter.

I said that I needed to get some medications for my “allergies.

” “Allergies” (allergies) are when your body reacts to different things it eats or smells or touches.

It's a negative reaction.

You can have an allergy to animals, like dogs or cats.

I, for example, have a cat allergy.

So, whenever I'm close to a cat, I sneeze - “Achoo!” that's a sneeze.

That's an allergy or an “allergic reaction.

” You can have other kinds of allergic reactions.

Some problem may appear on your skin.

You may have red bumps on your skin, red marks on your skin.

That might also be a reaction to something that you ate or smelled or touched.

You can have an allergy to certain kinds of plants.

You can have allergies to different foods.

I also have an allergy to crab and lobster, which is too bad, because I used to love eating that kind of food but I can't anymore.

I developed an allergy as an adult.

Another type of allergy is called “hay fever.

” “Hay (hay) fever” is an allergy to different plants and, well, I have that, too.

My wife thinks I have an allergy to work as well.

That's probably true.

Well, when I have hay fever, I sneeze.

I said I was “sneezing up a storm.

” “To sneeze up a storm” means to sneeze a lot.

A “storm” is normally when you have a lot of rain or a lot of wind.

So, “to sneeze up a storm” is a metaphor, an expression that we use comparing one thing to another.

I said that “While I was at it, I also got some antacids and some Band-Aids.

” This expression “while I was at it” means since I was doing something at the same time, that was in the same place, or that was somehow similar, I did something else.

For example, you may say, “Could you go to the store and buy me some milk? And while you're at it, could you also get me some cereal for breakfast?” So “while you're at it” means “while you're also doing something else, please do this as well.

I said that, “While I was at it, I also got some Antacids.

” “Antacids” (antacids) are to help your stomach when you are not feeling well when you eat something that makes your stomach feel weird, feel funny, or makes your stomach hurt.

You could take an antacid.

I also mentioned buying “Band-Aids.

” “Band-Aids” is technically a brand of bandages in the United States.

A “brand” (brand) means one particular company owns and uses the rights to that name.

“Apple,” for example, is a brand of computers.

“Coca-Cola” is a brand of soda pop.

There is a brand of bandages is called “Band-Aids.

” But they're so popular that now, many of us call almost all bandages “Band-Aids,” even when they're made by a different company.

There are different companies that make bandages.

Bandages are things you would put on your skin.

For example, if you cut yourself, you would put a bandage or a Band-Aid on to protect the area where you cut your skin.

I said I had to pick up a “refill.

” A “refill” (refill) is a prescription that the doctor says you can get more than once or a drug that you can take multiple times – many times.

So, for example, I have a prescription for my allergies, and I have five “refills.

” That means I can go back to the pharmacy after I wait a few weeks, usually, and get a bottle of the allergy medicine.

I can do that five times.

I have five refills.

After that, I have to go back to the doctor to get another prescription to get more drugs.

So, “to refill a prescription” means to get more of a drug that you have already taken before.

I said I stood in line for a few minutes before being “waited on.

” That expression “to stand in line” means to be in line.

“To be waited on” is an expression you often hear in a restaurant, but we also use the phrase for any sort of service situation, any place where someone is going to help you, such as in a store or at the post office.

I said that the pharmacist didn't have to do a consultation with me.

A “pharmacist“ is the person who, of course works at a pharmacy.

We used to have a term, “druggist” (druggist), to refer to someone who worked at a drugstore, but now, you normally just hear the word “pharmacist.

” To become a pharmacist, you have to go to a special kind of medical school called a “pharmacy school” where you will get a degree in pharmacy.

You need that to dispense drugs.

“To dispense” (dispense) means to give out, usually to give out a drug or some kind of medicine.

When you have a new prescription, when you're using a drug for the first time, the pharmacist will have “consultation” with you.

A “consultation” just means that they tell you what the drug is, what you should use it for, and how you should use it.

In our story, I am not picking up a new prescription drug.

I'm picking up a refill so I don't need a consultation.

I said that “I gave the clerk my insurance card and she rang up the sale.

” The term “clerk” means anyone who works at a store, usually the person who takes your money, the person who, as I say in the story, “rings up” your sale.

“To ring up a sale” means to process the sale, to take your money, to put the money into what's called a “cash register,” which is the place where the store keeps its money.

The clerk will also give you a receipt for your purchase, for the things that you bought, usually a little piece of paper, although nowadays, some stores say they can email you your receipt.

I've had that happen, at least once or twice.

Daily English 13 اللغة الإنجليزية اليومية 13 Täglich Englisch 13 Inglés diario 13 Anglais quotidien 13 Inglese quotidiano 13 デイリーイングリッシュ13 데일리 영어 13 Daily English 13 Inglês diário 13 Ежедневный английский 13 Dagligen Engelska 13 Günlük İngilizce 13 Щоденна англійська 13 日常英语13 日常英語13

Welcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 13: Going to the Drugstore. ||||||||||||Lékárna ||||||||||||藥局 ||||||||||||Eczane ||||||||||||farmácia

This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode 13.

I'm your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California. Soy su anfitrión, el Dr. Jeff McQuillan, y vengo desde el Centro de Desarrollo Educativo de la bella ciudad de Los Ángeles, California. 我是你的主持人,杰夫·麦奎兰博士,來自美麗的加州洛杉磯教育發展中心。

On this podcast, we're going to go to the pharmacy or drugstore. |||||||||藥局|| |||||||||farmácia|| У цьому подкасті ми підемо в аптеку або аптечний кіоск. 在這個播客中,我們將去藥房或藥品商店。

Let's get started! Vamos lá começar! 讓我們開始吧!

[start of story] [故事開始]

I stopped by the drugstore last night on my way back home from work. |visited|||||||||||| 昨夜、仕事から帰る途中にドラッグストアに立ち寄りました。 我昨晚在下班回家的路上順便去了藥妝店。

I had a few toiletries to pick up, as well as my prescription. ||||personal care items||||||||medication order ||||produtos de higiene||||||||receita ||||洗漱用品||||||||處方箋 ||||Toilettenartikel|||||||| ||||kişisel bakım ürünleri|||||||| ||||toaletne potrebščine||||||||recept za zdravilo ||||toaletní potřeby||||||||předpis 私はトイレタリーをいくつか購入しなければならなかったし、処方薬も受け取りました。 Мне нужно было забрать несколько туалетных принадлежностей, а также мой рецепт. Мені потрібно було забрати кілька засобів гігієни, а також мій рецепт. 我有一些洗漱用品要買,還有我的處方藥。

Fortunately, the chain pharmacy where I go has a little bit of everything: food, greeting cards, magazines – it's almost as big as a regular supermarket. Luckily||drugstore chain||||||||||||greeting cards|||||||||| felizmente||farmácia|farmácia|||||||||||felizmente|||||||||comum| 幸運地||連鎖店||||||||||||問候卡|賀卡||||||||| ||zincir|||||||||||||||||||||| Na srečo||||||||||||||voščilnice|||||||||| naštěstí||řetězec|||||||||||||||||||||| Zum Glück hat die Apothekenkette, zu der ich gehe, ein bisschen von allem: Lebensmittel, Grußkarten, Zeitschriften - sie ist fast so groß wie ein normaler Supermarkt. 幸い、私が行くチェーンの薬局は、ほとんど何でも取り揃えているので、食料品、グリーティングカード、雑誌も揃っています - ほぼ通常のスーパーマーケットほど大きいです。 К счастью, в сетевой аптеке, куда я хожу, есть всего понемногу: еда, поздравительные открытки, журналы — она почти такая же большая, как обычный супермаркет. На щастя, в аптеці, куди я ходжу, є всього потроху: продукти харчування, вітальні листівки, журнали - вона майже така ж велика, як звичайний супермаркет. 幸運的是,我去的連鎖藥局幾乎有什麼都有:食品、賀卡、雜誌-它幾乎和一般超市一樣大。

To begin with, I needed to get some medications for my allergies. ||||||||藥物|||過敏 ||||||||medicamentos|||alergias まず最初に、アレルギーのための薬を手に入れる必要がありました。 Для початку мені потрібно було купити ліки від алергії. 首先,我需要一些藥物來治療我的過敏。

I've got hay fever, so I'm sneezing up a storm every morning when I wake up. ||dried grass|allergic reaction|||sneezing a lot|||a lot|||||| ||febre do feno||||espirrando|||tempestade|||||| ||乾草|過敏|||打噴嚏|||風暴|||||| ||Heu||||||||||||| ||saman|saman nezlesi|||||||||||| ||||||kiham||||||||| Ich habe Heuschnupfen und niese jeden Morgen nach dem Aufwachen wie wild. Ho la febbre da fieno, quindi starnutisco come una tempesta ogni mattina quando mi sveglio. 花粉症なので、朝起きるとくしゃみが止まらないんだ。 У меня сенная лихорадка, поэтому каждое утро, когда я просыпаюсь, я сильно чихаю. У мене сінна лихоманка, тому щоранку, прокидаючись, я здіймаю бурю чхання. 我有花粉症,因此我每個早上醒來時都打噴嚏不停。

While I was at it, I also got some antacids and some Band-Aids. |||||||||抗酸劑|||創可貼|創可貼 |||||||||stomach relief tablets|||| Enquanto|||||||||antiácidos|||| |||||||||Medtem ko sem bil pri tem, sem dobil tudi nekaj antacidov in nekaj obližev.|||obliži|obliži In der Zwischenzeit habe ich auch einige Antazida und Pflaster besorgt. それと一緒に、胃薬や絆創膏も買いました。 В то время как я был в этом, я также получил некоторые антациды и несколько пластырей. Поки я займався цим, я також придбав кілька антацидів і пластирів. 在這期間,我還買了一些抗酸藥和創可貼。

Now it was time to pick up my refill. ||||||||取藥 ||||||||yenileme ||||||||zdravilo na recept Nun war es an der Zeit, meine Nachfüllpackung abzuholen. 補充を受け取る時が来た。 Теперь пришло время забрать мою заправку. Тепер прийшов час забрати свою порцію. 現在是時候拿我的補充藥了。

I stood in line for a few minutes before being waited on. |||||||a short while|||attended to|attended to |bekledim|||||||||| |esperei||fila|||||||atendido| |stal sem|||||||||| Ich stand ein paar Minuten in der Schlange, bevor ich bedient wurde. Ho fatto la fila per qualche minuto prima di essere atteso. 待つ前に数分間列に並んでいた。 我在隊伍中等了幾分鐘才被服務。

Since it was not a new prescription, the pharmacist didn't have to do a consultation with me. ||||||||藥師||||||諮詢|| ||||||||||||||Beratung|| ||||||||||||||danışma yapmak|| como||||||receita||farmacêutico||||||consulta|| ||||||||||||||posvetovanje|| Da es sich nicht um ein neues Rezept handelte, brauchte der Apotheker kein Beratungsgespräch mit mir zu führen. 新しい処方箋ではなかったので、薬剤師は私との相談をする必要はなかった。 Оскільки це був не новий рецепт, фармацевт не повинен був проводити зі мною консультацію. 由於這不是新的處方,所以藥劑師不必與我進行諮詢。

I just gave the clerk my insurance card and she rang up the sale. ||給了|這個|||保險||||結帳|結算|| ||||store employee||health coverage||||||| ||dei||atendente||seguro||||registrou|||venda ||||||||||vnesla||| Ich habe der Verkäuferin einfach meine Versicherungskarte gegeben, und sie hat den Verkauf abgewickelt. 私はちょうど店員に保険証を渡して、彼女は販売をレジ打ちしてくれました。 Я просто дал продавщице свою страховую карточку, и она позвонила в продажу. Я щойно дав продавчині свою страхову картку, і вона подзвонила про продаж. 我剛把我的保險卡給了店員,她就結了帳。

Fortunately, I have a low copay, so my HMO foots most of the bill. |||||共付額|||健康維護組織|支付|||| Neyse ki||||||||||||| felizmente||||baixo|copagamento|||HMO|cobre||||conta |||||soplačilo||||plača|||| Glücklicherweise habe ich eine geringe Zuzahlung, sodass mein HMO den größten Teil der Rechnung bezahlt. 幸いにも、私は低いコパーイを持っているので、私のHMOがほとんどの請求書を払ってくれます。 К счастью, у меня небольшая доплата, поэтому моя больничная касса оплачивает большую часть счета. На щастя, я маю низьку доплату, тому моя HMO оплачує більшу частину рахунку. 幸運的是,我的共同支付額很低,所以我的HMO負擔了大部分的費用。

[end of story] [話の終わり] [故事結束]

Now let's talk about some of the words we used in our discussion of going to the drugstore. At this moment||||||||||||||||| Lassen Sie uns nun über einige der Wörter sprechen, die wir in unserer Diskussion über den Gang in die Drogerie verwendet haben. 現在讓我們談談我們在討論去藥店時使用的一些單詞。

Let's start with that term “drugstore. ||||terim| 我們先從那個詞「藥店」開始。

” A “drugstore” is the same as a “pharmacy. " "Аптека" - це те саме, що й "аптека". 「藥店」與「藥房」是一樣的。

” We could say that the word “drugstore” is synonymous with pharmacy. ||||||||同義|| ||||||||eşanlamlı|| ||||||||||farmácia 「ドラッグストア」という言葉は薬局と同義であると言えます。 我們可以說,“藥房”這個詞與“藥店”是同義的。

It means the same thing. 同じ意味です。 Це означає те саме. 它的意思是相同的。

I said that I “stopped by” the drugstore last night. 昨夜、私は「立ち寄った」と言いました。ドラッグストアに。 我說我昨晚“順道”去了藥店。

“To stop by” means that you are going somewhere, but before you go to that place, you go somewhere else first. ||||||||algum lugar|||||||||||| 「順道去」的意思是,你正要去某個地方,但在去那個地方之前,你先去另外一個地方。

For example, I was going to my friend's house over in Beverly Hills, and, on my way there, I stopped by a store in West Los Angeles to pick up a bottle of wine. |||||||||||比佛利|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||garrafa|| 例えば、ビバリーヒルズの友達の家に行くつもりでしたが、途中で西ロサンゼルスの店に立ち寄ってワインのボトルを買いました。 例如,我本來是要去位於比佛利山莊的朋友家,但在前往那裡的路上,我先在西洛杉磯的一家商店停下來買了一瓶葡萄酒。

“To stop by somewhere, then, means to go somewhere before you go somewhere else. "Irgendwo vorbeizuschauen bedeutet also, irgendwo hinzugehen, bevor man irgendwo anders hingeht. 「立ち寄る」というのは、どこかに行く前に別の場所に立ち寄ることを意味します。 "Заїхати кудись, значить, зайти кудись перед тим, як поїхати кудись ще. 所以,「在某個地方順道停留」的意思是在你去某個地方之前,先去另外一個地方。

It implies that you may or may not have been planning on doing that. |暗示|||||||||||| |das bedeutet|||||||||||| |implica|||pode||||||||| |nakazuje|||||||||||| Sie impliziert, dass Sie das vielleicht vorhatten oder auch nicht. それは計画していたかどうかは問わず、ということを暗示しています。 Это означает, что вы, возможно, планировали или не планировали это делать. Це означає, що ви, можливо, планували, а можливо, і не планували цього робити. 這暗示著你可能有計畫要這樣做,也可能沒有。

I said that I was coming back from work. 我說我正從工作回來。

I said, “I was on my way home. Я сказав: "Я їхав додому. 我說過,'我在回家的路上。'

” “To be on your way” means to be going in that direction. |||||||||||在路上 "Auf dem Weg sein" bedeutet, in diese Richtung zu gehen. " "Бути в дорозі" означає йти в цьому напрямку. 「在走你的路」的意思是朝著那個方向前進。

I'm on my way to the store, for example. Ich bin zum Beispiel auf dem Weg zum Einkaufen. 例如,我正在前往商店的路上。

Now, normally we use the preposition “to” after the phrase “on your way,” but the word “home” is an exception. |||||||||yolda|||||||||| |||||predlog|||||||||||||| Normalerweise verwenden wir die Präposition "zu" nach der Formulierung "auf dem Weg", aber das Wort "nach Hause" ist eine Ausnahme. Зазвичай ми використовуємо прийменник "до" після фрази "в дорозі", але слово "додому" є винятком. 現在,通常我們在「在你的路上」這個短語後面使用介詞「to」,但「home」這個詞是一個例外。

There's no “to.

” You just say, “I was on my way home. "Eve gidiyordum" dersiniz. 「你只需要說,‘我正在回家的路上。’

” For most other places, however, you have to add a “to” after the phrase “on my way,” such as “I am on my way to the hospital” or “I am on my way to buy a nice big hamburger. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||hospital|||||||||||| Für die meisten anderen Orte müssen Sie jedoch ein "to" nach dem Satz "on my way" hinzufügen, z. B. "I am on my way to the hospital" oder "I am on my way to buy a nice big hamburger". ほとんどの他の場所では、「私の途中で」というフレーズの後に「to」を追加する必要があります。例えば、「I am on my way to the hospital」とか「I am on my way to buy a nice big hamburger.」 " Ancak diğer birçok yer için "on my way" ifadesinden sonra bir "to" eklemeniz gerekir, örneğin "I am on my way to the hospital" veya "I am on my way to buy a nice big hamburger" gibi. " Однак для більшості інших місць вам потрібно додати "to" після фрази "on my way", наприклад, "I am on my way to the hospital" або "I am on my way to buy a nice big gamburger". 」然而,在大多數其他地方,你需要在短語‘正在回家的路上’之後加一個‘to’,例如‘我正在去醫院的路上’或‘我正在去買一個又大又好吃的漢堡。’

” Oh, that sounds good! それは良さそうですね! 」哦,聽起來不錯!

I said that I had to pick up some “toiletries. |||||||||toaletní potřeby |||||||||kişisel bakım ürünleri 私は「洗面用具を取りに行かなければならない」と言いました。 我說我需要拿一些「盥洗用品」。

” “Toiletries” (toiletries) refers to anything that you would use in your bathroom. ||odnosi się||||||||| produtos de higiene||||||||||| 「盥洗用品」(toiletries)指的是你在浴室裡會使用的任何東西。

The word “toilet” and “bathroom” are often used to mean the same thing in the United States. ||banheiro|||||||||||||| 在美國,「廁所」和「浴室」這兩個詞常常被用來指同一件事。

Technically, of course, “toilet” is just the thing you use to do, well, what you normally do in a restroom or bathroom. tecnicamente|||banheiro||||||usar||||||||||banheiro||banheiro Technisch gesehen ist "Toilette" natürlich nur das, was man normalerweise in einer Toilette oder einem Badezimmer tut. Технічно, звичайно, "туалет" - це просто річ, яку ви використовуєте для того, що зазвичай робите у вбиральні або ванній кімнаті. 從技術上來說,當然,“廁所”只是你用來做,嗯,通常在洗手間或浴室裡做的事情。

I said I had to “pick up” some toiletries. ||||||||produtos de higiene 我說我需要“買一些”洗漱用品。

“To pick up” means to buy, to obtain, to get. |||||||získat|| |||||||erhalten|| |||||||uzyskać|| «Подобрать» означает купить, получить, получить. "Забирати" означає купувати, здобувати, отримувати. “買一些”意味著購買、獲得、取得。

It's a two-word phrasal verb – “to pick up. Es ist ein phrasales Verb mit zwei Wörtern - "aufheben". それは二語の句動詞です - “to pick up.” 這是一個由兩個單詞組成的片語動詞 – “pick up”。

” One of the things I had to get was my “prescription. ||||||||||recepta ||||||||je bila|| Eines der Dinge, die ich besorgen musste, war mein "Rezept". 私が取らなければならなかったものの1つは私の“処方箋”でした。 " Однією з речей, які я мав отримати, був мій "рецепт. 我需要取得的其中一樣東西是我的“處方”。

” A “prescription” (prescription) is what the doctor gives you for some illness or some sickness. ||||||||||||||nemoc |||||||||||疾病||| |||||||||||hastalık||| ||receita||||||||alguma|doença|||doença |||||||||||bolezen ali bolezen|||bolezen ali slabost "Ein "Rezept" (Verschreibung) ist das, was der Arzt Ihnen für eine Krankheit oder ein Leiden gibt. “処方箋”(prescription)とは、医師が病気や病気のためにあなたに与えるものです。 " "Рецепт" (prescription) - це те, що лікар виписує вам від якоїсь хвороби чи недуги. “處方”是醫生給你治療某種疾病或病痛的文件。

A prescription drug is something that you can only get with the doctor's note, and that note is called a “prescription. ||||||||||||||||||||reçete ||||uma prescrição|||||||||||||||| Ein verschreibungspflichtiges Medikament können Sie nur mit einem ärztlichen Attest erhalten, und dieses Attest wird als "Rezept" bezeichnet. 處方藥是指只有在醫生的藉據下才能取得的藥物,這個藉據稱為「處方」。

” But we often use the term prescription to indicate both the drug as well as the note or piece of paper the doctor has to sign, or put his signature on. |||使用|||||指示|||||||||||||||||||||簽名| ||||||||anzeigen|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||belirtmek için|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sua|| “ Aber wir verwenden den Begriff Rezept oft, um sowohl das Medikament als auch den Zettel oder Zettel zu bezeichnen, den der Arzt unterschreiben oder unterschreiben muss. " Але ми часто використовуємо термін "рецепт" для позначення як ліків, так і записки чи аркуша паперу, який лікар повинен підписати або поставити свій підпис. 但我們經常使用「處方」這個術語來表示藥物以及醫生所需簽署或蓋章的藉據或文件。

I said that the pharmacy I went to was a “chain pharmacy. ||||||||||連鎖店| ||||||||||rede| 我說我去的藥局是一家「連鎖藥局」。

” When we talk about a “chain (chain) store,” we mean that there is more than one of these stores. |||||řetězec||||||||||||| " Коли ми говоримо про "мережевий магазин", ми маємо на увазі, що таких магазинів більше, ніж один. 當我們談論「連鎖(chain)商店」時,我們指的是有不止一家這樣的商店。

There's more than one “branch” (branch). |||一個|| ||||ramo| Існує більше однієї "гілки" (branch). 有不止一個「分店」(branch)。

So McDonald's is a “chain' restaurant, because there are thousands of branches, or in this case, restaurants, that are called McDonald's. |||||||||||||||případ||||| |||||||||||Filialen||||||||| ||||rede|||||||filiais||||||||| 所以麥當勞是一家「連鎖」餐廳,因為有成千上萬家分店,或者在這種情況下,稱為麥當勞的餐廳。

They all belong to the same company or group of owners. ||||||||||vlastníků ||pertencem|||||||| 它們都屬於同一家公司或所有者集團。

Here in Southern California, there are many chain grocery stores. ||Güney||||||| 在南加州,有許多連鎖超市。

You can also have chain bookstores or a chain shoe store, or for any kind of business that sells things. |||||書店|||||||||||||| |||||livrarias|||||||||||||| 你還可以有連鎖書店或連鎖鞋店,或是任何銷售商品的商業形式。

You can even have a chain service business, such as a place that cleans clothes or cuts your hair. ||dokonce|||||||||||||||| 你甚至可以經營一個連鎖服務業務,比如一個清洗衣物或剪髮的地方。

I said that the pharmacy had a little bit of everything, including “greeting cards. |||||||||||incluindo|cumprimento| 我說那家藥局有點什麼都有,包括“賀卡”。

” “Greeting cards” is a general term that means any sort of card that you would buy for someone to give them for some special reason, some special occasion. Pozdrav||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||卡片|||||||||||||||||||||| "Grußkarten" ist ein allgemeiner Begriff, der jede Art von Karte bezeichnet, die man für jemanden kauft, um sie ihm aus einem besonderen Anlass zu schenken. " "Вітальні листівки" - це загальний термін, який означає будь-яку листівку, яку ви купуєте для того, щоб подарувати комусь з якогось особливого приводу, з якоїсь особливої нагоди. “賀卡”是一個總稱,指的是你會為某些特殊原因或特殊場合而購買的任何類型的卡片。

It could be a birthday card, a Christmas card, an anniversary card, or any type of special event card. ||||||||||紀念日|||||||| ||||||||||aniversário|||||||| ||||||||||obletnica|||||||| 這可能是一張生日卡、一張聖誕卡、一張周年卡,或者任何類型的特殊活動卡片。

A greeting card could also be for someone you love. |um cartão de saudação|||||||| 賀卡也可以是給你所愛之人的。

I used to give my wife greeting cards all the time to say how much I love her. 我曾經經常給我的妻子賀卡,以表達我對她的愛。

I still do, being the good husband that I am, right? |||jako||||||| Das tue ich immer noch, als guter Ehemann, der ich bin, nicht wahr? 我仍然這麼做,作為一個好丈夫,對吧? Anyway, all of these are called “greeting cards. ||||||pozdravy| ||||||cumprimento|cartões 無論如何,這些都叫做「賀卡」。

But I didn't go to the drugstore to buy greeting cards. ||||||lékárna|||| 但我並沒有去藥局買賀卡。

I went to there to get some “medications. |||||||zdravila 我去那裡是為了拿一些“藥物”。

” The term “medications” (medications) simply refers a type of drug. |術語|||||||| |terim|||||||| |||||||||medicamento "Der Begriff "Medikamente" (medications) bezeichnet einfach eine Art von Medikament. ”這個術語“藥物”(medications)只是指一種類型的藥品。

There are two basic kinds of medication you can buy in a drugstore or pharmacy. ||||||medicação|||||||| Існує два основних види ліків, які можна придбати в аптеці або аптечному пункті. 在藥店或藥房,你可以買到兩種基本的藥物。

There are prescription medications, which require permission from your doctor, and there are “over-the-counter” medications. ||||||povolení|||||||||| |||||erfordern||||||||||| |||||gerektirir||||||||||| Є рецептурні ліки, на які потрібен дозвіл лікаря, а є ліки, що відпускаються без рецепта. 有處方藥,需要醫生的許可,還有“非處方藥”。

“Over-the-counter medications” are medications or drugs that you can buy that you do not need a doctor's prescription for. |||||||||||||||||||sem receita| “非處方藥”是指你可以購買的藥物,無需醫生的處方。

Examples of over-the-counter drugs include cold medicines, cough medicine, medicine for your stomach, and certain pain killers, things you take for when you have a headache. ||||||patří sem|||léky na kašel|||||||||||||||||| |||||||感冒|藥物|咳嗽||藥物||你的|胃部||||止痛藥|||||||||頭痛 |||||||||öksürük ş|||||||belirli||||||||||| ||||||||medicamentos|tosse|||||||||analgésicos|||||||||dor de cabeça Beispiele für rezeptfreie Medikamente sind Erkältungsmittel, Hustenmittel, Magenmittel und bestimmte Schmerzmittel, die man bei Kopfschmerzen einnimmt. 非處方藥的例子包括感冒藥、咳嗽藥、胃藥以及某些止痛藥,這些都是你在頭痛時會服用的東西。

Sometimes we call these by their initials, “OTC,” meaning “over-the-counter. ||||||iniciály|||pultový||pultový ||||||縮寫|場外交易|||| ||||||iniciais|sem receita|||| 有時我們會用它們的首字母來稱呼,"OTC",意味著"非處方藥"。

I said that I needed to get some medications for my “allergies. 我說我需要買一些藥物來治療我的"過敏症"。

” “Allergies” (allergies) are when your body reacts to different things it eats or smells or touches. ||||||reaguje|||||||||se dotýká ||||||反應|||||||||接觸到 ||||||reage|||||||cheiros||toca 「過敏」是指你的身體對不同的食物、氣味或接觸的物品產生反應。

It's a negative reaction. 這是一種負面反應。

You can have an allergy to animals, like dogs or cats. 你可能對動物過敏,比如狗或貓。

I, for example, have a cat allergy. 例如,我有貓過敏。

So, whenever I'm close to a cat, I sneeze - “Achoo!” that's a sneeze. ||||||||kýchání|||| ||||||||||||打噴嚏 |||||||||hapşu||| ||||||||espirro|Achoo||| 所以,每當我靠近貓時,我就會打噴嚏 - “阿啾!”那是一個噴嚏。

That's an allergy or an “allergic reaction. 這是一種過敏或“過敏反應”。

” You can have other kinds of allergic reactions. |||||||過敏反應 |||||||reações 您可能會有其他類型的過敏反應。

Some problem may appear on your skin. |||objevit se||| Auf Ihrer Haut können einige Probleme auftreten. 您的皮膚上可能會出現一些問題。

You may have red bumps on your skin, red marks on your skin. ||||výrůstky|||||skvrny||| ||||紅疹|||||||| ||||protuberâncias|||||||| На шкірі можуть з'явитися червоні горбики, червоні сліди на шкірі. 您的皮膚上可能會有紅色的小包,皮膚上有紅色的痕跡。

That might also be a reaction to something that you ate or smelled or touched. ||||||||||||cítíš||se dotkl ||||||||||||聞到|| ||||||||||||cheirou|| 這也可能是你吃了、聞了或碰到了某些東西的反應。

You can have an allergy to certain kinds of plants. 你可能對某些植物過敏。

You can have allergies to different foods. 你可能對不同的食物過敏。

I also have an allergy to crab and lobster, which is too bad, because I used to love eating that kind of food but I can't anymore. ||||||krab||humr|což||||||||||||||||| ||||||螃蟹||龍蝦|||||||||||||||||| ||||||caranguejo||lagosta|||||||||||||||||| ||||||rakovice||jastog|||||||sem jedel||||||||||| У мене також алергія на крабів і лобстерів, що дуже погано, тому що раніше я любив їсти цю їжу, але більше не можу. 我也對螃蟹和龍蝦過敏,這太可惜了,因為我曾經非常喜歡吃這類食物,但我現在不能再吃了。

I developed an allergy as an adult. |vyvinul jsem||||| |desenvolvi||||| У мене розвинулася алергія вже в дорослому віці. 我在成年後發展出了過敏。

Another type of allergy is called “hay fever. ||||||febre do feno| Інший вид алергії називається "сінна лихоманка". 另一種過敏叫做「花粉症」。

” “Hay (hay) fever” is an allergy to different plants and, well, I have that, too. 干草|||||||||||||| 「”乾草熱”是一種對不同植物的過敏,而我也是有這個過敏的。

My wife thinks I have an allergy to work as well. Моя дружина думає, що у мене також алергія на роботу. 我妻子認為我對工作也有過敏。

That's probably true. |pravděpodobně| Це, мабуть, правда. 這可能是真的。

Well, when I have hay fever, I sneeze. |||||||kýchám |||||||niesen ||||seneni nahod||| 好吧,當我有花粉症時,我會打噴嚏。

I said I was “sneezing up a storm. |||||||tempestade Ich habe gesagt, dass ich "wie wild geniest habe. Я сказав, що "чхав на бурю". 我說我正在“打噴嚏打得很厲害。”

” “To sneeze up a storm” means to sneeze a lot. “打噴嚏打得很厲害” 的意思是經常打噴嚏。

A “storm” is normally when you have a lot of rain or a lot of wind. |||||||||||||a large amount|| |||||||||||||||vento "Шторм" - це, як правило, сильний дощ або сильний вітер. 「暴風」通常是指有大量雨水或強風的情況。

So, “to sneeze up a storm” is a metaphor, an expression that we use comparing one thing to another. ||||||||metafora||||||srovnávající|||| ||||||||隱喻|||||||||| ||||||||metáfora|||||||||| 所以,「打噴嚏如風暴」是一種隱喻,是我們用來將一件事物與另一件事物進行比較的表達方式。

I said that “While I was at it, I also got some antacids and some Band-Aids. 我說過「在我處理這件事的時候,我也順便買了一些抗酸劑和創可貼。」

” This expression “while I was at it” means since I was doing something at the same time, that was in the same place, or that was somehow similar, I did something else. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||podobné|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||某種方式||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||ähnlich|||| ||||||||||||enquanto eu estava nisso||||||||||||||de alguma forma||||| 這句話「當我正在做這件事的時候」的意思是,因為我同時正在做某件事,這件事在同一個地方,或者在某種程度上是相似的,所以我做了其他的事情。

For example, you may say, “Could you go to the store and buy me some milk? 例如,你可以說:「可以幫我去商店買些牛奶嗎?」 And while you're at it, could you also get me some cereal for breakfast?” So “while you're at it” means “while you're also doing something else, please do this as well. |zatímco||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||kahvaltılık gevrek||||||||||||||||||| 而且在你順便做這件事的時候,能不能也幫我買些早餐的穀物?」所以「在你順便做這件事的時候」的意思是「在你也在做其他事情的時候,請順便做這件事情。」

I said that, “While I was at it, I also got some Antacids. ||||||||||||antasitler 我說過,當我在的時候,我也拿了一些抗酸劑。

” “Antacids” (antacids) are to help your stomach when you are not feeling well when you eat something that makes your stomach feel weird, feel funny, or makes your stomach hurt. |||||||||||||||||||||||感覺|有趣||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||garip||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||čudno||||||| "Antazida" (Antazida) helfen dem Magen, wenn man sich nicht wohl fühlt, wenn man etwas gegessen hat, das dem Magen ein komisches Gefühl gibt oder ihn schmerzen lässt. " "Антациди" (антациди) допомагають вашому шлунку, коли ви погано себе почуваєте, коли ви з'їли щось, що викликає у вас дивне відчуття, дискомфорт або біль у шлунку. 「抗酸劑」(antacids)是用來幫助你的胃,當你吃了一些讓你的胃感覺奇怪、感到不舒服,或者讓你的胃疼的東西時。

You could take an antacid. ||||antacidum ||||抗酸劑 ||||um antiácido ||||Lahko vzameš antacid. Можеш прийняти антацид. 你可以服用抗酸劑。

I also mentioned buying “Band-Aids. 我也提到過購買「創可貼」。

” “Band-Aids” is technically a brand of bandages in the United States. |||||品牌||繃帶|||| |||||marca||curativos|||| «Band-Aids» — технически бренд бинтов в Соединенных Штатах. 「創可貼」在美國技術上是一個品牌的繃帶。

A “brand” (brand) means one particular company owns and uses the rights to that name. |||||belirli||||||||| |marca||||||possui||||direitos||| |||||||poseduje||||||| 「品牌」(brand)是指某特定公司擁有並使用該名稱的權利。

“Apple,” for example, is a brand of computers. 例如,「Apple」是一個電腦品牌。

“Coca-Cola” is a brand of soda pop. |||||||汽水 ||||marka||| "Coca-Cola" ist eine Marke für Limonaden. 「Coca-Cola」是一個汽水品牌。

There is a brand of bandages is called “Band-Aids. ||||||||marka| 有一種叫做「Band-Aids」的創可貼品牌。

” But they're so popular that now, many of us call almost all bandages “Band-Aids,” even when they're made by a different company. 但他們如此受歡迎,以至於現在,許多人幾乎將所有的繃帶都稱為“Band-Aids”,即使它們是由不同的公司製造的。

There are different companies that make bandages. |||Unternehmen||| 有不同的公司製造繃帶。

Bandages are things you would put on your skin. 繃帶是您會放在皮膚上的東西。

For example, if you cut yourself, you would put a bandage or a Band-Aid on to protect the area where you cut your skin. ||||||||||bandagem||||curativo|||||||||| 例如,如果你割傷自己,你會在割傷的皮膚上貼上紗布或創可貼來保護該部位。

I said I had to pick up a “refill. Я сказав, що мені треба забрати "поповнення". 我說我必須去拿一個「補充」。

” A “refill” (refill) is a prescription that the doctor says you can get more than once or a drug that you can take multiple times – many times. |||||reçete||||||||||||||||||||| |||||receita||||||||||||||||||||| "Ein "Refill" (Nachfüllpackung) ist ein Rezept, das Sie laut Arzt mehr als einmal erhalten können, oder ein Medikament, das Sie mehrmals einnehmen können - viele Male. 「補充」(refill)是醫生說你可以多次拿的處方,或者是你可以多次服用的藥物。

So, for example, I have a prescription for my allergies, and I have five “refills. ||||||||||||||重複用藥 |||||||||alerjilerim için||||| ||||||||||||||refis Ich habe zum Beispiel ein Rezept gegen meine Allergien, und ich habe fünf "Nachfüllungen". Так, наприклад, у мене є рецепт від алергії, і я маю п'ять "заправок". 所以,例如,我有一個過敏的處方,我有五次「再填」,

” That means I can go back to the pharmacy after I wait a few weeks, usually, and get a bottle of the allergy medicine. |||||||||depois||||||||||frasco||||medicamento 這意味著我在等幾週後可以回到藥局,通常可以拿到一瓶過敏藥。

I can do that five times. 我可以這樣做五次。

I have five refills. |||Nachfüllungen |||ilaç tekrarları 我有五次重複配藥的機會。

After that, I have to go back to the doctor to get another prescription to get more drugs. |||||||||||||||||zdravila 之後,我必須回到醫生那裡拿到另一份處方以便獲得更多藥物。

So, “to refill a prescription” means to get more of a drug that you have already taken before. Ein Rezept aufzufüllen" bedeutet also, mehr von einem Medikament zu bekommen, das man bereits eingenommen hat. 所以,「重新填寫處方」的意思就是獲得你之前已經服用過的藥物的更多份。

I said I stood in line for a few minutes before being “waited on. |||||||||||sendo|fui atendido| Ich sagte, dass ich ein paar Minuten in der Schlange stand, bevor ich "bedient" wurde. Я сказала, що простояла в черзі кілька хвилин, перш ніж мене "зачекали". 我說我排了幾分鐘的隊,然後才被「服務」。

” That expression “to stand in line” means to be in line. Der Ausdruck "in der Schlange stehen" bedeutet "in der Schlange stehen". ” 那個表達「排隊」的意思是站在隊伍中。

“To be waited on” is an expression you often hear in a restaurant, but we also use the phrase for any sort of service situation, any place where someone is going to help you, such as in a store or at the post office. ||||||||||||||我們||||||||||||||||||||||||商店||||| 「被服務」是一種你經常在餐廳聽到的表達,但我們也會將這個短語用於任何形式的服務情況,任何地方有人要幫助你,例如在商店或郵局。

I said that the pharmacist didn't have to do a consultation with me. ||||||||||danışma yapma|| 我說藥劑師不必和我進行諮詢。

A “pharmacist“ is the person who, of course works at a pharmacy. 藥劑師是指當然在藥局工作的那個人。

We used to have a term, “druggist” (druggist), to refer to someone who worked at a drugstore, but now, you normally just hear the word “pharmacist. ||||||藥劑師||||||||||||||||||| ||||||farmacêutico||||||||||||||||||| Раніше у нас був термін "фармацевт" (druggist) для позначення людини, яка працювала в аптеці, але зараз ви зазвичай чуєте просто слово "фармацевт". 我們曾經有一個術語,叫做“藥劑師”,用來指代在藥店工作的人,但現在,你通常只會聽到“藥劑師”這個詞。

” To become a pharmacist, you have to go to a special kind of medical school called a “pharmacy school” where you will get a degree in pharmacy. ||||||||||||||||||||||||diploma|| |tornar-se||||||||||||médica|||||||||||graduação|| 要成為一名藥劑師,你需要去一種特殊的醫學院,稱為“藥學院”,在那裡你將獲得藥學學位。

You need that to dispense drugs. ||||發放| ||||dispensar| ||||izdati| Das braucht man, um Medikamente abzugeben. Він потрібен для того, щоб роздавати наркотики. 你需要這個來發放藥物。

“To dispense” (dispense) means to give out, usually to give out a drug or some kind of medicine. |ausgeben|||||||||||||||| 「發放」(dispense)意指分發,通常是分發藥物或某種藥品。

When you have a new prescription, when you're using a drug for the first time, the pharmacist will have “consultation” with you. 當你有新的處方,或是第一次使用藥物時,藥師會和你進行「諮詢」。

A “consultation” just means that they tell you what the drug is, what you should use it for, and how you should use it. |danışma|||||||||||||||||||||| 「諮詢」只是意味著他們告訴你這種藥物是什麼、你應該用來做什麼,以及你應該如何使用它。

In our story, I am not picking up a new prescription drug. ||||||pegando||||| 在我們的故事中,我並不是在拿新的處方藥。

I'm picking up a refill so I don't need a consultation. |pegando||||||||| 我是在拿補充藥,所以我不需要諮詢。

I said that “I gave the clerk my insurance card and she rang up the sale. ||||||||||||registrou||| Ich sagte: "Ich gab der Verkäuferin meine Versicherungskarte, und sie rechnete den Verkauf ab. 我說過「我把保險卡給了店員,她處理了這筆交易。」

” The term “clerk” means anyone who works at a store, usually the person who takes your money, the person who, as I say in the story, “rings up” your sale. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||結帳||| ||atendente||||||||||||||||||||||||||| "店員 "という言葉は、店で働く人なら誰でも、通常はお金を受け取る人、物語の中で言うように、売り上げを "鳴らす "人を意味する。 " Термін "клерк" означає будь-кого, хто працює в магазині, зазвичай це людина, яка бере ваші гроші, людина, яка, як я кажу в історії, "дзвонить" вам на касу. 」這個「店員」一詞指的是在商店工作的人,通常是收錢的人,也就是我在故事中所說的,負責「處理」你的交易的人。

“To ring up a sale” means to process the sale, to take your money, to put the money into what's called a “cash register,” which is the place where the store keeps its money. |||||||||||||||||||||||收銀機|||||||||| "To ring up a sale" bedeutet, den Verkauf abzuwickeln, Ihr Geld zu nehmen und es in die so genannte "Registrierkasse" einzuzahlen, die der Ort ist, an dem das Geschäft sein Geld aufbewahrt. "Оприбуткувати продаж" означає оформити продаж, взяти ваші гроші, покласти їх у так звану "касу" - місце, де магазин зберігає свої гроші. 「處理交易」的意思是處理這筆交易,收你的錢,並將錢放入所謂的「收銀機」中,也就是商店存放錢的地方。

The clerk will also give you a receipt for your purchase, for the things that you bought, usually a little piece of paper, although nowadays, some stores say they can email you your receipt. |||||||||||||||||||||||雖然|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||heutzutage||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||günümüzde||||||||| |||||||recibo|||compra||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||nakup||||||||||||||||||||||| O atendente também lhe dará um recibo pela sua compra, pelas coisas que comprou, geralmente um pedaço de papel, embora hoje em dia, algumas lojas digam que podem enviar o recibo por e-mail. 店員也會給你一張收據,購買的東西會寫在上面,通常是一小張紙,不過現在有些商店說他們可以通過電子郵件發送收據給你。

I've had that happen, at least once or twice. Mir ist das mindestens ein- oder zweimal passiert. Isso já aconteceu comigo, pelo menos uma ou duas vezes. To se mi je zgodilo vsaj enkrat ali dvakrat. Зі мною таке траплялося, принаймні раз чи двічі. 我至少有過一兩次這樣的經歷。