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English Learning for Curious Minds, Episode 244: The Scandalous Life of Lord Byron [1]

Episode 244: The Scandalous Life of Lord Byron [1]

Hello, hello hello, and welcome to English Learning for Curious Minds, by Leonardo English.

The show where you can listen to fascinating stories, and learn weird and

wonderful things about the world at the same time as improving your English.

I'm Alastair Budge, and today we are going to be talking about the Scandalous

Life of Lord Byron, the man known as “mad, bad, and dangerous to know”.

Imagine a young man indulging in all sorts of vice, experimenting with

sexuality in all ways possible, breaking all the norms of his time,

and being celebrated for his genius yet hated for his wild lifestyle.

This is not a fictional character we are talking about here but a real-life

hero – a poet unmasking society's hypocrisy, an actor playing a self-chosen

role, and a creative and freethinking intellectual way ahead of his time.

Lord Byron – the lover, the poet, the celebrity, and the cripple, lived just 36 years.

He left a legacy of words, men, women, lovers and

children, and today we are going to tell his story.

OK then, the Scandalous Life of Lord Byron.

Lord Byron or George Gordon Byron was born with a lame foot, called a clubfoot, in 1788, in England.

His father, Captain John was a wild but handsome man who lived up to

his nickname of “Mad Jack”, squandering, that is foolishly spending,

the money of his Scottish wife, Catherine Gordon who was a rich heiress.

The family's fortune dwindled, it reduced, to such a point that

Catherine, accompanied by baby George and eventually, her husband,

had to move from London to Aberdeen, in the far northeast of Scotland.

Byron the child lived in near poverty in the far northern city.

Within a year, his father had deserted the family, moving to France and dying a year later.

However, it was not George Gordon Byron's destiny to remain penniless, to remain poor, in Scotland.

In 1798, when he was just 10 years old, an unexpected turn of

events added the title of ‘Lord' before the young boy's name.

His great-uncle died, leaving ten-year-old George an enormous fortune, a large amount of

money, the magnificent house of Newstead Abbey in Nottinghamshire, and his title, “Lord”.

The young boy was now a Lord, and he was spectacularly wealthy.

The mother-son duo moved back down to England to live a very comfortable life there.

This huge house, Newstead Abbey, was then in a state of disrepair.

It was very Gothic-looking with large ghostly halls and spacious ruins.

Byron reportedly adored it and it no doubt inspired his later works.

George - or the new Lord Byron - lived at the abbey for a short time before

enrolling at Harrow – a famous boys-only public school on the outskirts of London.

You might be surprised to discover now that someone with

such a wonderful mind as Byron's did not do well at school.

Indeed, he dropped out of Harrow aged only 15, but it wasn't due to his academic performance.

It was because he had fallen in love, not just with an older woman, not just with a woman

who was also his distant cousin, but with a woman who was also engaged to someone else.

This woman, Mary Chaworth, rejected him, and became,

for him, an idealised symbol of unrequited love.

Unrequited love means when someone doesn't love you back.

It was Byron's first real rejection, but as we'll discover,

attracting women wouldn't be a continual problem for our protagonist.

Nor would attracting men, it would seem.

He returned to Harrow school the following year, and was reported as having - and I'm quoting

directly here - “violently passionate” homosexual relationships with at least two boys there.

After Harrow, as would be traditional for men of his wealth and

social class at the time, he went on to study at Cambridge University.

Here, Byron seems to have fallen in love with a male chorister, a singer, John Edleston.

Byron later wrote a number of poems about John, the man

for whom he said his love was “pure” and “passionate”.

While we might now see nothing strange about a man declaring his love for another man

as “pure” and “passionate”, in the early 19th century it was a crime punishable by

death, so admitting to it was a scandalous and dangerous thing for Byron to have done.

But Lord Byron proved to be completely unafraid of scandal.

While at university, Byron lived a pretty hedonistic life: boozing, that

is drinking large amounts of alcohol, partying, taking drugs, and gambling.

Because of these habits, he piled up enormous debts during his time at university.

The other element of his student life was sleeping around, having casual

sex, and in Byron's case both men and women were fair game, he was bisexual.

And he was never short of admirers, both men and women.

Now, it's worth noting that, especially for aristocratic young men of

this time, having sexual relationships with other men wouldn't have been

considered particularly unusual, especially at male-only boarding schools.

But the difference was that Lord Byron did nothing to try to hide it.

Indeed, he had a certain disregard for the rules - he liked disobeying

authority, and going against any norms or rules that he came across.

Famously, when he was a student at Cambridge University, he kept a bear as a pet.

You might be thinking that it's a slightly strange

animal to keep, but there was a certain logic to it.

The university forbade him from keeping a pet dog on the premises, but as there

was no mention of bears in the rule books, Byron decided he could keep a bear.

And as there was no university law about bears, the university couldn't technically stop him.

Now, this interest in exotic animals will be a theme throughout his life, and in later

years, Byron's homes would become more like zoos, with all kinds of exotic creatures

walking in and out, and monkeys and peacocks often accompanying him on his travels.

Byron made his “first dash into poetry", his first real attempt at poetry, when he was 12 years old.

A passion for his cousin, Margaret Parker, had caused him to put pen

to paper, and by the time he was at Cambridge, he was a published poet.

The young Byron had befriended a female writer friend of his

mother's who had encouraged him to publish his first poetry.

His first volume was printed when he was just 17.

It was called Fugitive Pieces.

However, a vicar got rather upset about its lustful verses, inspired, it seems by Mary Chaworth,

his second object of desire, and the books ended up being recalled from the printers and burned.

Moving back to his personal life, up until now, the life of Lord Byron had been quite

exciting and full of sexual exploits, but it was nothing compared to what was to come.

The true scandalous journey of Lord Byron began when he, accompanied by his university

friend, John Hobhouse, and their many servants, set off on a Grand Tour across Europe.

The Grand Tour, by the way, was a tour of mainly Italy that

young, aristocratic British men would go on in the 18th century.

There is an entire episode of this podcast on it, it's episode number 156, if you're interested.

At that time, Byron was practically penniless, he had spent all of the money that

he had inherited, and his expenses far outweighed any income he made from poetry.

He paid for his trip by taking on even more debt; a lack of readily available

money was not the sort of thing to stop Lord Byron from seeking adventure.

So, he did, first in Portugal, then Spain, Gibraltar, Sardinia, Malta and Greece.

Because of his aristocratic title, he expected to be greeted

with a royal gun salute when his ship arrived in Malta.

While the rest of the passengers disembarked, they got off the ship, he remained on the boat.

When night fell and no salute had been given, Byron reluctantly accepted to be rowed to shore.

In Albania, he spent time with the fear-inducing ruler, Ali Pasha of Ioannina.

Despite Ali Pasha's reputation as being ferocious and brutal, he welcomed Byron with open arms.

Some historians are convinced of sexual relations between the two.

Byron fell in love with Greece, finding the people unreserved

and morally tolerant, in stark contrast to 19th century England.

In Athens, he formed a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old boy, Nicolo Giraud.

He also formed an unhealthy attachment to a 12-year-old girl, Teresa

Makri, for whom he wrote a poem about and attempted to buy for £500.

As a reminder, at this time Byron is 22 years old.

They say travel broadens the mind, and it certainly impacted Byron's poetry.

He wrote a semi-autobiographical poem, full of regret about wasting his youth in

useless vice and sin, but having a chance to reform and transform through pilgrimage.

His hero was the characteristic moody figure of the Romantic period,

blessed with good looks and a tendency to question society's norms.

This hero was, of course, how he saw himself.

This poem was called Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, and it

was the poem that would make Lord Byron famous overnight.

The Grand Tour over, Byron returned to England in 1811, after two years travelling around Europe.

He had never accepted the societal norms of England, but his acquaintance with

foreign societies of relaxed cultures made him even more bold and experimental.

By the time he returned, he was a celebrity.

And he said, “I awoke one morning and found myself famous.”

With the enormous fame came many wanted and some unwanted advances from women.

He started affairs with married women, their daughters, and even their maids.

He was famous, chased, loved, and desired.

One sexual conquest after another, Byron did not commit to a single woman or man for that matter.

But he deeply mourned his chorister lover, John Eddleston, who died of consumption in that year.

He wrote a love poem for him, concealing John's name with a woman's name.

Now, this episode would last several hours if we were to detail every one of his

romantic relationships, but here are a few that were fundamental to his life and legacy.

One was an aristocrat called Lady Caroline Lamb, a Gothic writer who would visit Byron

dressed up as a boy and who famously described Byron as ‘mad, bad, and dangerous to know'.

Sure, she was married, but that was far from scandalous compared to what was next.

In 1813, when he was 25, he started an affair with a lady called Augusta Leigh.

She was also married, but that wasn't the main problem.

The problem was that she was his half-sister from his father's first marriage!

If you were rich or famous enough, you could perhaps get away with alcoholism and

drugs, which Byron would consume in vast quantities, and even homosexual relations.

However, incest was another matter altogether.

You couldn't bed your half-sister and get away with it and Byron knew it.

He did all he could to hide the affair.

Augusta even gave birth to a daughter, Medora, who was rumoured to be Byron's.

Byron was now both needing to shut down the rumours of incest as well as

drowning in debt, so he decided to propose to a rich heiress, Annabella Milbanke.

She rejected him at first, which must have come as quite a shock.

He wasn't used to rejection, and so he persevered in his

attempts to seduce Annabella, who finally agreed to marry him.

They got married in 1815, but that didn't mean that he

packed in his, that he stopped, his scandalous ways.

He took his wife to visit Augusta, his half-sister.

While Augusta's husband was away, Byron and Augusta

shared a bed, while Annabella slept alone in a guest room.

And it wasn't like Byron was loyal only to his lover - he

continued to sleep with other men and women throughout.

Episode 244: The Scandalous Life of Lord Byron [1] Folge 244: Das skandalöse Leben des Lord Byron [1] Episodio 244: La escandalosa vida de Lord Byron [1] Épisode 244 : La vie scandaleuse de Lord Byron [1] Episodio 244: La vita scandalosa di Lord Byron [1] 第244回バイロン卿のスキャンダラスな生涯【1 Odcinek 244: Skandaliczne życie lorda Byrona [1] Episódio 244: A Vida Escandalosa de Lord Byron [1] Эпизод 244: Скандальная жизнь лорда Байрона [1] 244. Bölüm Lord Byron'ın Skandallarla Dolu Hayatı [1] Епізод 244: Скандальне життя лорда Байрона [1]. 第244集:拜伦勋爵的丑闻一生[1] 第244集:拜倫勳爵的醜聞一生[1]

Hello, hello hello, and welcome to English Learning for Curious Minds, by Leonardo English.

The show where you can listen to fascinating stories, and learn weird and

wonderful things about the world at the same time as improving your English.

I'm Alastair Budge, and today we are going to be talking about the Scandalous

Life of Lord Byron, the man known as “mad, bad, and dangerous to know”. Життя лорда Байрона, людини, яку називали "божевільною, поганою і небезпечною для знайомства".

Imagine a young man indulging in all sorts of vice, experimenting with Představte si mladého muže, který se oddává nejrůznějším neřestem a experimentuje s nimi Imagine um jovem entregando-se a todo tipo de vício, experimentando

sexuality in all ways possible, breaking all the norms of his time,

and being celebrated for his genius yet hated for his wild lifestyle. a je oslavován pro svou genialitu, ale nenáviděn pro svůj divoký životní styl. Його прославляли за геніальність, але ненавиділи за розгульний спосіб життя.

This is not a fictional character we are talking about here but a real-life Nejedná se o fiktivní postavu, o které zde mluvíme, ale o skutečný život

hero – a poet unmasking society's hypocrisy, an actor playing a self-chosen hrdina – básník demaskující pokrytectví společnosti, herec hrající samovolného герой - поет, який викриває лицемірство суспільства, актор, який грає обраного ним самого

role, and a creative and freethinking intellectual way ahead of his time. role a kreativní a svobodomyslný intelektuální způsob, jak předběhl svou dobu. Rolle und ein kreativer und freidenkerischer Intellektueller, der seiner Zeit weit voraus war. 角色,以及领先于时代的创造性和自由思想的知识。

Lord Byron – the lover, the poet, the celebrity, and the cripple, lived just 36 years. Lord Byron - der Liebhaber, der Dichter, die Berühmtheit und der Krüppel - wurde nur 36 Jahre alt. Lord Byron - l'amante, il poeta, la celebrità e lo storpio - visse solo 36 anni. Lord Byron – o amante, o poeta, a celebridade e o aleijado, viveu apenas 36 anos.

He left a legacy of words, men, women, lovers and Zanechal dědictví slov, mužů, žen, milenců a Er hinterließ ein Vermächtnis aus Worten, Männern, Frauen, Liebenden und Він залишив у спадок слова, чоловіків, жінок, коханців і

children, and today we are going to tell his story.

OK then, the Scandalous Life of Lord Byron. OK então, a Vida Escandalosa de Lord Byron.

Lord Byron or George Gordon Byron was born with a lame foot, called a clubfoot, in 1788, in England. Lord Byron nebo George Gordon Byron se narodil s chromou nohou, nazývanou PEC, v roce 1788 v Anglii. Lord Byron ou George Gordon Byron nasceu com um pé manco, chamado de pé torto, em 1788, na Inglaterra.

His father, Captain John was a wild but handsome man who lived up to Sein Vater, Captain John, war ein wilder, aber gutaussehender Mann, der den Anforderungen Його батько, капітан Джон, був диким, але красивим чоловіком, який дожив до

his nickname of “Mad Jack”, squandering, that is foolishly spending, jeho přezdívka „Mad Jack“, plýtvání, což je pošetilé utrácení, seinen Spitznamen "Mad Jack", verschwenderisch, d.h. unvernünftig ausgeben, il suo soprannome di "Mad Jack", sperperando, cioè spendendo stupidamente, seu apelido de “Mad Jack”, esbanjar, isto é gastar tolamente,

the money of his Scottish wife, Catherine Gordon who was a rich heiress.

The family's fortune dwindled, it reduced, to such a point that Rodinné jmění se zmenšilo až do takové míry, že Das Vermögen der Familie schrumpfte und verringerte sich so weit, dass La fortuna della famiglia diminuì, si ridusse, a tal punto che A fortuna da família diminuiu, reduziu-se a tal ponto que

Catherine, accompanied by baby George and eventually, her husband, Catherine, doprovázená malým Georgem a nakonec i jejím manželem, Catherine, begleitet von Baby George und schließlich von ihrem Ehemann, Catherine, acompanhada pelo bebê George e, eventualmente, seu marido,

had to move from London to Aberdeen, in the far northeast of Scotland. teve que se mudar de Londres para Aberdeen, no extremo nordeste da Escócia.

Byron the child lived in near poverty in the far northern city. Dítě Byron žilo téměř v chudobě ve městě na dalekém severu. Byron, a criança, vivia quase na pobreza na cidade do extremo norte.

Within a year, his father had deserted the family, moving to France and dying a year later. Через рік його батько покинув сім'ю, переїхав до Франції і помер через рік.

However, it was not George Gordon Byron's destiny to remain penniless, to remain poor, in Scotland. Osudem George Gordona Byrona však nebylo zůstat ve Skotsku bez peněz, zůstat chudý. Sin embargo, el destino de George Gordon Byron no era quedarse sin dinero, seguir siendo pobre, en Escocia. Однак не долею Джорджа Гордона Байрона було залишитися без гроша в кишені, залишитися бідним у Шотландії.

In 1798, when he was just 10 years old, an unexpected turn of Im Jahr 1798, als er gerade 10 Jahre alt war, ereignete sich eine unerwartete Wendung У 1798 році, коли йому було лише 10 років, несподіваний поворот у житті

events added the title of ‘Lord' before the young boy's name. Ereignisse den Titel "Herr" vor den Namen des Jungen. Події додали титул "Господь" перед іменем хлопчика.

His great-uncle died, leaving ten-year-old George an enormous fortune, a large amount of Jeho prastrýc zemřel a zanechal desetiletému Georgovi obrovské jmění, velké množství Sein Großonkel starb und hinterließ dem zehnjährigen George ein riesiges Vermögen, eine große Menge an His great-uncle died, leaving ten-year-old George an enormous fortune, a large amount of Його двоюрідний дід помер, залишивши десятирічному Джорджу величезні статки, велику кількість

money, the magnificent house of Newstead Abbey in Nottinghamshire, and his title, “Lord”.

The young boy was now a Lord, and he was spectacularly wealthy.

The mother-son duo moved back down to England to live a very comfortable life there. Das Mutter-Sohn-Duo zog zurück nach England und führte dort ein sehr komfortables Leben.

This huge house, Newstead Abbey, was then in a state of disrepair. Tento obrovský dům, Newstead Abbey, byl tehdy v havarijním stavu. Dieses riesige Haus, Newstead Abbey, befand sich damals in einem baufälligen Zustand. Esta enorme casa, Newstead Abbey, estava então em estado de abandono. Цей величезний будинок, абатство Ньюстед, тоді перебував у занедбаному стані.

It was very Gothic-looking with large ghostly halls and spacious ruins. Byl velmi gotický s velkými strašidelnými síněmi a prostornými ruinami. Tinha uma aparência muito gótica, com grandes salões fantasmagóricos e ruínas espaçosas. Він був дуже готичний, з великими примарними залами і просторими руїнами.

Byron reportedly adored it and it no doubt inspired his later works. Byron to údajně zbožňoval a nepochybně to inspirovalo jeho pozdější díla. Byron soll es bewundert haben, und es inspirierte zweifellos seine späteren Werke. Байрон обожнював її, і вона, без сумніву, надихала його на пізніші твори.

George - or the new Lord Byron - lived at the abbey for a short time before George - nebo nový lord Byron - žil v opatství krátce předtím

enrolling at Harrow – a famous boys-only public school on the outskirts of London. zápis do Harrow – slavné veřejné školy pouze pro chlapce na předměstí Londýna. die Einschreibung in Harrow, einer berühmten öffentlichen Schule für Jungen am Rande Londons. iscriversi ad Harrow, una famosa scuola pubblica per soli ragazzi alla periferia di Londra. matriculando-se em Harrow - uma famosa escola pública só para meninos nos arredores de Londres.

You might be surprised to discover now that someone with Es mag Sie überraschen, wenn Sie jetzt feststellen, dass jemand mit Можливо, ви здивуєтеся, коли дізнаєтеся, що людина з

such a wonderful mind as Byron's did not do well at school. tak báječná mysl jako Byronova se ve škole nedařila. Ein so wunderbarer Geist wie der von Byron hat in der Schule nicht gut abgeschnitten. Такий чудовий розум, як у Байрона, не дуже добре вчився в школі.

Indeed, he dropped out of Harrow aged only 15, but it wasn't due to his academic performance. Ve skutečnosti vypadl z Harrow ve věku pouhých 15 let, ale nebylo to kvůli jeho studijním výsledkům. Tatsächlich brach er die Schule in Harrow im Alter von nur 15 Jahren ab, aber das lag nicht an seinen schulischen Leistungen. Indeed, he dropped out of Harrow aged only 15, but it wasn't due to his academic performance. Na verdade, ele abandonou Harrow com apenas 15 anos, mas não foi devido ao seu desempenho acadêmico. Дійсно, він кинув Гарроу у віці лише 15 років, але це не було пов'язано з його академічною успішністю.

It was because he had fallen in love, not just with an older woman, not just with a woman Weil er sich verliebt hatte, nicht nur in eine ältere Frau, nicht nur in eine Frau Fue porque se había enamorado, no sólo de una mujer mayor, no sólo de una mujer Era perché si era innamorato, non solo di una donna più anziana, non solo di una donna che aveva fatto il suo dovere.

who was also his distant cousin, but with a woman who was also engaged to someone else. který byl také jeho vzdáleným bratrancem, ale se ženou, která byla také zasnoubená s někým jiným. der auch sein entfernter Cousin war, aber mit einer Frau, die ebenfalls mit einem anderen verlobt war. che era anche suo lontano cugino, ma con una donna che era anche fidanzata con un altro.

This woman, Mary Chaworth, rejected him, and became, Tato žena, Mary Chaworthová, ho odmítla a stala se Ця жінка, Мері Чаворт, відкинула його і стала,

for him, an idealised symbol of unrequited love. pro něj idealizovaný symbol neopětované lásky. для нього ідеалізований символ нерозділеного кохання.

Unrequited love means when someone doesn't love you back. Unerwiderte Liebe bedeutet, dass man nicht zurückgeliebt wird. Нерозділене кохання - це коли хтось не відповідає тобі взаємністю.

It was Byron's first real rejection, but as we'll discover, Bylo to Byronovo první skutečné odmítnutí, ale jak zjistíme, Es war Byrons erste echte Ablehnung, aber wie wir noch sehen werden,

attracting women wouldn't be a continual problem for our protagonist. přitahování žen by pro našeho hlavního hrdinu nebylo neustálým problémem. Die Anziehung von Frauen wäre kein ständiges Problem für unseren Protagonisten. atraer a las mujeres no sería un problema continuo para nuestro protagonista. залучення жінок не було б постійною проблемою для нашого героя.

Nor would attracting men, it would seem. Zdálo by se, že ani nepřitahuje muže. Auch die Anziehungskraft auf Männer scheint nicht zu schwinden. Né tantomeno attirare gli uomini, a quanto pare. Nem atrair homens, ao que parece. Здавалося б, це також не приваблює чоловіків.

He returned to Harrow school the following year, and was reported as having - and I'm quoting Následující rok se vrátil do školy Harrow a bylo hlášeno, že má - a cituji Im darauffolgenden Jahr kehrte er an die Schule in Harrow zurück, und es wurde berichtet, dass er - und ich zitiere Ele voltou para a escola de Harrow no ano seguinte e foi relatado como tendo - e estou citando Наступного року він повернувся до школи Гарроу, і, як повідомлялося, мав - я цитую

directly here - “violently passionate” homosexual relationships with at least two boys there. přímo zde - „násilně vášnivé“ homosexuální vztahy s minimálně dvěma tamními chlapci. direkt hier - "heftig leidenschaftliche" homosexuelle Beziehungen mit mindestens zwei Jungen dort. diretamente aqui - relacionamentos homossexuais “violentamente apaixonados” com pelo menos dois meninos lá. безпосередньо тут - "бурхливо пристрасні" гомосексуальні стосунки щонайменше з двома хлопчиками.

After Harrow, as would be traditional for men of his wealth and Po Harrowovi, jak by se tradovalo pro muže jeho bohatství a Nach Harrow, wie es für Männer seines Reichtums und seiner Herkunft üblich war

social class at the time, he went on to study at Cambridge University. 当时的社会阶层,他继续在剑桥大学学习。

Here, Byron seems to have fallen in love with a male chorister, a singer, John Edleston. Aqui, Byron parece ter se apaixonado por um corista, um cantor, John Edleston.

Byron later wrote a number of poems about John, the man

for whom he said his love was “pure” and “passionate”. pro kterého řekl, že jeho láska je „čistá“ a „vášnivá“.

While we might now see nothing strange about a man declaring his love for another man I když teď možná nevidíme nic divného na tom, že muž vyznává svou lásku k jinému muži Auch wenn wir es jetzt nicht als seltsam empfinden, wenn ein Mann seine Liebe zu einem anderen Mann erklärt Хоча зараз ми не бачимо нічого дивного в тому, що чоловік зізнається в коханні іншій людині

as “pure” and “passionate”, in the early 19th century it was a crime punishable by jako „čistý“ a „vášnivý“, na počátku 19. století to byl zločin, který se trestal als "rein" und "leidenschaftlich" bezeichnet wurde, war es Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts ein Verbrechen, das mit як "чистий" і "пристрасний", на початку 19 століття це був злочин, що карається

death, so admitting to it was a scandalous and dangerous thing for Byron to have done. smrt, takže přiznat se k tomu bylo pro Byrona skandální a nebezpečné. Das Eingeständnis des Todes war für Byron ein Skandal und eine gefährliche Sache. тому зізнатися в цьому було для Байрона скандальним і небезпечним вчинком.

But Lord Byron proved to be completely unafraid of scandal. Ukázalo se ale, že lord Byron se skandálu vůbec nebojí. Doch Lord Byron hatte keine Angst vor Skandalen.

While at university, Byron lived a pretty hedonistic life: boozing, that Během studia na univerzitě žil Byron docela požitkářský život: chlastal, že Mientras estaba en la universidad, Byron llevaba una vida bastante hedonista: borrachera, que Enquanto estava na universidade, Byron viveu uma vida bastante hedonista: bebendo, isso

is drinking large amounts of alcohol, partying, taking drugs, and gambling. pije velké množství alkoholu, večírky, bere drogy a hraje hazardní hry.

Because of these habits, he piled up enormous debts during his time at university. Kvůli těmto zvykům si během svého působení na univerzitě nahromadil obrovské dluhy. Aufgrund dieser Gewohnheiten häufte er während seines Studiums enorme Schulden an.

The other element of his student life was sleeping around, having casual Dalším prvkem jeho studentského života bylo přespávat, ležérně Das andere Element seines Studentenlebens bestand darin, mit anderen zu schlafen, Gelegenheitsjobs zu haben Іншим елементом його студентського життя були сексуальні зв'язки, випадкові

sex, and in Byron's case both men and women were fair game, he was bisexual. sex a v Byronově případě byli muži i ženy férovou zvěří, byl bisexuál. Geschlecht, und in Byrons Fall waren sowohl Männer als auch Frauen Freiwild, er war bisexuell. sexo, e no caso de Byron tanto homens quanto mulheres eram um jogo justo, ele era bissexual.

And he was never short of admirers, both men and women. A nikdy neměl nouzi o obdivovatele, muže i ženy. Und an Bewunderern, Männern wie Frauen, hat es ihm nie gemangelt. E nunca lhe faltaram admiradores, homens e mulheres. І йому ніколи не бракувало шанувальників, як чоловіків, так і жінок.

Now, it's worth noting that, especially for aristocratic young men of Nyní stojí za zmínku, že zejména pro aristokratické mladé muže Nun, es ist erwähnenswert, dass insbesondere für aristokratische junge Männer von Ahora, vale la pena señalar que, especialmente para los jóvenes aristocráticos de Agora, vale a pena notar que, especialmente para os jovens aristocráticos de

this time, having sexual relationships with other men wouldn't have been tentokrát by sexuální vztahy s jinými muži nebyly sexuelle Beziehungen zu anderen Männern zu haben, wäre in dieser Zeit nicht

considered particularly unusual, especially at male-only boarding schools. považovány za zvláště neobvyklé, zejména na internátních školách pouze pro muže. als besonders ungewöhnlich, vor allem in reinen Männerinternaten. considerato particolarmente insolito, soprattutto nei collegi per soli uomini. considerado particularmente incomum, especialmente em internatos apenas para homens. вважається особливо незвичним, особливо в школах-інтернатах лише для чоловіків.

But the difference was that Lord Byron did nothing to try to hide it. Ale rozdíl byl v tom, že lord Byron neudělal nic, aby se to pokusil skrýt. Але різниця полягала в тому, що лорд Байрон не робив нічого, щоб приховати це.

Indeed, he had a certain disregard for the rules - he liked disobeying Vskutku, do jisté míry nerespektoval pravidla – rád neposlouchal

authority, and going against any norms or rules that he came across. Autorität und verstößt gegen alle Normen und Regeln, denen er begegnet. і йдучи проти будь-яких норм і правил, з якими він стикався.

Famously, when he was a student at Cambridge University, he kept a bear as a pet. Proslul, když byl studentem Cambridgeské univerzity, choval medvěda jako domácího mazlíčka. Als er an der Universität Cambridge studierte, hielt er sich einen Bären als Haustier. Cuando estudiaba en la Universidad de Cambridge, tuvo un oso como mascota. È noto che, quando era studente all'Università di Cambridge, teneva un orso come animale domestico. Відомо, що коли він був студентом Кембриджського університету, він тримав ведмедя як домашнього улюбленця.

You might be thinking that it's a slightly strange Možná si říkáte, že je to trochu zvláštní Sie werden vielleicht denken, dass das eine etwas seltsame Idee ist. Você pode estar pensando que é um pouco estranho

animal to keep, but there was a certain logic to it. Tier zu halten, aber es gab eine gewisse Logik darin. animal para mantener, pero había cierta lógica en ello.

The university forbade him from keeping a pet dog on the premises, but as there Univerzita mu zakázala chovat v areálu psího miláčka, ale jako tam Die Universität verbot ihm die Haltung eines Hundes auf dem Gelände, aber da es La universidad le prohibió tener un perro de compañía en las instalaciones, pero como había Університет заборонив йому тримати в приміщенні домашню собаку, але оскільки там

was no mention of bears in the rule books, Byron decided he could keep a bear. V pravidlech nebyla žádná zmínka o medvědech, rozhodl se Byron, že by si mohl medvěda ponechat. Da in den Regelbüchern keine Bären erwähnt wurden, beschloss Byron, dass er einen Bären halten durfte.

And as there was no university law about bears, the university couldn't technically stop him. A protože neexistoval univerzitní zákon o medvědech, univerzita ho nemohla technicky zastavit.

Now, this interest in exotic animals will be a theme throughout his life, and in later Nyní bude tento zájem o exotická zvířata tématem po celý jeho život a později

years, Byron's homes would become more like zoos, with all kinds of exotic creatures роки, будинки Байрона стануть більше схожими на зоопарки, з усілякими екзотичними істотами

walking in and out, and monkeys and peacocks often accompanying him on his travels. Він ходив туди-сюди, а мавпи та павичі часто супроводжували його в мандрах.

Byron made his “first dash into poetry", his first real attempt at poetry, when he was 12 years old. Byron fez sua "primeira investida na poesia", sua primeira tentativa real de poesia, quando tinha 12 anos. Байрон зробив свій "перший ривок у поезію", свою першу справжню спробу поетичної творчості, коли йому було 12 років.

A passion for his cousin, Margaret Parker, had caused him to put pen A paixão por sua prima, Margaret Parker, o levou a escrever

to paper, and by the time he was at Cambridge, he was a published poet. na papír, a v době, kdy byl v Cambridge, byl publikovaným básníkem.

The young Byron had befriended a female writer friend of his Mladý Byron se spřátelil s jeho přítelkyní spisovatelkou Il giovane Byron aveva stretto amicizia con una scrittrice sua amica O jovem Byron fizera amizade com uma escritora amiga de seu

mother's who had encouraged him to publish his first poetry. matce, která ho povzbudila, aby vydal svou první poezii.

His first volume was printed when he was just 17. Його перша книга була надрукована, коли йому було лише 17 років.

It was called Fugitive Pieces. Říkalo se tomu Fugitive Pieces. Він називався Fugitive Pieces.

However, a vicar got rather upset about its lustful verses, inspired, it seems by Mary Chaworth, Jeden vikář se však poněkud rozčílil kvůli jeho chlípným veršům, inspirovaným, zdá se, Mary Chaworthovou, Allerdings regte sich ein Pfarrer über die lüsternen Verse auf, die offenbar von Mary Chaworth inspiriert wurden, No entanto, um vigário ficou bastante chateado com seus versos lascivos, inspirados, ao que parece, por Mary Chaworth, Однак вікарій неабияк засмутився через її хтиві вірші, натхненні, здається, Мері Чаворт,

his second object of desire, and the books ended up being recalled from the printers and burned. jeho druhý objekt touhy a knihy skončily staženy z tiskáren a spáleny. sein zweites Objekt der Begierde, und die Bücher wurden schließlich von der Druckerei zurückgerufen und verbrannt. його другий об’єкт бажання, і книги зрештою були відкликані з друкарні та спалені.

Moving back to his personal life, up until now, the life of Lord Byron had been quite Když se vrátím k jeho osobnímu životu, až dosud byl život lorda Byrona docela klidný

exciting and full of sexual exploits, but it was nothing compared to what was to come. vzrušující a plný sexuálních vykořisťování, ale nebylo to nic ve srovnání s tím, co mělo přijít. aufregend und voller sexueller Ausschweifungen, aber das war nichts im Vergleich zu dem, was noch kommen sollte. emocionante e cheio de façanhas sexuais, mas não era nada comparado ao que estava por vir. Це було захоплююче і сповнене сексуальних подвигів, але це було ніщо в порівнянні з тим, що чекало на нас попереду.

The true scandalous journey of Lord Byron began when he, accompanied by his university Skutečná skandální cesta lorda Byrona začala, když ho doprovázela jeho univerzita

friend, John Hobhouse, and their many servants, set off on a Grand Tour across Europe. přítel John Hobhouse a jejich četní služebníci se vydali na velké turné po Evropě.

The Grand Tour, by the way, was a tour of mainly Italy that The Grand Tour, mimochodem, byla cesta hlavně po Itálii Die Grand Tour war übrigens eine Rundreise, die hauptsächlich durch Italien führte. O Grand Tour, aliás, foi um tour principalmente pela Itália que

young, aristocratic British men would go on in the 18th century. mladí, aristokratičtí Britové pokračovali v 18. století. junge, aristokratische britische Männer im 18. Jahrhundert weitermachen würden.

There is an entire episode of this podcast on it, it's episode number 156, if you're interested. Je na něm celá epizoda tohoto podcastu, je to epizoda číslo 156, pokud vás to zajímá.

At that time, Byron was practically penniless, he had spent all of the money that V té době byl Byron prakticky bez peněz, všechny peníze utratil

he had inherited, and his expenses far outweighed any income he made from poetry. zdědil a jeho výdaje daleko převyšovaly jakýkoli příjem, který měl z poezie. die er geerbt hatte, und seine Ausgaben überstiegen bei weitem seine Einkünfte aus der Poesie. який він успадкував, і його витрати значно перевищували будь-який дохід, який він отримував від поезії.

He paid for his trip by taking on even more debt; a lack of readily available Cestu zaplatil tím, že se ještě více zadlužil; nedostatek snadno dostupných Er bezahlte seine Reise, indem er noch mehr Schulden machte; ein Mangel an leicht verfügbaren Pagó su viaje contrayendo aún más deudas.

money was not the sort of thing to stop Lord Byron from seeking adventure. peníze nebyly tím druhem, který by lordu Byronovi zabránil v hledání dobrodružství. гроші не були тією річчю, яка б зупинила лорда Байрона на шляху до пригод.

So, he did, first in Portugal, then Spain, Gibraltar, Sardinia, Malta and Greece. Tak to udělal, nejprve v Portugalsku, poté ve Španělsku, na Gibraltaru, na Sardinii, na Maltě a v Řecku.

Because of his aristocratic title, he expected to be greeted Kvůli svému šlechtickému titulu očekával, že ho pozdraví Через свій аристократичний титул він очікував, що його будуть вітати

with a royal gun salute when his ship arrived in Malta. s královským saltem, když jeho loď dorazila na Maltu. com uma saudação de canhão real quando seu navio chegou a Malta. королівським гарматним салютом, коли його корабель прибув на Мальту.

While the rest of the passengers disembarked, they got off the ship, he remained on the boat. Zatímco zbytek cestujících vystoupil, oni vystoupili z lodi, on zůstal na lodi. Enquanto os demais passageiros desembarcavam, eles desciam do navio, ele permanecia no barco. Поки решта пасажирів висадилися, зійшли з корабля, він залишився на судні.

When night fell and no salute had been given, Byron reluctantly accepted to be rowed to shore. Když padla noc a nikdo nepozdravil, Byron neochotně přijal, že se nechá veslovat na břeh. Als die Nacht hereinbrach und kein Salut gegeben worden war, akzeptierte Byron widerwillig, ans Ufer gerudert zu werden. Al caer la noche, Byron aceptó a regañadientes que le llevaran a la orilla. Quando a noite caiu e nenhuma saudação foi feita, Byron relutantemente aceitou ser remado até a praia. Коли настала ніч, а салюту не було, Байрон неохоче погодився, щоб його веслували до берега.

In Albania, he spent time with the fear-inducing ruler, Ali Pasha of Ioannina. V Albánii trávil čas s vládcem, který vzbuzoval strach, Ali Pasha z Ioanniny. In Albanien verbrachte er Zeit mit dem furchteinflößenden Herrscher Ali Pascha von Ioannina. Na Albânia, ele passou um tempo com o governante indutor de medo, Ali Pasha de Ioannina. В Албанії він провів час з правителем, що вселяв страх, Алі-пашею Іоаннінським.

Despite Ali Pasha's reputation as being ferocious and brutal, he welcomed Byron with open arms. Navzdory pověsti Aliho Paši jako divokého a brutálního člověka přivítal Byrona s otevřenou náručí. Apesar da reputação de Ali Pasha de ser feroz e brutal, ele recebeu Byron de braços abertos. 尽管阿里帕夏以凶猛残暴而闻名,但他仍张开双臂欢迎拜伦。

Some historians are convinced of sexual relations between the two. Někteří historici jsou přesvědčeni o sexuálních vztazích mezi těmito dvěma.

Byron fell in love with Greece, finding the people unreserved Byron se zamiloval do Řecka a našel lidi bez výhrad 拜伦爱上了希腊,发现希腊人民毫无保留

and morally tolerant, in stark contrast to 19th century England. a morálně tolerantní, v příkrém rozporu s Anglií 19. století. 道德上宽容,与 19 世纪的英国形成鲜明对比。

In Athens, he formed a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old boy, Nicolo Giraud. V Aténách navázal sexuální vztah se 14letým chlapcem Nicolem Giraudem. In Athen ging er eine sexuelle Beziehung mit einem 14-jährigen Jungen, Nicolo Giraud, ein.

He also formed an unhealthy attachment to a 12-year-old girl, Teresa Také si vytvořil nezdravou vazbu k 12leté dívce Tereze Ele também formou um apego doentio a uma menina de 12 anos, Teresa

Makri, for whom he wrote a poem about and attempted to buy for £500. Makri, pro kterého napsal báseň a pokusil se koupit za 500 liber. Makri, über den er ein Gedicht geschrieben und versucht hat, ihn für 500 Pfund zu kaufen. 彼が詩を書き、500ポンドで買おうとしたマクリ。 Макрі, про якого він написав вірш і намагався купити за 500 фунтів. 他为马克里 (Makri) 写了一首诗并试图以 500 英镑的价格买下它。

As a reminder, at this time Byron is 22 years old. Pro připomenutí, v této době je Byronovi 22 let.

They say travel broadens the mind, and it certainly impacted Byron's poetry. Říká se, že cestování rozšiřuje mysl a určitě to ovlivnilo Byronovu poezii. Man sagt, dass Reisen den Geist erweitert, und das hat sicherlich Byrons Poesie beeinflusst. Dizem que viajar alarga a mente e certamente impactou a poesia de Byron. Кажуть, подорожі розширюють світогляд, і це, безумовно, вплинуло на поезію Байрона.

He wrote a semi-autobiographical poem, full of regret about wasting his youth in Napsal poloautobiografickou báseň, plnou lítosti nad tím, že promarnil své mládí Ele escreveu um poema semi-autobiográfico, cheio de arrependimento por ter desperdiçado sua juventude em

useless vice and sin, but having a chance to reform and transform through pilgrimage. zbytečná neřest a hřích, ale mající šanci na reformu a proměnu prostřednictvím pouti. Laster und Sünde sind nutzlos, aber sie haben die Chance, sich zu bessern und durch die Pilgerschaft zu verwandeln. vício inútil e pecado, mas tendo a chance de reformar e transformar através da peregrinação.

His hero was the characteristic moody figure of the Romantic period, Jeho hrdinou byla charakteristická náladová postava období romantismu, Sein Held war die typische Stimmungsfigur der Romantik, Seu herói era a figura temperamental característica do período romântico, 他的英雄是浪漫主义时期典型的忧郁人物,

blessed with good looks and a tendency to question society's norms. požehnaný hezkým vzhledem a tendencí zpochybňovat normy společnosti. gesegnet mit gutem Aussehen und der Neigung, gesellschaftliche Normen in Frage zu stellen. abençoado com boa aparência e uma tendência a questionar as normas da sociedade. 拥有漂亮的外表和质疑社会规范的倾向。

This hero was, of course, how he saw himself. Dieser Held war natürlich, wie er sich selbst sah.

This poem was called Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, and it Dieses Gedicht trug den Titel Childe Harolds Pilgerreise, und es Este poema foi chamado de Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, e

was the poem that would make Lord Byron famous overnight. foi o poema que tornaria Lord Byron famoso da noite para o dia. 这首诗让拜伦勋爵一夜成名。

The Grand Tour over, Byron returned to England in 1811, after two years travelling around Europe.

He had never accepted the societal norms of England, but his acquaintance with Nikdy nepřijal společenské normy Anglie, ale jeho známost Ele nunca aceitara as normas sociais da Inglaterra, mas sua familiaridade com

foreign societies of relaxed cultures made him even more bold and experimental. cizí společnosti uvolněných kultur ho učinily ještě odvážnějším a experimentálnějším. 宽松文化的外国社会使他更加大胆和实验。

By the time he returned, he was a celebrity. Als er zurückkehrte, war er bereits eine Berühmtheit.

And he said, “I awoke one morning and found myself famous.” A on řekl: "Jednoho rána jsem se probudil a zjistil jsem, že jsem slavný."

With the enormous fame came many wanted and some unwanted advances from women. S obrovskou slávou přišlo mnoho hledaných a některé nechtěné pokroky od žen. Mit dem enormen Ruhm kamen viele erwünschte und einige unerwünschte Annäherungsversuche von Frauen. Com a enorme fama vieram muitos avanços desejados e alguns indesejados das mulheres. 随着巨大的名声而来的是许多女性的通缉和一些不受欢迎的追求。

He started affairs with married women, their daughters, and even their maids.

He was famous, chased, loved, and desired. Byl slavný, pronásledovaný, milovaný a žádaný. Er war berühmt, gejagt, geliebt und begehrt.

One sexual conquest after another, Byron did not commit to a single woman or man for that matter. Jedno sexuální dobytí za druhým se Byron nezavázal k jediné ženě nebo muži. Eine sexuelle Eroberung nach der anderen, Byron hat sich nicht an eine einzige Frau oder einen einzigen Mann gebunden. Una conquista sessuale dopo l'altra, Byron non si impegnò con una sola donna o uomo che fosse. 次から次へと性的に征服していったが、バイロンは一人の女性にも男性にもコミットしなかった。 Одно сексуальное завоевание за другим, Байрон не связывал себя ни с одной женщиной или мужчиной, если уж на то пошло.

But he deeply mourned his chorister lover, John Eddleston, who died of consumption in that year. Ale hluboce truchlil nad svým milencem sboristy Johna Eddlestona, který v tom roce zemřel na konzumaci. Aber er trauerte sehr um seinen Geliebten John Eddleston, der in jenem Jahr an Schwindsucht starb.

He wrote a love poem for him, concealing John's name with a woman's name. Napsal pro něj milostnou báseň, v níž skryl Johnovo jméno se jménem ženy. Er schrieb ein Liebesgedicht für ihn, in dem er den Namen von John mit dem Namen einer Frau verwechselte. Scrisse una poesia d'amore per lui, nascondendo il nome di John con quello di una donna.

Now, this episode would last several hours if we were to detail every one of his Nyní by tato epizoda trvala několik hodin, kdybychom měli podrobně popsat všechny jeho

romantic relationships, but here are a few that were fundamental to his life and legacy. romantické vztahy, ale zde je několik, které byly zásadní pro jeho život a odkaz. 浪漫关系,但这里有一些对他的生活和遗产至关重要的关系。

One was an aristocrat called Lady Caroline Lamb, a Gothic writer who would visit Byron Eine davon war eine Aristokratin namens Lady Caroline Lamb, eine Gothic-Autorin, die Byron besuchte

dressed up as a boy and who famously described Byron as ‘mad, bad, and dangerous to know'. oblečený jako chlapec a který skvěle popsal Byrona jako „šíleného, špatného a nebezpečného vědět“. der sich als Junge verkleidete und Byron als "verrückt, schlecht und gefährlich zu kennen" bezeichnete.

Sure, she was married, but that was far from scandalous compared to what was next. Jistě, byla vdaná, ale ve srovnání s tím, co následovalo, to zdaleka nebylo skandální. Sicher, sie war verheiratet, aber das war bei weitem kein Skandal im Vergleich zu dem, was als nächstes kam.

In 1813, when he was 25, he started an affair with a lady called Augusta Leigh.

She was also married, but that wasn't the main problem.

The problem was that she was his half-sister from his father's first marriage!

If you were rich or famous enough, you could perhaps get away with alcoholism and Wenn man reich oder berühmt genug war, konnte man vielleicht mit Alkoholismus und

drugs, which Byron would consume in vast quantities, and even homosexual relations. Drogen, die Byron in großen Mengen konsumieren würde, und sogar homosexuelle Beziehungen. drogas, que Byron consumía en grandes cantidades, e incluso relaciones homosexuales.

However, incest was another matter altogether. Inzest war jedoch eine ganz andere Sache. 然而,乱伦完全是另一回事。

You couldn't bed your half-sister and get away with it and Byron knew it. Nemohl jsi dát své nevlastní sestře do postele a dostat se z toho pryč a Byron to věděl. Man konnte nicht mit seiner Halbschwester schlafen und damit durchkommen, und Byron wusste das. 腹違いの妹を寝取って逃げ出すなんてできないし、バイロンはそれを知っていた。

He did all he could to hide the affair. Er tat alles, um die Affäre zu verbergen.

Augusta even gave birth to a daughter, Medora, who was rumoured to be Byron's. Augusta dokonce porodila dceru Medoru, o které se povídalo, že je Byronova. Augusta brachte sogar eine Tochter zur Welt, Medora, von der es hieß, sie sei Byrons Tochter. Augusta incluso dio a luz a una hija, Medora, que se rumoreaba que era de Byron.

Byron was now both needing to shut down the rumours of incest as well as Byron nyní potřeboval umlčet zvěsti o incestu Byron musste nun sowohl die Gerüchte über Inzest aus der Welt schaffen als auch die

drowning in debt, so he decided to propose to a rich heiress, Annabella Milbanke. utápí v dluzích, a tak se rozhodl požádat o ruku bohatou dědičku Annabellu Milbankeovou. Er beschloss, einer reichen Erbin, Annabella Milbanke, einen Heiratsantrag zu machen, da er in Schulden versank.

She rejected him at first, which must have come as quite a shock. Nejprve ho odmítla, což musel být docela šok. Ella le rechazó al principio, lo que debió de resultar bastante chocante. Ela o rejeitou a princípio, o que deve ter sido um choque.

He wasn't used to rejection, and so he persevered in his Nebyl zvyklý na odmítání, a tak ve svém vytrval Er war nicht an Ablehnung gewöhnt, und so beharrte er auf seinem

attempts to seduce Annabella, who finally agreed to marry him. pokusy svést Annabellu, která nakonec souhlasila, že si ho vezme. 試圖引誘安娜貝拉,後者最終同意嫁給他。

They got married in 1815, but that didn't mean that he Sie heirateten 1815, aber das bedeutete nicht, dass er

packed in his, that he stopped, his scandalous ways. nacpaný do jeho, že přestal, jeho skandální způsoby. dass er sein skandalöses Verhalten einstellte. embalado em seu, que ele parou, seus modos escandalosos.

He took his wife to visit Augusta, his half-sister.

While Augusta's husband was away, Byron and Augusta

shared a bed, while Annabella slept alone in a guest room.

And it wasn't like Byron was loyal only to his lover - he A nebylo to tak, že by Byron byl loajální pouze ke svému milenci - jemu Und es war nicht so, dass Byron nur seiner Geliebten gegenüber loyal war - er

continued to sleep with other men and women throughout. po celou dobu spal s jinými muži a ženami. schlief weiterhin mit anderen Männern und Frauen. siguió acostándose con otros hombres y mujeres en todo momento.