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English Learning for Curious Minds, Episode 245: The True Story of Robin Hood [2]

Episode 245: The True Story of Robin Hood [2]

Peter's, the largest church in York.

So, while Robert Hod of York is a slightly less plausible character

than Robert Hood of Wakefield, he was actually a confirmed outlaw.

Robert Hod of York could very well have been Robin Hood's namesake,

providing the name and inspiration for Robin Hood as a fictional character.

Another historical outlaw who could have provided

inspiration for a fictional Robin Hood is Roger Godberd.

While his surname, Godberd, is a lot further away from our hero's compared

to the previous two suspects, there are numerous parallels between

his real life career as an outlaw and the details given in the Gest.

For example, Godberd had numerous men at his call in the forest where he was hiding

out and just like Robin Hood, Godberd was wanted by the Sheriff of Nottingham.

The sheriff's men captured him in 1272 but Godberd managed to escape, thanks

to the help of a local knight, not unlike the knight in the Gest of Robin Hood.

However, Godberd was eventually captured again and imprisoned.

Godberd was later pardoned by the King, as was Robin Hood.

So, while Robin Hood is by no means a carbon copy, a clone, of Godberd, there is no denying

that the tale of Robin Hood has a lot of striking similarities with the life of Roger Godberd.

Alternatively, another inspirational figure for the Robin Hood legend is a certain Robert Deyville.

Along with his brother and their kinsmen, their relatives, the Deyvilles

were linked to the Barnesdale area and there is also a mention of

a settlement of a £400 mortgage, the same figure as in the Gest.

Lastly, Robert Deyville's fortified home in North Yorkshire, at a place

called Hood Hill, could have been an inspiration for the name of Robin Hood.

Of course, there is also the possibility that the name Robin

Hood was an alias, or another name that was used for an outlaw.

This could also tie in with earlier suggestions of actual real life people who

may well have provided the basis for the story of Robin Hood, and that all of

these people were possible inspirational figures for the Tale of Robin Hood.

The fact that we do not know whether or not he actually existed adds to

his appeal, and both the man and his story have become the stuff of legend.

A legend that each new generation has sculpted to suit their times, adapted

to suit modern tastes but with a basis in the original text, in the Gest.

And no matter how the story is adapted, the legend of Robin Hood is a persistently appealing story.

Sure, he is an outlaw, a criminal, and especially in some of the

earlier editions, he could be vicious, deliberately violent and cruel.

But there is a moral element to his story.

In early editions it was a semi-religious element, as we can see from his devotion

to the Virgin Mary, and in later editions it's simply about redistributing

property, or wealth, from those who don't deserve it to those who do.

The success of the Robin Hood legend comes from the fact that the figures of authority

and supposed virtue in all of the stories are all worse than Robin Hood himself.

Robin Hood is presented as being an outlaw but those who control the laws

are hopelessly corrupt and devoid of, or with a complete lack of, virtue.

None more so than the greedy monks.

In 16th century England, like in much of Europe, the church

and appointed officials, mainly sheriffs, held all the power.

To a contemporary audience, clergy and officials were fair game; it

was acceptable to make fun of or criticise them because of the sheer

amount of power they held, and for their reputation for corruption.

By portraying the clergy and officials as inadequate hypocrites, as being false and

unable to fairly rule, the story of Robin Hood pokes fun at these almighty, powerful

characters, allowing the audience to have a laugh at their expense, or directly at them.

What's more, the way the haughty, overly proud monks act, makes them appear

to deserve what they get when Robin steals from them or humiliates them.

The incompetence of the Sheriff of Nottingham and any other authoritative characters,

alongside their scheming and secret plans, makes them appear ridiculous, laughable.

Robin Hood, on the other hand, despite technically being a criminal, is admired by the reader.

He is honest, fair, clever and brave - he's everything that the monks are not.

He is the true hero of the story.

And whether or not he ever actually existed, the Legend

of Robin Hood is still alive and kicking centuries later.

So, with dozens of on-screen adaptations, and no doubt more adaptations to come in the

future, there is no sign that the Legend of Robin Hood is losing its popularity any time soon.

OK then, that is it for today's episode on The True Story of Robin Hood.

I hope it's been an interesting one, and you've learned a bit about

the truth, or at least some of the possible truths, behind this story.

As always, I would love to know what you thought about this episode.

Do you have any theories on whether or not there was ever a real Robin Hood?

Who do you think is the most probable subject?

Do you have versions of a Robin Hood story, of someone who

steals from the rich and gives to the poor, in your country?

I would love to know, so let's get this discussion started.

You can head right in to our community forum, which is at

community.leonardoenglish.com and get chatting away to other curious minds.

You've been listening to English Learning for Curious Minds, by Leonardo English.

I'm Alastair Budge, you stay safe, and I'll catch you in the next episode.

Episode 245: The True Story of Robin Hood [2] Folge 245: Die wahre Geschichte von Robin Hood [2] Episodio 245: La verdadera historia de Robin Hood [2] Épisode 245 : La véritable histoire de Robin des Bois [2] Episodio 245: La vera storia di Robin Hood [2] 第245話 ロビン・フッドの真実ロビン・フッドの真相【2 Odcinek 245: Prawdziwa historia Robin Hooda [2] Episódio 245: A Verdadeira História de Robin Hood [2] Эпизод 245: Правдивая история Робин Гуда [2] 245. Bölüm Robin Hood'un Gerçek Hikayesi [2] Епізод 245: Правдива історія Робіна Гуда [2]. 第245集:罗宾汉的真实故事[2] 第245集罗宾汉的真实故事 [2]

Peter's, the largest church in York. Peter's, the largest church in York.

So, while Robert Hod of York is a slightly less plausible character ||||||||ligeiramente||| Während Robert Hod von York also eine etwas weniger plausible Figur ist

than Robert Hood of Wakefield, he was actually a confirmed outlaw.

Robert Hod of York could very well have been Robin Hood's namesake, |||||||||||homônimo

providing the name and inspiration for Robin Hood as a fictional character.

Another historical outlaw who could have provided Еще один исторический преступник, который мог бы предоставить

inspiration for a fictional Robin Hood is Roger Godberd. Вдохновителем вымышленного Робин Гуда стал Роджер Годберд.

While his surname, Godberd, is a lot further away from our hero's compared

to the previous two suspects, there are numerous parallels between

his real life career as an outlaw and the details given in the Gest. seine reale Laufbahn als Gesetzloser und die Angaben in der Gest.

For example, Godberd had numerous men at his call in the forest where he was hiding Godberd hatte zum Beispiel zahlreiche Männer in dem Wald, in dem er sich versteckt hielt, zur Verfügung.

out and just like Robin Hood, Godberd was wanted by the Sheriff of Nottingham.

The sheriff's men captured him in 1272 but Godberd managed to escape, thanks

to the help of a local knight, not unlike the knight in the Gest of Robin Hood. ||||||||semelhante||do auxílio de um cavaleiro local, não muito diferente do cavaleiro na Gest of Robin Hood.||||||

However, Godberd was eventually captured again and imprisoned.

Godberd was later pardoned by the King, as was Robin Hood. |||perdoado|||||||

So, while Robin Hood is by no means a carbon copy, a clone, of Godberd, there is no denying Итак, хотя Робин Гуд ни в коем случае не является углеродной копией, клоном Годберда, нельзя отрицать. Robin Hood hiçbir şekilde Godberd'in bir karbon kopyası, bir klonu olmasa da Отже, хоча Робін Гуд аж ніяк не є копією, клоном Годберда, не можна заперечувати

that the tale of Robin Hood has a lot of striking similarities with the life of Roger Godberd. ||||||||||notáveis|||||||

Alternatively, another inspirational figure for the Robin Hood legend is a certain Robert Deyville.

Along with his brother and their kinsmen, their relatives, the Deyvilles Разом зі своїм братом та їхніми родичами, їхніми родичами, Дейвіллами

were linked to the Barnesdale area and there is also a mention of

a settlement of a £400 mortgage, the same figure as in the Gest. |um acordo|||hipoteca|||||||

Lastly, Robert Deyville's fortified home in North Yorkshire, at a place

called Hood Hill, could have been an inspiration for the name of Robin Hood. называемый Гуд Хилл, мог послужить вдохновением для имени Робин Гуда.

Of course, there is also the possibility that the name Robin

Hood was an alias, or another name that was used for an outlaw. |||alcunha||||||usado|||

This could also tie in with earlier suggestions of actual real life people who Dies könnte auch an frühere Vorschläge von Menschen anknüpfen, die im wirklichen Leben

may well have provided the basis for the story of Robin Hood, and that all of

these people were possible inspirational figures for the Tale of Robin Hood. Diese Menschen waren mögliche Inspirationsfiguren für das Märchen von Robin Hood.

The fact that we do not know whether or not he actually existed adds to Gerçekte var olup olmadığını bilmediğimiz gerçeği de buna ekleniyor.

his appeal, and both the man and his story have become the stuff of legend. Der Mann und seine Geschichte sind zu einer Legende geworden.

A legend that each new generation has sculpted to suit their times, adapted Eine Legende, die von jeder Generation neu geformt und an die jeweilige Zeit angepasst wurde. Her yeni neslin kendi zamanına göre şekillendirdiği, uyarladığı bir efsane

to suit modern tastes but with a basis in the original text, in the Gest. на сучасний смак, але з опорою на оригінальний текст, на Гест.

And no matter how the story is adapted, the legend of Robin Hood is a persistently appealing story. Und ganz gleich, wie die Geschichte adaptiert wird, die Legende von Robin Hood ist eine immer wieder ansprechende Geschichte. І незалежно від того, як адаптована історія, легенда про Робіна Гуда залишається незмінно привабливою історією.

Sure, he is an outlaw, a criminal, and especially in some of the

earlier editions, he could be vicious, deliberately violent and cruel. Daha önceki baskılarda gaddar, kasıtlı olarak şiddet yanlısı ve zalim olabiliyordu. У попередніх виданнях він міг бути злісним, навмисно насильницьким і жорстоким.

But there is a moral element to his story.

In early editions it was a semi-religious element, as we can see from his devotion In frühen Ausgaben war es ein halb-religiöses Element, wie wir aus seiner Hingabe sehen können İlk baskılarda, bağlılığından da görebileceğimiz gibi, yarı dini bir unsurdu

to the Virgin Mary, and in later editions it's simply about redistributing an die Jungfrau Maria, und in späteren Ausgaben geht es einfach um die Umverteilung von

property, or wealth, from those who don't deserve it to those who do.

The success of the Robin Hood legend comes from the fact that the figures of authority

and supposed virtue in all of the stories are all worse than Robin Hood himself. und vermeintliche Tugendhaftigkeit in all den Geschichten sind alle schlimmer als Robin Hood selbst.

Robin Hood is presented as being an outlaw but those who control the laws

are hopelessly corrupt and devoid of, or with a complete lack of, virtue. |irremediavelmente|||destituídos|||||||| безнадійно корумповані і позбавлені або з повною відсутністю чеснот.

None more so than the greedy monks. |||||gananciosos| Keiner mehr als die gierigen Mönche.

In 16th century England, like in much of Europe, the church

and appointed officials, mainly sheriffs, held all the power. и назначенные чиновники, в основном шерифы, обладали всей полнотой власти. а призначені чиновники, переважно шерифи, мали всю повноту влади.

To a contemporary audience, clergy and officials were fair game; it Für ein zeitgenössisches Publikum waren Kleriker und Beamte Freiwild; es Для современной аудитории духовенство и чиновники были честной добычей; это Çağdaş bir izleyici kitlesi için, din adamları ve memurlar adil bir oyundu; bu Для тогочасної аудиторії духовенство та чиновники були чесною грою; це

was acceptable to make fun of or criticise them because of the sheer war es akzeptabel, sich über sie lustig zu machen oder sie zu kritisieren, weil sie einfach onlarla dalga geçmek ya da eleştirmek kabul edilebilirdi. було прийнятно висміювати або критикувати їх через чисту

amount of power they held, and for their reputation for corruption. sahip oldukları güç miktarı ve yolsuzluk konusundaki itibarları nedeniyle.

By portraying the clergy and officials as inadequate hypocrites, as being false and Din adamlarını ve memurları yetersiz ikiyüzlüler olarak, sahte ve Зображуючи духовенство і чиновників як неадекватних лицемірів, як фальшивих і

unable to fairly rule, the story of Robin Hood pokes fun at these almighty, powerful ||justamente|||||||faz piada com||||todo-poderoso| Die Geschichte von Robin Hood macht sich über diese allmächtigen, mächtigen Menschen lustig, die nicht in der Lage sind, gerecht zu regieren. неспособные справедливо править, история Робин Гуда высмеивает этих всесильных, могущественных

characters, allowing the audience to have a laugh at their expense, or directly at them. персонажей, позволяя зрителям посмеяться за их счет или непосредственно над ними.

What's more, the way the haughty, overly proud monks act, makes them appear |||||orgulhosos|excessivamente|||||| Darüber hinaus lässt die Art und Weise, wie die hochmütigen, übermäßig stolzen Mönche auftreten, sie als Більше того, те, як поводяться пихаті, надмірно горді ченці, створює враження, що вони

to deserve what they get when Robin steals from them or humiliates them. dass sie verdienen, was sie bekommen, wenn Robin sie bestiehlt oder erniedrigt.

The incompetence of the Sheriff of Nottingham and any other authoritative characters,

alongside their scheming and secret plans, makes them appear ridiculous, laughable. ||||||||||ridículo разом з їхніми інтригами і таємними планами, робить їх смішними, безглуздими.

Robin Hood, on the other hand, despite technically being a criminal, is admired by the reader.

He is honest, fair, clever and brave - he's everything that the monks are not. |||justo||||||||||

He is the true hero of the story.

And whether or not he ever actually existed, the Legend

of Robin Hood is still alive and kicking centuries later. Робин Гуд все еще жив и здравствует спустя столетия. Robin Hood'un hikayesi yüzyıllar sonra bile hala yaşıyor. Робін Гуд все ще живий і діє через століття.

So, with dozens of on-screen adaptations, and no doubt more adaptations to come in the Итак, с десятками экранизаций и, несомненно, еще большим количеством адаптаций, которые появятся в будущем.

future, there is no sign that the Legend of Robin Hood is losing its popularity any time soon.

OK then, that is it for today's episode on The True Story of Robin Hood.

I hope it's been an interesting one, and you've learned a bit about

the truth, or at least some of the possible truths, behind this story.

As always, I would love to know what you thought about this episode.

Do you have any theories on whether or not there was ever a real Robin Hood?

Who do you think is the most probable subject?

Do you have versions of a Robin Hood story, of someone who

steals from the rich and gives to the poor, in your country?

I would love to know, so let's get this discussion started.

You can head right in to our community forum, which is at

community.leonardoenglish.com and get chatting away to other curious minds.

You've been listening to English Learning for Curious Minds, by Leonardo English.

I'm Alastair Budge, you stay safe, and I'll catch you in the next episode.