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English Learning for Curious Minds, Episode 268: Grigori Rasputin: The Mad Monk [1]

Episode 268: Grigori Rasputin: The Mad Monk [1]

Hello, hello hello, and welcome to English Learning for Curious Minds, by Leonardo English.

The show where you can listen to fascinating stories, and learn weird and

wonderful things about the world at the same time as improving your English.

I'm Alastair Budge, and today we are going to be talking

about the mysterious life of Grigori Rasputin - The Mad Monk.

He was the peasant who went from a village in Siberia to the centre of the

Russian imperial court, befriending the Tsar and the Tsarina, and playing

a role in the downfall of Russia's longest serving dynasty, The Romanovs.

It's an amazing story that will involve mysticism, kings and

queens, the Russian Orthodox church, sex, violence, war and murder.

So, buckle up, I hope you'll enjoy it.

OK then, Grigori Rasputin.

Now, let's start with a little bit of Russian history for context.

Throughout history, Russia has had two main dynasties: the Rurikids and the Romanovs.

Today we are going to focus on the fall of the Romanov dynasty.

The Romanov family ruled imperial Russia from 1613 until 1917 when a Bolshevik squad murdered the

entire Romanov family, including tsar Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra, and their five children.

At the time of the early 1900s, Russia was one of the poorest countries

in Europe and due to a population, boom, poor working conditions and high

taxes the majority of the Russians lived in a state of extreme poverty.

As living conditions worsened, the Russian working class led a series

of protests against the monarchy and in 1905, the tsar's troops killed

hundreds of protesters in an event called the Bloody Sunday Massacre.

This violent event was the beginning of the start of the Russian Revolution

in which workers went on multiple strikes, further hurting Russia's economy.

In response to the massacre and the strikes, Tsar Nicholas put in place some

political reform, in the form of small representative governments called Dumas, but

he repeatedly abolished these Dumas when they went against him and his influence.

A second revolution happened on March 8, 1917 and four

days later, the Duma established its own government.

Tsar Nicholas was forced to resign from the throne, but

as you might remember, the Duma wasn't in power for long.

In October of the same year, the Bolsheviks occupied

government buildings and overthrew the capitalist government.

The Bolsheviks formed a new government made up of peasants and workers.

A civil war broke out in Russia with the Red Army fighting for the

Bolshevik government, and the White Army fighting for democratic socialism.

In 1923, the civil war ended, the Red Army won, and the Soviet

Union, the world's first communist country, was established.

Grigori Rasputin, our story's protagonist, played an important role in this major

shift in Russian history but to understand how, we have to start from the beginning.

In the year 1869, in the village of Pokrovskoye in

Siberia, an illiterate peasant woman gave birth to a boy.

She called him Grigory Yefimovich Novykh.

Growing up, the boy worked on his family's farm.

He did go to school, but never learned to read or write, he remained illiterate.

As a child, the boy claimed he had visions.

He is also said to have healed a number of horses.

Members of his small town marvelled at his magical abilities but instead of viewing him

as a healer, they believed that he was somehow related to the devil and they avoided him.

The boy claimed that when he got older, he also gained the ability to tell the future.

He was clearly a bit of a wild youth, and was given the name

“Rasputin”, which means “the debauched one”, the “wild” one.

By the age of eighteen, Rasputin got married to a girl from a nearby village,

and together they had seven children, but only three of them survived.

By all reports, his early married life was relatively uneventful.

But in 1897, when he was 28 years old, everything changed.

Rasputin started a spiritual journey, though the reasons for starting it are a little unclear.

According to some, his interest in his religious pilgrimage

was because he wanted to escape punishment for horse theft.

Essentially, he had been caught stealing horses and

turning to religion provided a way of avoiding punishment.

Others say that he had a vision of the Virgin Mary.

Either way, he left his family to go to live in a

monastery in a town several hundred kilometres away

. It was here that he was completely transformed.

Rasputin grew fascinated by an underground, secret

sect of the Russian Orthodox Church called the Khylsts.

The Khylsts believed in “sinning to drive out sin”.

To do this, they often participated in acts that were

considered to be sexually deviant in order to be closer to God.

To put it more bluntly, they would dance, get wild and worked up, then all have sex with each other.

To a man already with a bit of a wild past, and who would later become known for

his voracious sexual appetite, this must have been like opening the doors of heaven.

He embraced this sect completely, and became devoted to this particular part of the church.

Unlike other monks, Rasputin didn't abandon his family; he continued to see his

wife and three children throughout his life, though he had a wild reputation.

Rasputin was known for having many sexual partners and affairs as well as for drinking excessively.

With his rockstar lifestyle and debauched behaviour, he earned the

nickname “Mad Monk” though in reality, he was never technically a monk.

Word of a charismatic holy man started to spread, and Rasputin was invited to

St Petersburg to meet with the city's most powerful bishop, Bishop Theofan.

Rasputin's arrival to the Russian capital, in 1905, came at the right time.

In the early 20th century, people in St Petersburg, like in many

places in Russia, had become superstitious and interested in mysticism.

There was also an increasingly liberal attitude towards sex, and the newspapers at

the time were even publishing adverts for treatments of sexually transmitted diseases.

This fascination with mysticism, coupled with an increasingly free society, sexually at

least, created an environment where Rasputin, this new mystic sex-fueled monk, could thrive.

Rasputin soon became well-known in the city and he gained many followers.

People were obsessed with Rasputin, although I wouldn't

blame you if you find it difficult to understand why.

Physically, he was very dirty, he was completely filthy.

He would rarely wash or brush his teeth, and it was said that he smelled like a goat.

This didn't seem to put off his followers though, especially the female ones.

They would often spend hours bathing him or licking his fingers clean.

As souvenirs, they would collect Rasputin's nail clippings, the

piece of his nails that he cut off, and attach them to their dresses.

As Rasputin's reputation as a mystic grew, Bishop Theophane eventually introduced

Rasputin to the Romanov family, tsar Nicholas II and his wife, tsarina Alexandra.

Nicholas and Alexandra had consulted spiritual advisors similar to Rasputin in the past.

The imperial family had tried to have a male heir, a son,

but for 9 years they only managed to produce daughters.

In 1904, after the birth of four daughters, finally a son arrived, Alexei.

There was a problem though.

He was born with haemophilia, an illness in which blood doesn't clot or come together.

For people suffering from haemophilia at the time, even with

the best doctors in the world, the disease could be fatal.

A small cut could cause you to bleed to death.

The boy's condition was kept secret from everyone apart from their trusted inner circle.

The family was desperate to find a cure and after consulting with

fortune tellers and mediums who claimed to be able to speak to the dead,

tsarina Alexandra found the cure that she had been looking for: Rasputin.

Rasputin was instructed to spend time with the boy, in order to cure him from this illness.

After Rasputin's visit, where he threw away all the medicine the doctors had recommended

and conducted his own treatment on the boy, Alexei miraculously started to get better.

As a result of having cured the only male heir to the Russian

throne, Rasputin soon became the royal family's most trusted advisor.

While many people believed that Rasputin had mystical powers, and indeed

the tsarina certainly thought that Raspuin had performed magic to save her

son's life, there are some logical explanations for his healing abilities.

In fact, it's more about what Rasputin didn't do than what he did do.

Remember, he threw away all of the medicine that the doctors had been prescribing to the boy.

Doctors at that time would most likely would have given Alexei aspirin,

which would have thinned the blood and made it less likely to clot.

It might have been a simple case of good luck, but Rasputin's

distrust of doctors, and his subsequent actions, helped save Alexei.

The family trusted Rasputin and after performing this

miracle, Rasputin secured a place in the imperial family.

He even started to refer to Nicholas and Alexandra as “mama and

papa”, which was particularly strange as Rasputin was only 8 months

younger than Nicholas and actually 3 years older than Alexandra.

Because he was regarded as the saviour of the heir, he gained access to the palace and the family.

He became especially close with Alexandra, who in 1915 was in charge of Russia's

internal affairs, as her husband was leading the Russian war effort in World War One.

Due to Rasputin's sexually promiscuous reputation, many people believe that he and

the tsarina actually had an intimate relationship, that they were sleeping together.

Although there is no evidence to prove this, the

important thing is that the public believed it was true.

Soldiers openly joked about it as if it were a fact, Russian newspapers printed

cartoons suggesting that it was the case, and it was believed to be common knowledge.

While it's not known whether their intimacy extended to the

bedroom, Rasputin and the tsarina were certainly growing closer.

Rasputin went from a mere spiritual advisor to Alexandra, to an advisor on almost everything.

He influenced her decisions when choosing members of the

cabinet and sometimes advised her about military matters.

As Rasputin's political power and influence grew, the Russian elite felt threatened.

After all, he was a filthy, illiterate peasant from

Siberia whose role was supposedly as a mystical healer.

And now there he was whispering in the Tsarina's ear, influencing Russian political decisions.

Secret police began to watch Rasputin and they took note of

his frequent visits to prostitutes, often multiple times a day.

Many people close to the royal family believed that Rasputin was a dangerous

man and that the tsar and the tsarina were foolish to put their trust in him.

Even in the early days of his political influence, Rasputin had plenty of enemies.

In 1914, a year before becoming the tsarina's personal advisor, there was an assassination

attempt made on Rasputin's life by a noseless, peasant woman named Khioniya Guseva.

Guseva was the follower of a man called Iliodor, who was a former priest and supporter of Rasputin

before he grew jealous of Rasputin's relationship with the royal family and he turned against him.

Guseva had listened closely to Iliodor's teaching about

Rasputin, and had decided that Rasputin was a false prophet.

On July 14th, 1914, she waited for Rasputin outside his home in Pokrovskoye.

When he arrived, she stabbed him in the stomach, and went so far as to try

to pull his intestines out of his body while he was lying in front of her.

Somehow, Rasputin survived this attempt on his life but unfortunately

for him, this wouldn't be the last time that someone tried to kill him.

There were several other assassination plots that were discovered before Rasputin's life

was seriously threatened, but in late 1916 fate finally caught up with Grigori Rasputin.

He had made too many enemies, and not enough powerful friends.

Episode 268: Grigori Rasputin: The Mad Monk [1] |Grigori|Rasputin||| ||||Louco| Folge 268: Grigori Rasputin: Der verrückte Mönch [1] Episode 268: Grigori Rasputin: The Mad Monk [1] Episodio 268: Grigori Rasputin: el monje loco [1] Épisode 268 : Grigori Raspoutine : le moine fou [1] Episodio 268: Grigori Rasputin: il monaco folle [1] 第268回:グリゴリ・ラスプーチン:狂気の僧侶[1]の巻 Odcinek 268: Grigorij Rasputin: Szalony mnich [1] Episódio 268: Grigori Rasputin: O Monge Louco [1] Эпизод 268: Григорий Распутин: безумный монах [1] Bölüm 268: Grigori Rasputin: Çılgın Keşiş [1] Епізод 268: Григорій Распутін: Божевільний монах [1]. 第 268 集:Grigori Rasputin:疯僧 [1]

Hello, hello hello, and welcome to English Learning for Curious Minds, by Leonardo English.

The show where you can listen to fascinating stories, and learn weird and ||onde|||||||||estranho| Шоу, де можна послухати захоплюючі історії та дізнатися дивовижні та

wonderful things about the world at the same time as improving your English. чудові речі про світ одночасно з покращенням вашої англійської мови.

I'm Alastair Budge, and today we are going to be talking

about the mysterious life of Grigori Rasputin - The Mad Monk. ||||||||sobre a vida misteriosa de Grigori Rasputin - O Monge Louco| про таємниче життя Григорія Распутіна - Божевільного монаха.

He was the peasant who went from a village in Siberia to the centre of the ||||||||||Sibirya||||| |||camponês||||||||||||

Russian imperial court, befriending the Tsar and the Tsarina, and playing |||arkadaşlık etmek|||||Çarice|| ロシア皇帝の宮廷で、皇帝やツァリーナと親交を深めたり、戯れたりした。 Российский императорский двор, дружба с царем и царицей и игра

a role in the downfall of Russia's longest serving dynasty, The Romanovs. ||||çöküşü|||||||Romanovlar um papel na queda da dinastia mais antiga da Rússia, os Romanov. роль в падении самой долговечной династии России - Романовых.

It's an amazing story that will involve mysticism, kings and |||||||mistisizm||

queens, the Russian Orthodox church, sex, violence, war and murder.

So, buckle up, I hope you'll enjoy it. |coloque o cinto|||||| Então, aperte o cinto, espero que você goste. Итак, пристегнитесь, надеюсь, вам понравится.

OK then, Grigori Rasputin.

Now, let's start with a little bit of Russian history for context.

Throughout history, Russia has had two main dynasties: the Rurikids and the Romanovs. |||||||hanedanlar||Rurikler|||

Today we are going to focus on the fall of the Romanov dynasty. |||||||||||Romanov hanedanı|

The Romanov family ruled imperial Russia from 1613 until 1917 when a Bolshevik squad murdered the ||||||||||Bolshevik|takım|| |||||||||||esquadrão|| La famiglia Romanov ha governato la Russia imperiale dal 1613 fino al 1917, quando una squadra bolscevica ha assassinato la famiglia.

entire Romanov family, including tsar Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra, and their five children. |||dahil olmak üzere||||||Alexandra||||

At the time of the early 1900s, Russia was one of the poorest countries

in Europe and due to a population, boom, poor working conditions and high ||||||||||koşullar|| в Европе и из-за перенаселенности, бума, плохих условий труда и высокой

taxes the majority of the Russians lived in a state of extreme poverty. ||çoğunluk|||||||||aşırı|yoksulluk налогов большинство россиян жили в условиях крайней нищеты.

As living conditions worsened, the Russian working class led a series |||pioraram|||||||

of protests against the monarchy and in 1905, the tsar's troops killed ||||||||çarın|askerler|

hundreds of protesters in an event called the Bloody Sunday Massacre. ||göstericiler||||||||Katliam

This violent event was the beginning of the start of the Russian Revolution

in which workers went on multiple strikes, further hurting Russia's economy. |||gitti||birden fazla|grevler|daha da|zarar veren|| em que os trabalhadores fizeram várias greves, prejudicando ainda mais a economia da Rússia.

In response to the massacre and the strikes, Tsar Nicholas put in place some |tepki|||||||||||| In risposta al massacro e agli scioperi, lo zar Nicola mise in atto alcuni

political reform, in the form of small representative governments called Dumas, but |||||||temsilci|hükümetler||Duma|

he repeatedly abolished these Dumas when they went against him and his influence. |defalarca|iptal etti|||||||||| 彼は、デュマが自分と自分の影響力に逆らうと、何度もこれを廃止した。 он неоднократно отменял эти Думы, когда они шли против него и его влияния.

A second revolution happened on March 8, 1917 and four

days later, the Duma established its own government. |||Duma|kurdu|||

Tsar Nicholas was forced to resign from the throne, but |||||istifa etmek|||taht|

as you might remember, the Duma wasn't in power for long.

In October of the same year, the Bolsheviks occupied |||||||Bolşevikler|

government buildings and overthrew the capitalist government. |||devirdi||kapitalist|

The Bolsheviks formed a new government made up of peasants and workers.

A civil war broke out in Russia with the Red Army fighting for the

Bolshevik government, and the White Army fighting for democratic socialism. |||||||||sosyalizm

In 1923, the civil war ended, the Red Army won, and the Soviet

Union, the world's first communist country, was established.

Grigori Rasputin, our story's protagonist, played an important role in this major ||||protagonist||||||| Grigori Rasputin, o protagonista da nossa história, teve um papel importante neste grande

shift in Russian history but to understand how, we have to start from the beginning. kayma|||||||||||||| mudança na história da Rússia, mas para entender como, temos que começar do início.

In the year 1869, in the village of Pokrovskoye in |||||||Pokrovskoye|

Siberia, an illiterate peasant woman gave birth to a boy. ||okuma yazma bilmeyen||||||| ||analfabeta||||||| Сибири неграмотная крестьянка родила мальчика.

She called him Grigory Yefimovich Novykh. |||Grigory|Yefimoviç|Novykh

Growing up, the boy worked on his family's farm.

He did go to school, but never learned to read or write, he remained illiterate. |||||||||||||okuma yazma bilmeyen|okuma yazma bilmeyen

As a child, the boy claimed he had visions. |||||iddia etti|||görüler

He is also said to have healed a number of horses. ||||||iyileştirmiş|||| ||||||curado||||

Members of his small town marvelled at his magical abilities but instead of viewing him |||||hayran kaldı||||||bunun yerine||görmek|

as a healer, they believed that he was somehow related to the devil and they avoided him. ||şifacı||||||bir şekilde|ilişkili||||||kaçındılar|

The boy claimed that when he got older, he also gained the ability to tell the future. ||iddia etti||||büyüdüğünde|||||||||| ||afirmou|||||||||||||| O menino afirmou que, quando ficou mais velho, também ganhou a capacidade de prever o futuro.

He was clearly a bit of a wild youth, and was given the name ||||biraz||||genç||||| Ele era claramente um jovem selvagem e recebeu o nome

“Rasputin”, which means “the debauched one”, the “wild” one. ||||serseri|||| “Rasputin”, que significa “o debochado”, o “selvagem”.

By the age of eighteen, Rasputin got married to a girl from a nearby village,

and together they had seven children, but only three of them survived.

By all reports, his early married life was relatively uneventful. ||||||||göreceli olarak|sıradan |||||||||pouco agitada A quanto si dice, la sua prima vita coniugale fu relativamente poco movimentata. Por todos os relatos, sua vida de casado foi relativamente tranquila.

But in 1897, when he was 28 years old, everything changed.

Rasputin started a spiritual journey, though the reasons for starting it are a little unclear.

According to some, his interest in his religious pilgrimage ||||||||peregrinação

was because he wanted to escape punishment for horse theft. |||||||||roubo было потому, что он хотел избежать наказания за кражу лошади.

Essentially, he had been caught stealing horses and

turning to religion provided a way of avoiding punishment.

Others say that he had a vision of the Virgin Mary.

Either way, he left his family to go to live in a In ogni caso, ha lasciato la sua famiglia per andare a vivere in una

monastery in a town several hundred kilometres away

. It was here that he was completely transformed.

Rasputin grew fascinated by an underground, secret Распутин увлекся подпольной тайной

sect of the Russian Orthodox Church called the Khylsts. ||||||||Khylstler seita|||||||| секта Русской православной церкви называлась хылстами.

The Khylsts believed in “sinning to drive out sin”. ||||günah işlemek||sürmek|| キルストは「罪を犯せば罪がなくなる」と信じていた。 Os Khylsts acreditavam em “pecar para expulsar o pecado”. Хыльсты верили в то, что «грех изгоняет грех». Хилсти вірили в «гріх, щоб вигнати гріх». 凯尔斯特派信奉“通过犯罪来驱除罪恶”。

To do this, they often participated in acts that were Для этого они часто участвовали в акциях,

considered to be sexually deviant in order to be closer to God. ||||sapkın|içinde|||||| ||||desviante|||||||

To put it more bluntly, they would dance, get wild and worked up, then all have sex with each other. ||||açıkça||||||||||||||| ||||francamente||||||||||||||| もっと単刀直入に言えば、彼らは踊って乱れて興奮し、それからみんなでセックスをするのだ。 Para ser mais direto, eles dançavam, ficavam selvagens e excitados, então todos faziam sexo um com o outro. Грубо говоря, они танцевали, заводились и заводились, а потом все занимались сексом друг с другом.

To a man already with a bit of a wild past, and who would later become known for ||||||||||geçmiş||||||| すでに少々乱暴な過去を持ち、後に次のようなことで知られるようになる男に。 Человеку, уже имевшему немного дикое прошлое и впоследствии прославившемуся 对于一个有着狂野过去的人来说,他后来因

his voracious sexual appetite, this must have been like opening the doors of heaven. |açgözlü||iştah|||||||||| 他贪婪的性欲,这一定就像打开了天堂之门一样。

He embraced this sect completely, and became devoted to this particular part of the church. |kucakladı||sekt||||kendini adamış|||||||

Unlike other monks, Rasputin didn't abandon his family; he continued to see his |||||terk etmek||||||| В отличие от других монахов, Распутин не бросил свою семью; он продолжал видеть свою

wife and three children throughout his life, though he had a wild reputation. ||||boyunca|||ama||||| жена и трое детей на протяжении всей его жизни, хотя у него была дикая репутация.

Rasputin was known for having many sexual partners and affairs as well as for drinking excessively. |||||||||||iyi||||aşırı şekilde |||||||||relacionamentos||||||

With his rockstar lifestyle and debauched behaviour, he earned the ||rock yıldızı|||şımartılmış||||

nickname “Mad Monk” though in reality, he was never technically a monk. |||ama||||||||rahip

Word of a charismatic holy man started to spread, and Rasputin was invited to ||||||||yayılmak||||| A notícia de um santo carismático começou a se espalhar, e Rasputin foi convidado a

St Petersburg to meet with the city's most powerful bishop, Bishop Theofan. |||||||||piskopos||Teofan サンクトペテルブルクで最も有力な司教であるテオファン司教に会うためだ。

Rasputin's arrival to the Russian capital, in 1905, came at the right time. Rasputin'in|||||||||||

In the early 20th century, people in St Petersburg, like in many

places in Russia, had become superstitious and interested in mysticism. |||||batıl inançlı||||

There was also an increasingly liberal attitude towards sex, and the newspapers at ||||cada vez mais||||||||

the time were even publishing adverts for treatments of sexually transmitted diseases. ||||||||||bulaşıcı| 当时甚至还在刊登治疗性传播疾病的广告。

This fascination with mysticism, coupled with an increasingly free society, sexually at |büyüleyicilik|||birlikte|||||||

least, created an environment where Rasputin, this new mystic sex-fueled monk, could thrive. en az|||ortam|||||mistik||yakıtla beslenen|||gelişmek |||||||||||||prosperar По крайней мере, создал условия, в которых Распутин, этот новый мистический монах, одурманенный сексом, мог процветать.

Rasputin soon became well-known in the city and he gained many followers.

People were obsessed with Rasputin, although I wouldn't ||takıntılı|||||

blame you if you find it difficult to understand why.

Physically, he was very dirty, he was completely filthy. ||||||||pis kirli ||||||||sujo

He would rarely wash or brush his teeth, and it was said that he smelled like a goat. ||nadiren|||||||||||||||keçi |||||||||||||||||cabra

This didn't seem to put off his followers though, especially the female ones. ||||||||ama|||| Questo però non sembra scoraggiare i suoi seguaci, soprattutto quelli di sesso femminile.

They would often spend hours bathing him or licking his fingers clean. |||||yıkanma|||||| ||||||||lambendo||| A menudo pasaban horas bañándole o lamiéndole los dedos. Spesso passavano ore a fargli il bagno o a leccargli le dita.

As souvenirs, they would collect Rasputin's nail clippings, the |hatıralar||||||tırnak kesikleri|

piece of his nails that he cut off, and attach them to their dresses.

As Rasputin's reputation as a mystic grew, Bishop Theophane eventually introduced ||||||||Teofan|sonunda|tanıttı

Rasputin to the Romanov family, tsar Nicholas II and his wife, tsarina Alexandra.

Nicholas and Alexandra had consulted spiritual advisors similar to Rasputin in the past. ||||danıştılar||||||||geçmişte

The imperial family had tried to have a male heir, a son, |||||||||mirasçı||

but for 9 years they only managed to produce daughters. pero durante 9 años sólo consiguieron tener hijas.

In 1904, after the birth of four daughters, finally a son arrived, Alexei.

There was a problem though. ||||ama C'era però un problema.

He was born with haemophilia, an illness in which blood doesn't clot or come together. ||||hemofili|||||||pıhtı||| Nació con hemofilia, una enfermedad en la que la sangre no coagula ni se une.

For people suffering from haemophilia at the time, even with ||acı çeken|||||||

the best doctors in the world, the disease could be fatal. ||||||||||ölümcül los mejores médicos del mundo, la enfermedad podría ser mortal.

A small cut could cause you to bleed to death. ||||neden olmak|||kanamak|| Un pequeño corte podría causarte una hemorragia mortal.

The boy's condition was kept secret from everyone apart from their trusted inner circle.

The family was desperate to find a cure and after consulting with |||çaresiz||||||||

fortune tellers and mediums who claimed to be able to speak to the dead, |falcılar||medyumlar||iddia etti|||||||| cartomanti e medium che sostenevano di poter parlare con i morti, cartomantes e médiuns que afirmavam ser capazes de falar com os mortos,

tsarina Alexandra found the cure that she had been looking for: Rasputin.

Rasputin was instructed to spend time with the boy, in order to cure him from this illness. ||öğretildi||||||||||||||

After Rasputin's visit, where he threw away all the medicine the doctors had recommended |||||attı||||||||tavsiye edilen Após a visita de Rasputin, onde ele jogou fora todos os remédios que os médicos haviam recomendado

and conducted his own treatment on the boy, Alexei miraculously started to get better. |yürüttü||||||||mucizevi bir şekilde||||

As a result of having cured the only male heir to the Russian |||||||||mirasçı|||

throne, Rasputin soon became the royal family's most trusted advisor.

While many people believed that Rasputin had mystical powers, and indeed

the tsarina certainly thought that Raspuin had performed magic to save her |||||Rasputin||||||

son's life, there are some logical explanations for his healing abilities. |||||mantıksal|||||

In fact, it's more about what Rasputin didn't do than what he did do.

Remember, he threw away all of the medicine that the doctors had been prescribing to the boy. |||||||||||||reçete yazma|||

Doctors at that time would most likely would have given Alexei aspirin, |||||||||||aspirin I medici dell'epoca avrebbero probabilmente somministrato ad Alexei un'aspirina,

which would have thinned the blood and made it less likely to clot. |||seyreltmiş|||||||||

It might have been a simple case of good luck, but Rasputin's

distrust of doctors, and his subsequent actions, helped save Alexei. güvensizlik|||||sonraki|||| desconfiança|||||||||

The family trusted Rasputin and after performing this

miracle, Rasputin secured a place in the imperial family.

He even started to refer to Nicholas and Alexandra as “mama and ||||anne ve baba||||||anne|

papa”, which was particularly strange as Rasputin was only 8 months |||özellikle||||||

younger than Nicholas and actually 3 years older than Alexandra.

Because he was regarded as the saviour of the heir, he gained access to the palace and the family. ||||||kurtarıcı|||||||||||| ||||||salvador||||||||||||

He became especially close with Alexandra, who in 1915 was in charge of Russia's

internal affairs, as her husband was leading the Russian war effort in World War One. içişleri|||||||||||||| |assuntos||||||||||||| 夫が第一次世界大戦でロシアの戦力を率いていたため、内政問題を解決する必要があった。

Due to Rasputin's sexually promiscuous reputation, many people believe that he and ||||açık ilişkileri|||||||

the tsarina actually had an intimate relationship, that they were sleeping together.

Although there is no evidence to prove this, the

important thing is that the public believed it was true.

Soldiers openly joked about it as if it were a fact, Russian newspapers printed

cartoons suggesting that it was the case, and it was believed to be common knowledge. |öneren|||||||||||||

While it's not known whether their intimacy extended to the ||||||yakınlık|uzandı||

bedroom, Rasputin and the tsarina were certainly growing closer. |||||||büyüyen|

Rasputin went from a mere spiritual advisor to Alexandra, to an advisor on almost everything. ||||sadece||||||||||

He influenced her decisions when choosing members of the

cabinet and sometimes advised her about military matters.

As Rasputin's political power and influence grew, the Russian elite felt threatened. |||||||||||tehdit altında

After all, he was a filthy, illiterate peasant from |||||pis|okuma yazma bilmeyen||

Siberia whose role was supposedly as a mystical healer. ||||sözde||||

And now there he was whispering in the Tsarina's ear, influencing Russian political decisions. ||||||||Çarina'nın|||||

Secret police began to watch Rasputin and they took note of

his frequent visits to prostitutes, often multiple times a day. ||||prostitutlar|||||

Many people close to the royal family believed that Rasputin was a dangerous

man and that the tsar and the tsarina were foolish to put their trust in him. |||||||||aptal||||||

Even in the early days of his political influence, Rasputin had plenty of enemies.

In 1914, a year before becoming the tsarina's personal advisor, there was an assassination В 1914 году, за год до того, как стать личным советником царицы, произошло покушение

attempt made on Rasputin's life by a noseless, peasant woman named Khioniya Guseva. |||||||burunsuz||||Khioniya Guseva|Guseva attentato alla vita di Rasputin da parte di una contadina senza naso di nome Khioniya Guseva. tentativa feita contra a vida de Rasputin por uma camponesa sem nariz chamada Khioniya Guseva. покушение на Распутина безносой крестьянкой по имени Хиония Гусева.

Guseva was the follower of a man called Iliodor, who was a former priest and supporter of Rasputin ||||||||İliodor||||eski|papaz|||| Guseva era seguidor de um homem chamado Iliodor, que era um ex-padre e defensor de Rasputin

before he grew jealous of Rasputin's relationship with the royal family and he turned against him. |||kıskançlık duyan||||||||||||

Guseva had listened closely to Iliodor's teaching about |||||İliodor'un|| Гусева внимательно прислушивалась к учению Илиодора о

Rasputin, and had decided that Rasputin was a false prophet.

On July 14th, 1914, she waited for Rasputin outside his home in Pokrovskoye.

When he arrived, she stabbed him in the stomach, and went so far as to try ||||bıçakladı||||||||o kadar||| Когда он прибыл, она ударила его ножом в живот и дошла до того, что попыталась

to pull his intestines out of his body while he was lying in front of her. |||bağırsaklarını|||||||||||| вытащить его кишки из его тела, пока он лежал перед ней.

Somehow, Rasputin survived this attempt on his life but unfortunately

for him, this wouldn't be the last time that someone tried to kill him.

There were several other assassination plots that were discovered before Rasputin's life |||||komplolar||||||

was seriously threatened, but in late 1916 fate finally caught up with Grigori Rasputin. находился под серьезной угрозой, но в конце 1916 года судьба наконец настигла Григория Распутина.

He had made too many enemies, and not enough powerful friends. У него было слишком много врагов и недостаточно влиятельных друзей.