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Ted Talks, Why bodybuilding at age 93 is a great idea: Charles Eugster at TEDxZurich

Why bodybuilding at age 93 is a great idea: Charles Eugster at TEDxZurich

Transcriber: Robert Tucker Reviewer: Ariana Bleau Lugo

Let me start first with a brief story.

Before attending a dinner at my rowing club, I went into the bar.

Seeing an attractive young lady...


I thought that I would chat her up.

Suddenly, there was an influx of people, and we were pressed together.

My nose was squashed in the cleavage between two magnificent breasts.

My embarrassment made me realize how tall the lovely lady was.


I had, in fact, been introduced to one of the many continuing rapid changes

related to our human bodies.

The increase of height of 10cm during the last few hundred years

seems to have peeked in 1970.

Here I am, rowing at the age of 91

with a 15 year old, who is already well over a head taller than me.

There is continuing increase in girth.

Obesity is now a major world health problem.

World obesity has doubled since 1980.

12% of the world's population is obese.

In the Americas, it is even 26%.

Obesity can cause diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Already 10% of the world's population suffer from diabetes.

A world pandemic of diabetes is already a reality.

By 2030 it is estimated that 50% of the US population will be obese.

In obesity, it is the prefrontal part of the brain that shrinks.

The prospect of the most powerful nation of the world

with 50% of the US population having shrinking brains is frightening!

(Laughter, Applause)

Never in human history have so many humans been so overweight and so obese.

The world's population is now 7 billion.

Very soon there will be 8 billion people inhabiting the Earth.

If at this point, a pandemic were to destroy

half of the world's population,

there would still be double the amount of people that existed when I was a child!

The continuing aging of the population

is one of the most remarkable success stories

of the human race in modern history.

There will soon be more people over 60 than children under 15.

But man has destroyed the wonder of aging

by transforming it into an age of degeneration and disease.

92.2% of the over 65 in the United States has one or more chronic diseases.

40% of the 60+ take 5 or more medicaments a day.

45% of the 85+ have Alzheimer's.

Natural, healthy aging is unseen,

covered by a blanket of disease.

In fact, it is falsely assumed

that disease is a natural consequence of aging.

Lift up the blanket and there could be surprises.


Lifelong work, continuous education, competition in strenuous sports,

beauty queens in old age could be a reality.

The aged now, however, are over nourished, over medicated

and physically and mentally inactive.

Inactivity is a major cause of death.

How did this happen?

Our bodies are still those of the Paleolithic era.

When we were hunter-gatherers, food was scarce,

that as much food as possible was consumed and the excess stored as fat,

so that we could survive the next famine.

As physical and mental activity was enormous,

unnecessary activity was avoided.

Today, with an excess of food,

and survival no longer dependent on huge physical and mental effort,

our instincts still tell us

to consume an excess of food and avoid activity as much as possible.

Those instincts that in the past

enabled us to survive are now destroying us.

But successful aging is possible.

There are three factors that contribute to successful aging.

They are work, diet, and exercise, in that order.


I will address each in turn.


The aged suffer from inactivity, poor diet, overweight, diabetes etc,

just as the general population does, but in addition,

this is severely compounded by retirement.

Retirement is voluntary

or involuntary unemployment for up to 30 years.

We know that unemployment causes chronic disease

and mental problems,

as well as poor health, disability,

more medical consultations, more medication,

more hospital admissions.

Work, on the other hand,

is therapeutic, good for health,

and is an intrinsic part of improving and maintaining health.

Work is a determinant of self-worth,

family esteem, identity,

and standing in the community.

This graph shows the energy expenditure at different ages.

One can see that in retirement,

the physical energy expenditure for occupation is removed,

and the pensioner is left with little or no physical or mental activity.

Remember, inactivity kills!

In the UK, retirement was reduced from the age of 70 to 65 in 1946,

when life expectancy was 65 years.

The retirement age was never intended to be earlier than life expectancy.

Today, however, retirement can start 25 to 30 years

earlier than life expectancy.

Our pension schemes are financially unsustainable.

It is that destructive effects of retirement

on physical and mental health that have not only been ignored,

but vastly underestimated.

It is essential that the aged be integrated into the workforce,

not only for financial, but also for health reasons.

Retirement is not the end,

it can be a new beginning,

a chance...


... a chance to build a new body,

develop dormant talents, and start a new life for the next 30 years.

Start a new successful company.

The 55 to 65 decade is the highest decade of entrepreneurial activity,

with the highest long-term success rate.

You have nothing to lose except the chains of convention.


Retirement is a massive health calamity

and a future financial disaster.


Fast, processed and junk food together with soft drinks

take advantage of our cravings.

Consuming these foods can lead to nutritional imbalance.


Vanity is a huge asset.


Even at 87, I wanted an Adonis body

in order to turn the heads

of these sexy, young 70 year-old girls on the beach.

I wanted a six pack, but my coach said,

we must first work on my bottom, which, she said, was a catastrophe.


Exercise is both a preventive measure and a treatment.

The success rate of exercise therapy for a number of conditions

is well over 40%.

The number of diseases that are treatable by exercise is continuously increasing.

Research has shown that those who participate

in strenuous competitive sports live longer.

Obviously, training for competition is more intense,

and in addition,

competition gives valuable adrenaline rushes.

At present, longer life expectancy means an ever-extending period

of state-supported or company-financed retirement,

more disability and more health costs.

This was never anticipated.

By 2025 it is estimated that the cost of interest payments,

Medicare, Medicaid and social security

will consume all US federal income.

The economic consequences of chronic disease are so substantial

that if present trends continue

nation states could be bankrupted.

In the near future, it will be those countries

that have the healthiest populations

with the healthiest brains that will rule the world.

What can you do?

Save your health and save humanity.

One of the most interesting developments is the fact

that we can rebuild old bodies.

The body of an 80-year-old has lost about 50% of his muscle mass

since the age of 50,

which has been replaced by fat.

By removing the fat and regenerating lost muscle,

we can give the 80-year-old a body composition

similar to that one of 20 or even 30 years younger.

Two men.

The first is 20 years older than the second.

Not the other way around.

A beach party at 90 is no longer a dream but a real possibility.

I have little time to tell you more,

but you have no time to lose.

You can rebuild your body at any age.

It's like trading in your car for a new one.

When I was in Chicago in 1950,

I traded in my Chevrolet, list price $3,000,

for an Oldsmobile 98, list price $5,000.

I asked the salesman:

What is the difference between these two cars?

He said two words:

more car.

What do you get when you trade in your body for a new one?

More body, more mind, more spirit!

Go for it!


Dania Gerhardt: This was wonderful Charles.

I mean, I don't have to add anything, the reaction is so obvious.

I really love it that bodybuilding will save humanity, I guess.

So, I can also imagine that after this

a lot of people will, in the next break,

maybe go for the fruit rather than for the cake,

and maybe run home instead of taking the train.

Would that make you happy?

Charles Eugster: Well, as far as fruit [is] concerned,

I would just like to say that in the Garden of Eden,

if Adam had refused the fruit offered by Eve,

and instead eaten the snake, protein,


the world would be different.

(Laughter) (Applause)

Dania Gerhardt: Thank you, Charles. Thank you so much. Thank you. Wonderful.


Why bodybuilding at age 93 is a great idea: Charles Eugster at TEDxZurich Warum Bodybuilding mit 93 Jahren eine gute Idee ist: Charles Eugster bei TEDxZurich Por qué el culturismo a los 93 años es una gran idea: Charles Eugster en TEDxZurich Perché fare bodybuilding a 93 anni è una grande idea: Charles Eugster a TEDxZurich 93歳でボディビルをすることが素晴らしいアイデアである理由:チャールズ・オウグスター(TEDxZurichにて Kodėl 93 metų kultūrizmas yra puiki idėja: Charlesas Eugsteris TEDxZurich Porque é que fazer musculação aos 93 anos é uma óptima ideia: Charles Eugster no TEDxZurich Почему бодибилдинг в 93 года - отличная идея: Чарльз Югстер на TEDxZurich Neden 93 yaşında vücut geliştirmek harika bir fikir: Charles Eugster TEDxZurich'te 為什麼 93 歲健美是個好主意:Charles Eugster 在 TEDxZurich

Transcriber: Robert Tucker Reviewer: Ariana Bleau Lugo Traductor: Larisa Esteche Revisor: Sebastian Betti

Let me start first with a brief story. Empezaré con una breve historia.

Before attending a dinner at my rowing club, I went into the bar. Antes de ir a una cena en mi club de remo, fui al bar.

Seeing an attractive young lady... Al ver a una joven atractiva.

(Laughter) (Risas)

I thought that I would chat her up. Pensé que podría seducirla.

Suddenly, there was an influx of people, and we were pressed together. De repente, hubo una invasión de gente, y tuvimos que apretujarnos.

My nose was squashed in the cleavage between two magnificent breasts. Mi nariz se aplastó en el escote entre dos pechos magníficos.

My embarrassment made me realize how tall the lovely lady was. Mi vergüenza me hizo dar cuenta de lo alta que era la adorable dama.

(Laughter) (Risas)

I had, in fact, been introduced to one of the many continuing rapid changes De hecho, me vi inmerso en uno de los muchos rápidos cambios continuos

related to our human bodies. relacionados con nuestro cuerpo humano.

The increase of height of 10cm during the last few hundred years El aumento de altura de 10 cm en los últimos cientos de años

seems to have peeked in 1970. parece haber llegado a la cima en 1970.

Here I am, rowing at the age of 91 Acá estoy, remando con 91 años,

with a 15 year old, who is already well over a head taller than me. con un chico de 15 años que ya es una cabeza más alto que yo.

There is continuing increase in girth. Hay aumento continuo en la cintura.

Obesity is now a major world health problem. La obesidad, hoy en día, es un grave problema mundial de salud.

World obesity has doubled since 1980. La obesidad mundial se duplicó desde 1980.

12% of the world's population is obese. El 12 % de la población mundial es obeso.

In the Americas, it is even 26%. En EE.UU. llega al 26 %.

Obesity can cause diabetes, heart disease and cancer. La obesidad puede causar diabetes, enfermedades cardíacas y cáncer.

Already 10% of the world's population suffer from diabetes. El 10 % de la población mundial ya sufre diabetes.

A world pandemic of diabetes is already a reality. Una pandemia mundial de diabetes ya es una realidad.

By 2030 it is estimated that 50% of the US population will be obese. Para el 2030, se estima que el 50 % de la población de EE.UU. va a ser obesa.

In obesity, it is the prefrontal part of the brain that shrinks. En la obesidad, la parte prefrontal del cerebro se achica.

The prospect of the most powerful nation of the world La posibilidad de que la nación más poderosa del mundo

with 50% of the US population having shrinking brains is frightening! tenga el 50 % de la población con sus cerebros reducidos ¡es aterradora!

(Laughter, Applause) (Risas) (Aplausos)

Never in human history have so many humans been so overweight and so obese. Nunca en la historia de la humanidad hubo tantos humanos con sobrepeso y obesidad.

The world's population is now 7 billion. La población mundial en la actualidad es de 7000 millones.

Very soon there will be 8 billion people inhabiting the Earth. Muy pronto, habrá 8000 millones de personas habitando la Tierra.

If at this point, a pandemic were to destroy Si en ese punto una pandemia fuera a destruir

half of the world's population, la mitad de la población mundial,

there would still be double the amount of people that existed when I was a child! ¡Todavía habría el doble de personas que existían cuando yo era niño!

The continuing aging of the population El envejecimiento continuo de la población

is one of the most remarkable success stories es una de las historias exitosas más extraordinarias

of the human race in modern history. de la raza humana en la historia moderna.

There will soon be more people over 60 than children under 15. Pronto habrá más personas de más de 60 años que chicos menores de 15.

But man has destroyed the wonder of aging Pero el hombre ha destruido la maravilla de envejecer

by transforming it into an age of degeneration and disease. al transformarlo en edad de deterioro y enfermedad.

92.2% of the over 65 in the United States has one or more chronic diseases. El 92,2 % de los mayores de 65 años en EE.UU. tiene una o más enfermedades crónicas.

40% of the 60+ take 5 or more medicaments a day. El 40 % de los mayores de 60 toma 5 o más medicamentos por día.

45% of the 85+ have Alzheimer's. El 45 % de los mayores de 85 tiene Alzheimer.

Natural, healthy aging is unseen, El envejecimiento natural y saludable pasa desapercibido,

covered by a blanket of disease. cubierto por una manta de enfermedades.

In fact, it is falsely assumed De hecho, se asume de manera falsa

that disease is a natural consequence of aging. que la enfermedad es una consecuencia natural del envejecimiento.

Lift up the blanket and there could be surprises. Levanten la manta y puede haber sorpresas.

(Laughter) (Risas)

Lifelong work, continuous education, competition in strenuous sports, Trabajo de toda la vida, educación continua, competencia en deportes enérgicos,

beauty queens in old age could be a reality. reinas de belleza en la tercera edad pueden ser una realidad.

The aged now, however, are over nourished, over medicated Sin embargo, hoy en día los ancianos están sobrealimentados, sobremedicados

and physically and mentally inactive. y física y mentalmente inactivos.

Inactivity is a major cause of death. La inactividad es una causa importante de muerte.

How did this happen? ¿Cómo sucedió esto?

Our bodies are still those of the Paleolithic era. Nuestros cuerpos aún son los de la era paleolítica.

When we were hunter-gatherers, food was scarce, Cuando éramos cazadores-recolectores, la comida era escasa,

that as much food as possible was consumed and the excess stored as fat, consumíamos lo que más podíamos y el exceso se almacenaba como grasa,

so that we could survive the next famine. para que pudiéramos sobrevivir a la próxima hambruna.

As physical and mental activity was enormous, Como la actividad física y mental era enorme,

unnecessary activity was avoided. se evitaba toda actividad innecesaria.

Today, with an excess of food, Hoy, con exceso de comida,

and survival no longer dependent on huge physical and mental effort, y la supervivencia ya no dependiente de gran esfuerzo físico y mental,

our instincts still tell us nuestros instintos aún nos dicen

to consume an excess of food and avoid activity as much as possible. que consumamos comida en exceso y evitemos actividades lo más posible.

Those instincts that in the past Esos instintos que en el pasado

enabled us to survive are now destroying us. nos permitían sobrevivir, hoy nos están destruyendo.

But successful aging is possible. Pero el envejecimiento exitoso es posible.

There are three factors that contribute to successful aging. Hay tres factores que contribuyen a envejecer de manera exitosa.

They are work, diet, and exercise, in that order. Son trabajo, dieta y ejercicio, en ese orden.

(Laughter) (Risas)

I will address each in turn. Voy a referirme de a uno por vez.

Work. Trabajo.

The aged suffer from inactivity, poor diet, overweight, diabetes etc, Los ancianos sufren de inactividad, dieta precaria, sobrepeso, diabetes, etc.,

just as the general population does, but in addition, al igual que la población en general, pero además,

this is severely compounded by retirement. esto se agrava con la jubilación.

Retirement is voluntary La jubilación es el desempleo

or involuntary unemployment for up to 30 years. voluntario o involuntario por más de 30 años.

We know that unemployment causes chronic disease Sabemos que el desempleo causa enfermedades crónicas

and mental problems, y problemas mentales,

as well as poor health, disability, y también salud precaria, discapacidad,

more medical consultations, more medication, más consultas médicas, más medicación,

more hospital admissions. más ingresos en hospitales.

Work, on the other hand, Por otro lado, el trabajo es terapéutico,

is therapeutic, good for health, bueno para la salud,

and is an intrinsic part of improving and maintaining health. y es una parte intrínseca para mejorar y mantener la salud.

Work is a determinant of self-worth, El trabajo es un determinante de la autoestima,

family esteem, identity, el aprecio familiar, la identidad,

and standing in the community. y la pertenencia a una comunidad.

This graph shows the energy expenditure at different ages. Este gráfico muestra el gasto de energía en diferentes edades.

One can see that in retirement, Podemos ver que en la jubilación,

the physical energy expenditure for occupation is removed, el gasto de energía física por el trabajo desaparece,

and the pensioner is left with little or no physical or mental activity. y el jubilado se queda con poca o ninguna actividad física o mental.

Remember, inactivity kills! Recuerden, ¡la inactividad mata!

In the UK, retirement was reduced from the age of 70 to 65 in 1946, En el Reino Unido, la jubilación se redujo de los 70 a los 65 años en 1946,

when life expectancy was 65 years. cuando la esperanza de vida era de 65 años.

The retirement age was never intended to be earlier than life expectancy. No se esperaba que la edad de jubilación fuera antes que la expectativa de vida.

Today, however, retirement can start 25 to 30 years Sin embargo, en la actualidad, la jubilación puede empezar 25 o 30 años

earlier than life expectancy. antes que la esperanza de vida.

Our pension schemes are financially unsustainable. Nuestros planes de pensiones son financieramente insostenibles.

It is that destructive effects of retirement Es que los efectos destructivos de la jubilación

on physical and mental health that have not only been ignored, en la salud física y mental no solo fueron ignorados,

but vastly underestimated. sino enormemente subestimados.

It is essential that the aged be integrated into the workforce, Es imprescindible que la gente mayor sea integrada en la fuerza laboral,

not only for financial, but also for health reasons. no solo por motivos financieros, sino también de salud.

Retirement is not the end, La jubilación no es el fin,

it can be a new beginning, puede ser un nuevo comienzo,

a chance... una oportunidad...

(Applause) (Aplausos)

... a chance to build a new body, ... una oportunidad para construir un nuevo cuerpo,

develop dormant talents, and start a new life for the next 30 years. desarrollar talentos ocultos, y empezar una nueva vida por los próximos 30 años.

Start a new successful company. Comenzar una nueva compañía exitosa.

The 55 to 65 decade is the highest decade of entrepreneurial activity, La década de los 55 a los 65 es la mejor década de actividad empresarial,

with the highest long-term success rate. con la tasa más alta de éxito a largo plazo.

You have nothing to lose except the chains of convention. No tienen nada que perder salvo las cadenas de las costumbres.

(Applause) (Aplausos)

Retirement is a massive health calamity La jubilación es desgracia masiva a la salud

and a future financial disaster. y un futuro desastre financiero.

Diet. Dieta.

Fast, processed and junk food together with soft drinks La comida rápida, procesada y chatarra junto con refrescos

take advantage of our cravings. se toman ventaja de nuestros antojos.

Consuming these foods can lead to nutritional imbalance. Consumir estas comidas pueden llevar a un desequilibrio nutricional.

Exercise. Ejercicio.

Vanity is a huge asset. La vanidad es un gran activo.

(Laughter) (Risas)

Even at 87, I wanted an Adonis body Incluso a los 87 años, yo quería el cuerpo de Adonis

in order to turn the heads para llamar la atención

of these sexy, young 70 year-old girls on the beach. de estas chicas sensuales de 70 años en la playa.

I wanted a six pack, but my coach said, Quería unos buenos abdominales, pero mi entrenador decía

we must first work on my bottom, which, she said, was a catastrophe. que primero debíamos trabajar con mi trasero, que según ella, era una catástrofe.

(Laughter) (Risas)

Exercise is both a preventive measure and a treatment. El ejercicio es tanto una medida preventiva como un tratamiento.

The success rate of exercise therapy for a number of conditions La tasa de éxito de la terapia de ejercicio para un número de enfermedades

is well over 40%. es cerca del 40 %.

The number of diseases that are treatable by exercise is continuously increasing. El número de enfermedades tratables con ejercicio aumenta constantemente.

Research has shown that those who participate Las investigaciones han demostrado que aquellos que participan

in strenuous competitive sports live longer. en deportes competitivos enérgicos viven más.

Obviously, training for competition is more intense, Por supuesto, entrenar para competir es más intenso,

and in addition, y además,

competition gives valuable adrenaline rushes. las competencias brindan descargas de adrenalina valiosas.

At present, longer life expectancy means an ever-extending period En la actualidad, una mayor esperanza de vida significa un período más extenso

of state-supported or company-financed retirement, de jubilaciones subsidiadas por el estado o financiadas por compañías,

more disability and more health costs. más discapacidad y más costos de salud.

This was never anticipated. Esto nunca fue anticipado.

By 2025 it is estimated that the cost of interest payments, Para el 2025, se estima que el costo de pagos de intereses,

Medicare, Medicaid and social security Medicare, Medicaid y seguridad social

will consume all US federal income. va a consumir todo el ingreso federal de Estados Unidos.

The economic consequences of chronic disease are so substantial Las consecuencias económicas de las enfermedades crónicas son tan significativas

that if present trends continue que si las tendencias actuales continúan,

nation states could be bankrupted. los estados nacionales pueden quedar en banca rota.

In the near future, it will be those countries En el futuro cercano, los países

that have the healthiest populations con poblaciones más saludables

with the healthiest brains that will rule the world. y con los cerebros más sanos serán los que dominen el mundo.

What can you do? ¿Qué pueden hacer ustedes?

Save your health and save humanity. Salven su salud y salven a la humanidad.

One of the most interesting developments is the fact Uno de los desarrollos más interesantes

that we can rebuild old bodies. es el hecho de que podemos reconstruir cuerpos viejos.

The body of an 80-year-old has lost about 50% of his muscle mass El cuerpo de una persona de 80 años perdió cerca del 50 % de su masa muscular

since the age of 50, desde los 50 años,

which has been replaced by fat. y fue reemplazada por grasa.

By removing the fat and regenerating lost muscle, Al eliminar la grasa y regenerar los músculos perdidos,

we can give the 80-year-old a body composition podemos darle a la persona de 80 años una composición corporal

similar to that one of 20 or even 30 years younger. similar a la que tenía 20 o 30 años antes.

Two men. Dos hombres.

The first is 20 years older than the second. El primero tiene 20 años menos que el segundo.

Not the other way around. No al revés.

A beach party at 90 is no longer a dream but a real possibility. Una fiesta en la playa a los 90 ya no es un sueño, sino una posibilidad real.

I have little time to tell you more, Tengo poco tiempo para contarles más,

but you have no time to lose. pero no tienen tiempo que perder.

You can rebuild your body at any age. Pueden reconstruir su cuerpo a cualquier edad.

It's like trading in your car for a new one.

When I was in Chicago in 1950, cambié mi Chevrolet, precio de lista USD 3000,

I traded in my Chevrolet, list price $3,000, por un Oldsmobile 98, precio de lista USD 5000.

for an Oldsmobile 98, list price $5,000. Le pregunté al vendedor:

I asked the salesman: ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre estos dos autos?

What is the difference between these two cars? Dijo dos palabras:

He said two words: más auto.

more car. ¿Qué ganan cuando cambian su cuerpo por uno nuevo?

What do you get when you trade in your body for a new one? Más cuerpo, más mente, ¡más espíritu!

More body, more mind, more spirit! ¡Anímense!

Go for it! (Aplausos)

(Applause) Dania Gerhardt: esto fue asombroso, Charles.

Dania Gerhardt: This was wonderful Charles. No tengo nada que agregar, la reacción es muy evidente.

I mean, I don't have to add anything, the reaction is so obvious. Me encanta que el fisicoculturismo vaya a salvar a la humanidad, supongo.

I really love it that bodybuilding will save humanity, I guess. Así que también puedo imaginar que luego de esto,

So, I can also imagine that after this muchas personas, en el próximo recreo,

a lot of people will, in the next break, van a ir por una fruta en vez de torta,

maybe go for the fruit rather than for the cake, y tal vez corran a sus casas en vez de ir en tren.

and maybe run home instead of taking the train. ¿Eso te haría feliz?

Would that make you happy? Charles Eugster: Bien, en cuanto a la fruta,

Charles Eugster: Well, as far as fruit [is] concerned, solo me gustaría decir que en el jardín del Edén,

I would just like to say that in the Garden of Eden, si Adán hubiera rechazado la fruta que le ofreció Eva,

if Adam had refused the fruit offered by Eve, y en lugar de eso hubiera comido la víbora, proteínas.

and instead eaten the snake, protein, (Risas)

(Laughter) El mundo sería diferente.

the world would be different. (Risas) (Aplausos)

(Laughter) (Applause) Dania Gerhardt: Gracias, Charles. Muchas gracias. Maravilloso.

Dania Gerhardt: Thank you, Charles. Thank you so much. Thank you. Wonderful. (Aplausos)
