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Ted Talks, Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves? | Lissa Rankin, MD | TEDxAmericanRiviera (2)

Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves? | Lissa Rankin, MD | TEDxAmericanRiviera (2)

More so than quitting smoking or starting to exercise.

Your spiritual life matters.

Those who attend religious services live up to fourteen years longer.

Your professional life matters.

You really can work yourself to death. In Japan they call it karoshi.

Death by overwork, and the survivors of those who die of karoshi,

can actually apply for workman's comp-like benefits in Japan.

But it's not just Japan, it's actually happening even more in the United States,

we just don't get benefits here.

So one study found that people that fail to take their vacation,

are actually a third more likely to get heart disease.

Your attitude really matters.

Ηappy people live 7 to 10 years longer than unhappy people,

and optimists are 77% less likely to get heart disease than pessimists.

So how does this happen?

What is happening in the brain that is making the body change?

This is what was fascinating to me.

I found that the brain communicates with all the cells in the body

via hormones and neurotransmitters.

So, for example, if you have a negative thought, belief

or feeling in the brain, your brain triggers this as a threat.

Something's wrong.

If you feel lonely or pessimistic, things are bad at work,

you are in a toxic relationship, the amygdala says, "Τhreat! Τhreat!"

and it turns on the hypothalamus, that talks to the pituitary gland,

that communicates with the adrenal gland and the adrenal gland start spitting out

stress hormones like cortisol, norepinephrine, epinephrine.

Ιt turns on what Walter Cannon at Harvard called the stress response,

that triggers the sympathetic nervous system,

and puts you into that fight or flight mode, which is adaptive,

it's protective if you are running away from a mountain lion,

but in every day life, you're supposed to have that quick stress response

if there is a threat and then it's supposed to switch right off.

This isn't what happens in our regular lives these days.

But fortunately there is a counter balancing relaxation response

that Herbert Benson at Harvard described.

And when this comes about, the stress response turns off,

the parasympathetic nervous system turns on,

and healing hormones like oxytocin, dopamine, nitric oxide, endorphins

fill the body and bathe every cell in the body.

What I found the most amazing about this

is that those natural self-repair mechanisms that we all have,

they only flip on when the nervous system is relaxed.

So when you're having stress responses,

all those natural self-repair mechanisms get flipped off.

The body is too busy trying to fight or flee, in order to heal itself.

So, when you think about this, you have to start to wonder like,

How can I possibly start to change the balance in my own body?

So one study showed that on average we have

more than 50 stress responses per day.

And if you're lonely, or depressed or pessimistic or unhappy at work

or in a miserable relationship that number is going to be more than twice as many.

Now this relaxation response is what researchers think

explains the placebo effect.

So when you're going to get supposedly maybe a new wonder drug -

you don't know whether you're getting the placebo or not -

it triggers that relaxation response,

that combination of the mind's positive belief

and the nurturing care of a healthcare provider

relaxes the nervous system.

And then all those natural self repair mechanisms can come into play.

Fortunately though you don't have to be in a clinical trial

to turn on your relaxation responses.

There are lots of simple pleasurable activities

that turn on the relaxation responses

and these have been proven in the medical literature.

So you can meditate, you can express yourself creatively,

you can get a massage, do yoga or tai chi,

you can go out with your friends, you can do work that you love,

you can have sex, you can laugh, exercise, you can play with animals.

So I ask you to consider the Whole Health Cairn in your own life.

Which stones in your Whole Health Cairn might be out of balance?

Each of these stones can be a factor

for creating stress responses or relaxation responses.

How might you turn on more relaxation responses in your body?

And most importantly,

what does your body need in order to heal?

What prescription do you need to write for yourself?

And are you going to be brave enough

to take action on the truth of what your inner pilot light already knows?

I believe our healthcare system is badly broken,

and it's largely because we've lost respect

for the body's ability to heal itself.

The medical establishment has gotten arrogant.

We've come to think that with all of our modern technology,

and all that we've learned in the past century,

that we've mastered nature, and we find it repelling

to think that maybe nature could be better than we are sometimes.

And yet, spontaneous remissions from incurable diseases are proof

that sometimes nature is just better than we are.

It's a narcisitic wound for physicians.

We don't know what to do with that.

It makes us feel helpless and hopeless and useless.

But fortunately, we're needed.

The physician and all the other healthcare providers

are absolutely essential to this process.

We need to embrace this.

And patients need to change their outlooks on this as well.

It is not just doctors.

We need patients to stop thinking that your body is not your business,

taking your power and handing it over to other healthcare providers.

Your body is your business, and your mind has tremendous power

to communicate with your body, such that your body can heal itself.

So I once had a dream, and in my dream I was standing there,

looking at these mountainsides, full of millions of people

that were standing shoulder to shoulder,

and they were all facing due north, dressed in all these tribal garbs,

beautiful colors covering the mountainsides like a quilt.

And there was a bright streaming light on their face

and everyone was facing this light,

and that's what I think of, when I think of healthcare.

I think of all of us, standing up, and facing the light.

So please stand with me for a moment.

It's going to take all of us.

Just because things have gotten bad doesn't mean they can't get better.

I believe that just like there are no incurable illnesses

there are no incurable systems.

But it's going to take all of us, needing to open our heart and our minds,

and bring care back to healthcare.

So please hold hands with your fellow neighbor

and let's just set the intention right here,

that things are going to be different from now on,

that we can start this grassroots effort that it all starts with you.

Be the love that you want to see in healthcare,

and I believe miracles can happen.

As we do this you're releasing oxytocin, dopamine, you start to heal yourself

and as we do so we can heal healthcare.

Thank you.


Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves? | Lissa Rankin, MD | TEDxAmericanRiviera (2) Gibt es einen wissenschaftlichen Beweis, dass wir uns selbst heilen können? | Lissa Rankin, MD | TEDxAmericanRiviera (2) ¿Hay pruebas científicas de que podemos curarnos a nosotros mismos? | Lissa Rankin, MD | TEDxAmericanRiviera (2) Esiste una prova scientifica che possiamo guarire da soli? | Lissa Rankin, MD | TEDxAmericanRiviera (2) 우리가 스스로 치유할 수 있다는 과학적 증거가 있을까요? | 리사 랭킨, MD | TEDx아메리칸리비에라 (2) Há provas científicas de que podemos curar-nos a nós próprios? | Lissa Rankin, MD | TEDxAmericanRiviera (2) Есть ли научные доказательства того, что мы можем исцелить себя? | Лисса Ранкин, доктор медицины | TEDxAmericanRiviera (2) Kendimizi iyileştirebileceğimize dair bilimsel kanıt var mı? | Lissa Rankin, MD | TEDxAmericanRiviera (2) 有科学证据证明我们可以自愈吗?| Lissa Rankin,医学博士 | TEDxAmericanRiviera (2) 有科學證據證明我們可以自癒嗎? |麗莎·蘭金,醫學博士 | TEDxAmericanRiviera (2)

More so than quitting smoking or starting to exercise. plus que cesser de fumer ou commencer à faire de l'exercice. 금연이나 운동을 시작하는 것보다 더 중요하지요.

Your spiritual life matters. Votre vie spirituelle compte. 영적 생활도 중요합니다.

Those who attend religious services live up to fourteen years longer. Ceux qui assistent aux services religieux vivent jusqu'à quatorze ans de plus. 종교 활동을 하는 사람들은 최고 14년 더 산다고 합니다.

Your professional life matters. Votre vie professionnelle compte. 직장생활도 중요하죠.

You really can work yourself to death. In Japan they call it karoshi. 여러분은 일하다가 죽을 수도 있습니다. 일본에서는 이것을 과로사라고 부릅니다.

Death by overwork, and the survivors of those who die of karoshi, Et l'entourage de ces morts 과한 업무로 인한 사망이죠. 그리고 과로사 당한 가족들은

can actually apply for workman's comp-like benefits in Japan. peut demander, au Japon, des sortes d'indemnités d'accident du travail. 수당을 받을 수 있습니다. podemos realmente solicitar benefícios semelhantes aos do seguro de acidentes de trabalho no Japão.

But it's not just Japan, it's actually happening even more in the United States, Mais il n'y a pas qu'au Japon ! Cela arrive plus aux États-Unis ! Mas não é apenas no Japão, na verdade isso está acontecendo ainda mais nos Estados Unidos,

we just don't get benefits here. Sauf que nous n'avons pas d'indemnités ici ! nós simplesmente não recebemos benefícios aqui.

So one study found that people that fail to take their vacation, Une étude a révélé que les gens qui ne prennent pas de vacances

are actually a third more likely to get heart disease. ont trois fois plus de chances de souffrir d'une maladie cardiaque.

Your attitude really matters. Votre attitude est vraiment importante. 여러분의 태도도 정말 중요합니다.

Ηappy people live 7 to 10 years longer than unhappy people, Les gens heureux vivent 7 à 10 ans de plus que les personnes malheureuses. 행복한 사람은 불행한 사람보다 7-10년을 더 살며

and optimists are 77% less likely to get heart disease than pessimists. Les optimistes sont 77 % moins susceptibles d'avoir une maladie cardiaque que les pessimistes. 낙관론자는 비관론자에 비해 심장병 확률이 77% 낮습니다.

So how does this happen? Comment cela se produit-il ? 어떻게 이런 일이 생길까요?

What is happening in the brain that is making the body change? Que se passe-t-il dans le cerveau, qui fait que le corps change ? 우리 뇌에는 어떤 일이 일어나 몸을 변화시키는 걸까요?

This is what was fascinating to me. C'est ce qui m'a fascinée ! 이것이 저는 흥미로웠습니다.

I found that the brain communicates with all the cells in the body J'ai trouvé que le cerveau communique avec toutes les cellules du corps, 우리의 뇌는 몸의 모든 세포와 소통을 합니다.

via hormones and neurotransmitters. par le biais des hormones et neurotransmetteurs. 호르몬과 신경전달 물질을 통해서요.

So, for example, if you have a negative thought, belief Par exemple : si vous avez une pensée, une croyance, un sentiment négatif 예를 들어, 안 좋은 생각, 믿음,

or feeling in the brain, your brain triggers this as a threat. Κάτι δεν πάει καλά. Algo está mal. dans le cerveau, il le traite comme une menace : quelque chose ne va pas. משהו לא בסדר. Qualcosa non va. 느낌을 받으면, 뇌는 이것을 위협으로 받아들입니다. Coś jest nie tak. acesta îl consideră o ameninţare. Ceva nu e în regulă. Что-то не работает. Birşeyler yanlış.

Something's wrong. Αν αισθάνεστε μοναξιά ή απαισιοδοξία, η δουλειά δεν πάει καλά, Si se sienten solos o pesimistas, [br]las cosas están mal en el trabajo, Si vous vous sentez seul, sombre, ça ne va pas au travail, אתם מרגישים לבד ופסימים, הדברים בעבודה רעים , Se siamo soli o pessimisti, se le cose al lavoro non vanno bene, 뭔가가 잘못되었구나. Jeśli odczuwasz samotność, pesymizm, w pracy jest źle, Se sente-se só ou pessimista, o trabalho não vai bem, Dacă te simţi singur şi eşti pesimist, la muncă nu-ţi merge bine, Вы одиноки или пессимист, что-то не так на работе, Eğer yalnız veya karamsar hissediyorsanız, işler kötüyse,

If you feel lonely or pessimistic, things are bad at work, 만약 외롭거나 비관적이고, 회사에서 나쁜 일이 생긴다거나, żyjesz w toksycznym związku,

you are in a toxic relationship, the amygdala says, "Τhreat! Τhreat!" 나쁜 관계에 처해 있다면 소뇌에서는 "위험! 위험! 위험!" 이라고 말하며 to ciało migdałowate woła: "Niebezpieczeństwo!" ai o relaţie toxică, amigdala semnalează ,,Pericol! Pericol!",

and it turns on the hypothalamus, that talks to the pituitary gland, 시상하부를 활성화 시키고 시상하부는 뇌하수체에게 신호를 보내며 i uruchamia podwzgórze, które komunikuje się z przysadką, activează hipotalamusul care comunică cu glanda pituitară, care comunică

that communicates with the adrenal gland and the adrenal gland start spitting out La glande surrénale crache les hormones de stress : 뇌하수체는 부신에게 신호를 보내어 부신으로 하여금 a ta z nadnerczami, które zaczynają wydzielać hormony stresu, cu glandele suprarenale, care încep să elibereze hormoni de stres:

stress hormones like cortisol, norepinephrine, epinephrine. cortisol, noradrénaline, adrénaline. 코티졸, 노레피네프린, 에피네프린 같은 스트레스 호르몬을 방출하게 합니다. jak kortyzol, noradrenalina i adrenalina. cortizol, norepinefrină, epinefrină.

Ιt turns on what Walter Cannon at Harvard called the stress response, Elle active ce que Walter Cannon à Harvard appelle la réponse au stress, 하버드의 월터 캐논이 스트레스 반응이라고 칭한 반응을 유발시켜 Walter Cannon z Harvardu nazwał to reakcją stresową. Se activează, ce Walter Cannon de la Harvard numeşte, răspunsul la stres,

that triggers the sympathetic nervous system, qui enclenche le système nerveux sympathique 교감신경계를 활성화 시키고 Uruchamia ona układ współczulny, care stimulează sistemul nervos simpatic şi te pregăteşte pentru fugă sau luptă,

and puts you into that fight or flight mode, which is adaptive, et vous met dans le mode « combat ou fuite » qui est adaptatif. 여러분을 투쟁-도피 상태라는 적응 혹은 방어 상태에 들어가게 합니다. włączając tryb ucieczki albo walki, co jest mechanizmem adaptacyjnym

it's protective if you are running away from a mountain lion, Ça protège si vous fuyez un puma ! 여러분이 짐승으로부터 도망가고 있다면 필요한 상태이지요. i chroni nas, gdy uciekamy przed pumą,

but in every day life, you're supposed to have that quick stress response Mais, dans la vie de tous les jours, vous êtes censé avoir cette courte réponse au stress 그러나 일상의 상황에서는 그런 반응은 위협이 있을 때 잠깐 켜졌다가 ale na co dzień, reakcja ma być szybka,

if there is a threat and then it's supposed to switch right off. puis c'est censé s'arrêter. 바로 다시 꺼져야합니다. kiedy coś nam grozi, a potem ma od razu przestać działać.

This isn't what happens in our regular lives these days. Ce n'est pas ce qu'il se passe dans notre vie quotidienne aujourd’hui. 이것은 일상생활에서는 일어나는 일이 아니기 때문이지요. Tak się teraz nie dzieje w codziennym życiu.

But fortunately there is a counter balancing relaxation response Heureusement, il y a en contrepoids, une « réponse de relaxation » 그러나 다행히도 Na szczęście istnieje przeciwstawna reakcja relaksacyjna,

that Herbert Benson at Harvard described. décrite par Herbert Benson, à Harvard. 하버드의 허버트 벤슨이 묘사한 이완반응이 균형을 맞춰줍니다. którą opisał Herbert Benson z Harvardu.

And when this comes about, the stress response turns off, Quand cela survient, la réponse au stress se désactive, 이 반응이 발생하면 스트레스 반응은 꺼지고 Gdy zachodzi reakcja relaksacyjna, stresowa zostaje zatrzymana,

the parasympathetic nervous system turns on, le système parasympathique s'active, 부교감 신경계가 켜집니다. układ współczulny jest wyłączany,

and healing hormones like oxytocin, dopamine, nitric oxide, endorphins όπως η οξυτοκίνη, η ντοπαμίνη, τα νιτρικά οξείδια και οι ενδορφίνες, les hormones guérissantes : l’ocytocine, la dopamine, l'oxyde nitrique 그리고 오시토신, 도파민, 산화질소, 엔돌핀 같은 치유 호르몬이 a uzdrawiające substancje, jak oksytocyna, dopamina, tlenek azotu i endorfiny,

fill the body and bathe every cell in the body. γεμίζουν το σώμα και ξεπλένουν κάθε κύτταρο του σώματος. et les endorphines remplissent le corps et baignent chaque cellule. 우리 몸을 채우고 모든 몸속 세포를 씻어줍니다. rozchodzą się po ciele i wszystkich komórkach.

What I found the most amazing about this Το πιο καταπληκτικό με αυτό για μένα, Ce que je trouve le plus étonnant, 여기서 저에게 가장 놀라웠던 것은 W tych odkryciach najbardziej zdumiewa to,

is that those natural self-repair mechanisms that we all have, είναι πως αυτοί οι φυσικοί μηχανισμοί αυτοθεραπείας που όλοι έχουμε, c'est que ces mécanismes naturels d'auto-réparation que nous avons tous, 우리가 가진 자가 치유 체제는 że naturalne mechanizmy samonaprawy, które wszyscy posiadamy,

they only flip on when the nervous system is relaxed. ενεργοποιούνται μόνο όταν το νευρικό σύστημα είναι ήρεμο. se déclenchent seulement... lorsque le système nerveux est détendu. 신경계가 이완되어있을 때 활성화 된다는 것입니다. włączają się tylko wtedy, gdy układ nerwowy jest w stanie relaksu.

So when you're having stress responses, Οπότε, όταν έχετε αντιδράσεις άγχους, Ainsi, quand vous êtes stressé, 여러분이 스트레스 반응을 보일때 Kiedy odczuwamy stres,

all those natural self-repair mechanisms get flipped off. όλοι αυτοί οι φυσικοί μηχανισμοί αυτοθεραπείας απενεργοποιούνται. tous ces mécanismes d'auto-réparation sont désactivés. 모든 자가 치유 체제는 꺼집니다. te mechanizmy zostają wyłączone, bo ciało jest zbyt zajęte,

The body is too busy trying to fight or flee, in order to heal itself. Το σώμα προσπαθεί να παλέψει ή να ξεφύγει και όχι να αυτοθεραπευτεί. Le corps est trop occupé à essayer de combattre ou fuir, pour se guérir lui-même. 몸은 투쟁 도피 반응으로 치유를 신경 쓸 겨를이 없는 것이지요. organismul e prea ocupat cu fuga sau lupta şi nu are timp să se vindece.

So, when you think about this, you have to start to wonder like, Οπότε, αν το σκεφτείτε αυτό, πρέπει να αρχίσετε να αναρωτιέστε, Quand vous y pensez, vous devez vous demander : Ţinând cont de toate astea, trebuie să începi să te întrebi

How can I possibly start to change the balance in my own body? «Πώς μπορώ να αρχίσω να αλλάζω την ισορροπία στο σώμα μου;» comment pourrais-je commencer à changer l'équilibre dans mon propre corps ? ce poţi face să schimbi dezechilibrul apărut în corpul tău?

So one study showed that on average we have Μια μελέτη έδειξε πως κατά μέσο όρο Une étude a montré qu'en moyenne 한 연구에 따르면 우리는 평균적으로 Un studiu a demonstrat că, în medie, avem peste 50 de răspunsuri la stres/zi.

more than 50 stress responses per day. έχουμε περισσότερες από 50 αντιδράσεις στο άγχος την ημέρα. nous avons plus de cinquante réponses au stress par jour. 매일 50회 이상의 스트레스 반응을 보인다고 합니다. ponad 50 reakcji stresowych.

And if you're lonely, or depressed or pessimistic or unhappy at work Και αν έχετε μοναξιά, ή κατάθλιψη ή είστε απαισιόδοξος ή δυστυχισμένος στη δουλειά, 외롭거나, 좌절했을 때, 비관적일 때, 회사에서 기분이 안 좋을 때,

or in a miserable relationship that number is going to be more than twice as many. ή σε μια δυστυχισμένη σχέση, αυτός ο αριθμός θα αυξηθεί πάνω από το διπλάσιο. ce nombre fait plus que doubler. 혹은 안 좋은 관계에 있을 때 그 수는 두 배 이상 많아집니다. to ta liczba będzie ponad dwukrotnie większa.

Now this relaxation response is what researchers think Αυτή η αντίδραση χαλάρωσης είναι αυτό που νομίζουν οι ερευνητές Zdaniem naukowców reakcja relaksacyjna

explains the placebo effect. πως εξηγεί το φαινόμενο του εικονικού φαρμάκου. wyjaśnia efekt placebo.

So when you're going to get supposedly maybe a new wonder drug - Οπότε αν λάβετε υποθετικά ένα νέο θαυματουργό φάρμακο, Quand vous prenez un soi-disant nouveau médicament miracle Gdy macie rzekomo dostać nowy, cudowny lek,

you don't know whether you're getting the placebo or not - -δεν γνωρίζετε αν θα λάβετε ένα εικονικό φάρμακο ή όχι- et vous ne savez pas si c'est un placebo, ça déclenche cette réponse de relaxation. nie wiedząc, czy to placebo czy nie,

it triggers that relaxation response, αυτό ενεργοποιεί την αντίδραση χαλάρωσης, wywołuje to reakcję relaksacyjną,

that combination of the mind's positive belief αυτόν τον συνδυασμό των θετικών πεποιθήσεων του μυαλού, to relaksujące układ nerwowy połączenie

and the nurturing care of a healthcare provider και της φροντίδας του ιατρικού προσωπικού et la sollicitude du médecin relaxe le système nerveux. 신경계를 이완하게 만들어 줍니다. pozytywnego nastawienia umysłu

relaxes the nervous system. που ηρεμεί το νευρικό σύστημα. i opieki pracownika służby zdrowia.

And then all those natural self repair mechanisms can come into play. Και τότε όλοι αυτοί οι φυσικοί μηχανισμοί αυτοθεραπείας μπορούν να ενεργοποιηθούν. Alors, tous ces mécanismes naturels d'auto-réparation peuvent entrer en jeu. Wtedy naturalne mechanizmy samonaprawy mogą włączyć się do gry. Toate mecanismele autoreparatorii intră în acţiune.

Fortunately though you don't have to be in a clinical trial Ευτυχώς όμως δεν χρειάζεται να βρίσκεστε σε κλινική δοκιμή Heureusement, pas besoin d'être dans un essai clinique 다행히 여러분은 임상실험에 참가하지 않고서도 Na szczęście nie trzeba brać udziału w badaniach klinicznych, Din fericire, nu trebuie să participi într-un studiu clinic

to turn on your relaxation responses. για να ενεργοποιήσετε τις αντιδράσεις χαλάρωσης. pour enclencher des réponses de relaxation. 이완반응을 활성화 할 수 있습니다. żeby uruchomić reakcje relaksacyjne. ca să activezi răspunsul de relaxare.

There are lots of simple pleasurable activities Υπάρχουν πολλές απλές, ευχάριστες δραστηριότητες Il y a quantité d'activités simples et agréables 단순한 일상의 즐거운 행동들이 Jest mnóstwo prostych, przyjemnych czynności, Există multe activităţi simple, plăcute, care să activeze răspunsul de relaxare

that turn on the relaxation responses που ενεργοποιούν αντιδράσεις χαλάρωσης qui produisent ces réponses. 이완반응을 깨워주며 które uruchamiają reakcje relaksacyjne,

and these have been proven in the medical literature. και αυτές έχουν αποδειχτεί στην ιατρική βιβλιογραφία. Celles-ci ont été prouvées dans la littérature médicale. 이는 의학 보고서에서 입증된 것입니다. na co istnieją dowody w literaturze medycznej.

So you can meditate, you can express yourself creatively, Οπότε μπορείτε να διαλογιστείτε, να εκφραστείτε δημιουργικά Vous pouvez méditer. Vous pouvez exprimer votre créativité. 명상을 하거나 창의적으로 당신을 표현하는 것, Można medytować, wyrażać się poprzez twórczość,

you can get a massage, do yoga or tai chi, να κάνετε μασάζ, γιόγκα ή τάι τσι, Vous pouvez vous faire masser, pratiquer le yoga ou le tai chi. 마사지를 받거나, 요가 또는 타이치, poddać się masażowi, uprawiać jogę lub tai chi, poţi face yoga sau tai chi, poţi ieşi în oraş cu prietenii,

you can go out with your friends, you can do work that you love, μπορείτε να βγείτε με φίλους, να κάνετε μια εργασία που αγαπάτε, Vous pouvez sortir avec vos amis, faire ce que vous aimez, 친구와 만남, 좋아하는 일을 하는 것, wyjść gdzieś z przyjaciółmi, wykonywać pracę, którą się kocha,

you can have sex, you can laugh, exercise, you can play with animals. να κάνετε σεξ, να γελάσετε, να ασκηθείτε, να παίξετε με ζώα. avoir des rapports sexuels. Vous pouvez rire, faire de l'exercice, jouer avec des animaux. 성생활, 웃음, 운동 그리고 동물들과 노는 것 등입니다. sau să te joci cu animale. egzersiz yapabilirsiniz, hayvanlarla oynayabilirsiniz.

So I ask you to consider the Whole Health Cairn in your own life. Οπότε σας ζητώ να αναλογιστείτε την Πυραμίδα Ολικής Υγείας στη ζωή σας. Je vous demande de tenir compte du Cairn de Santé dans votre propre vie. 그래서 저는 여러분들이 자신만의 건강의 돌탑을 생각해 보았으면 합니다. Vă rog să vă gândiţi la dolmenul sănătăţii voastre. değerlendirmenizi istiyorum.

Which stones in your Whole Health Cairn might be out of balance? Ποιοι λίθοι αυτής της πυραμίδας μπορεί να βρίσκονται σε ανισορροπία; Quelles pierres de votre Cairn pourraient être instables ? 어떤 돌이 내 건강의 돌탑의 균형에서 어긋났을까? Care pietre s-ar putea să nu fie în echilibru? Bütün sağlık durumunuzda hangi taşlar dengesini kaybetmiş olabilir?

Each of these stones can be a factor Καθ' ένας από αυτούς τους λίθους μπορεί να είναι ένας παράγοντας Chacune de ces pierres peut créer soit des réactions de stress, 스트레스반응이나 이완반응을 일으킬 수 있는 요소들 입니다. Fiecare ar putea fi un factor declanşator pentru răspunsul de stres sau de relaxare. Taşların her biri stres veya rahatlama tepkilerini

for creating stress responses or relaxation responses. για τη δημιουργία αντιδράσεων άγχους ή αντιδράσεων χαλάρωσης. soit des réponses de relaxation. yaratan birer faktör olabilir.

How might you turn on more relaxation responses in your body? Πώς μπορείτε να ενεργοποιήσετε πιο πολλές αντιδράσεις χαλάρωσης στο σώμα σας; Comment pourriez-vous causer plus de réponses de relaxation dans votre corps ? Bedeninizde daha çok rahatlama tepkisini nasıl uyarabilirsiniz?

And most importantly, Και το πιο σημαντικό, Et surtout, de quoi votre corps a-t-il besoin pour guérir ? 그리고 가장 중요한 것은 En önemlisi,

what does your body need in order to heal? τι χρειάζεται το σώμα σας προκειμένου να θεραπευτεί; 치유를 위해 당신의 몸이 필요한 것은 무엇인가요? bedeniniz iyileşmek için neye ihtiyaç duyuyor?

What prescription do you need to write for yourself? Τι συνταγή πρέπει να γράψετε για τον εαυτό σας; 여러분은 스스로에게 어떤 처방을 내릴 수 있을까요? Kendinize nasıl bir reçete yazmanız gerekiyor?

And are you going to be brave enough Και θα είστε αρκετά θαρραλέοι 내적 점화불씨가 이미 알고 있는 진실을 행동으로 취할 용기가 있나요? Ve içsel kılavuz ışığınızın zaten bildiği gerçeklere göre

to take action on the truth of what your inner pilot light already knows? για να δράσετε πάνω στην αλήθεια όσων ήδη ξέρει το εσωτερικό φως που σας καθοδηγεί; de ce que sait déjà votre pilote interne ? aksiyon alabilecek kadar cesur musunuz?

I believe our healthcare system is badly broken, Πιστεύω πως το σύστημα υγείας είναι διαλυμένο, Je pense que notre système de soins est sérieusement mal en point. 이렇게 된 이유는 Sağlık sistemimizin fena şekilde hasarlı olduğunu düşünüyorum,

and it's largely because we've lost respect κυρίως επειδή έχουμε χάσει το σεβασμό της ικανότητας του σώματος να αυτοθεραπευτεί. En grande partie car nous avons perdu tout respect 우리가 몸의 자가 치유력을 무시했기 때문이라고 믿습니다. ve bu büyük oranda bedenimizin

for the body's ability to heal itself. pour la faculté d'auto-guérison du corps. kendini iyileştirme kabiliyetine saygımızı kaybettiğimiz içindir.

The medical establishment has gotten arrogant. Le corps médical est devenu arrogant. 의학계가 오만했던 것이지요. Tıp dünyası küstahlaştı.

We've come to think that with all of our modern technology, Nous en sommes venus à penser qu'avec notre technologie moderne 우리는 우리가 가진 현대의 기술과 Sahip olduğumuz teknoloji ve geçmişte öğrendiklerimiz ile

and all that we've learned in the past century, et tout ce que nous avons appris au cours du siècle dernier, 지난 세기에 알게 된 것을 통해 doğayı dize getirdiğimizi düşünmeye,

that we've mastered nature, and we find it repelling nous avons maîtrisé la nature. Nous trouvons repoussante ve doğanın bazen bizden iyi olabileceğini düşünmeyi

to think that maybe nature could be better than we are sometimes. l'idée que la nature puisse parfois être meilleure que nous. itici bulmaya başladık.

And yet, spontaneous remissions from incurable diseases are proof Pourtant, les guérisons spontanées de maladies incurables sont la preuve Aslında, tedavi edilemez hastalıklardan kendiliğinden iyileşme hikayeleri

that sometimes nature is just better than we are. que la nature est parfois meilleure que nous. doğanın bazen bizden çok daha iyi olduğunun birer kanıtıdır.

It's a narcisitic wound for physicians. C'est une blessure narcissique pour les médecins. Bu doktorlar için narsistik bir yaradır.

We don't know what to do with that. Nous ne savons pas quoi en faire. 우리는 목적을 잃었습니다. Ne face să ne simţim de prisos, neajutoraţi şi fără speranţă. Bununla ne yapacağımızı bilmiyoruz.

It makes us feel helpless and hopeless and useless. Ça nous rend impuissants, désespérés, inutiles. 이는 우리를 무력하고 희망도 없고 필요 없게 만들어 버립니다. Bizi aciz, ümitsiz ve yararsız hissettiriyor.

But fortunately, we're needed. Mais, heureusement, nous sommes nécessaires. 그러나 다행히 우리도 쓸모가 있습니다. Ama neyse ki bize ihtiyaç var.

The physician and all the other healthcare providers Le médecin et les autres professionnels de la santé 모든 의료진과 의료 종사자들은 Lekarz i inni pracownicy służby zdrowia Doktorlar ve tüm diğer sağlık hizmet sunucusu çalışanları

are absolutely essential to this process. sont absolument essentiels à ce processus. 이 과정의 진행에서 필수적인 존재이지요. są absolutnie niezbędni do tego procesu. bu süreçte kesinlikle gerekli.

We need to embrace this. Nous devrions embrasser ce fait. 우리는 이것을 활용해야합니다. Trzeba to zaakceptować, Buna kucak açmalıyız.

And patients need to change their outlooks on this as well. Les patients, aussi, ont besoin de changer leurs perspectives. 그리고 환자들도 마음가짐을 바꿔야 합니다. a pacjenci muszą zmienić perspektywę. Ve hastalar da bakış açılarını değiştirmeli tabii.

It is not just doctors. Pas seulement les docteurs ! 의사뿐이 아닙니다. Nie chodzi tylko o lekarzy. Olay yalnız doktorlarda değil.

We need patients to stop thinking that your body is not your business, Les patients devraient cesser de penser que leur corps ne les regarde pas, 우리는 환자에게 자신의 몸에 대한 걱정을 Pacjenci muszą przestać myśleć, że ciało to nie ich sprawa Precisamos que os pacientes parem de pensar que o seu corpo não é da sua conta, Hastaların bedebnlerinin onların işi olmadığını düşünmeyi ve

taking your power and handing it over to other healthcare providers. se dépossédant de leur pouvoir au profit d'autres médecins. 의료진에게 모두 맡기는 것을 말려야 합니다. i przekazywać całą kontrolę pracownikom służby zdrowia. delegando seu poder para outros prestadores de cuidados de saúde. sağlık hizmet sunucularına teslim etmeyi bırakmaları gerek.

Your body is your business, and your mind has tremendous power 여러분의 몸은 여러분이 알아야 합니다. 여러분의 마음은 엄청난 힘을 가지고 있고 Wasze ciało to wasza sprawa, a umysł to potężna siła Seu corpo é seu negócio e sua mente tem um poder tremendo Bedeniniz sizin işiniz ve beyninizin bedeninizle iletişim kurmak

to communicate with your body, such that your body can heal itself. de telle sorte qu'il peut se guérir lui-même. 몸이 스스로 치료 할 수 있도록 유도 할 수 있습니다. para se comunicar com seu corpo, de forma que seu corpo possa se curar sozinho. ve kendini iyileştirebilmek için muazzam bir gücü var.

So I once had a dream, and in my dream I was standing there, J'ai eu un rêve, un jour. Dans mon rêve, je me tenais là, debout, 저는 꿈을 꾸었습니다. 꿈에서 저는 산중턱을 바라보며 서 있었고 Bir gece bir rüya gördüm; dağlara bakıyor ve

looking at these mountainsides, full of millions of people regardant des montagnes, occupées par des millions de gens, 거기에는 수백만 명의 사람들이 milyonlarca insanın omuz omuza durduğunu

that were standing shoulder to shoulder, που στέκονταν ο ένας δίπλα στον άλλο, paradas hombro con hombro, debout côte à côte, faisant face au Nord, 어깨를 맞대어 stojących ramię w ramię, umăr lângă umăr, privind spre nord, îmbrăcaţi în ţinute tribale, kabile kıyafetleri içinde

and they were all facing due north, dressed in all these tribal garbs, και κοιτούσαν όλοι νότια, και φορούσαν παραδοσιακές στολές. todas mirando hacia el norte, [br]vestidas con atuendos tribales vêtus de tenues traditionnelles. 부족의 옷을 입고 북쪽을 바라보는데 i wszyscy patrzyli na północ, ubrani w stroje plemienne, kuzeye doğru baktıklarını,

beautiful colors covering the mountainsides like a quilt. Όμορφα χρώματα σκέπαζαν τις βουνοπλαγιές σαν μια κουβέρτα. bellos colores que cubren [br]las laderas como un edredón. Leurs belles couleurs couvraient les montagnes comme une courtepointe. 산중턱은 퀼트처럼 아름다운 색으로 뒤덮여 있었습니다. a góry wyglądały jak przykryte piękną, kolorową narzutą. şi parcă muntele era îmbrăcat în culori splendide, asemeni unui quilt. güzel renklerin dağları bir örtü gibi kapladığını görüyordum.

And there was a bright streaming light on their face Και υπήρχε μια φωτεινή ακτίνα φωτός στα πρόσωπά τους Tenían una luz brillante [br]que cubría sus rostros Une lumière éclatante ruisselait sur leurs visages. 그리고 밝은 빛줄기가 사람들의 얼굴을 비추었고 Twarze oświetlało jasne światło O lumină le scălda faţa şi toţi priveau către ea. Yüzlerine vuran kesintisiz parlak bir ışık vardı

and everyone was facing this light, και όλοι κοιτούσαν αυτό το φως, y todos miraban a esta luz, Et tous faisaient face à cette lumière. 모두가 그 빛을 바라보았습니다. i wszyscy patrzyli w stronę, z której padało. ve hepsi bu ışığa bakıyordu yönelmişti

and that's what I think of, when I think of healthcare. και αυτό σκέφτομαι όταν σκέφτομαι το σύστημα υγείας. y en eso pienso, al [br]pensar en el cuidado de salud. C'est mon idée des services de soins. 이것이 제가 건강관리에 대해 생각할 때 느끼는 것입니다. Gdy myślę o opiece zdrowotnej, düşündüğüm şey bu.

I think of all of us, standing up, and facing the light. Φαντάζομαι όλους μας, να στεκόμαστε και να αντικρίζουμε το φως. Pienso en todos nosotros, [br]parados mirando la luz. Je nous vois tous, debout, face à la lumière. 저는 우리가 일어서서 빛을 마주하는 것을 생각해봅니다. myślę o nas wszystkich, jak stojąc patrzymy w stronę światła. Hepimizin, ışığa doğru yöneldiğimizi düşünüyorum.

So please stand with me for a moment. Οπότε σας παρακαλώ, σταθείτε όρθιοι μαζί μου για μια στιγμή. Así por favor levantesen [br]por un momento. Donc, s'il vous plaît, mettez-vous debout avec moi, un moment ! 잠시만 모두 자리에서 일어나 주세요. Wstańcie proszę na moment. Lütfen bir an benimle durun

It's going to take all of us. Θα χρειαστούμε όλοι. Esto requiere de todos nosotros. Il me faut votre participation à tous. 우리 모두가 동참해야 합니다. Wszyscy jesteśmy potrzebni. Vai exigir todos nós. Hepimizi alacak

Just because things have gotten bad doesn't mean they can't get better. Επειδή τα πράγματα έχουν χειροτερέψει, δεν σημαίνει πως δεν θα καλυτερεύσουν. Solo porque las cosas han ido mal, [br]no implica que no pueden mejorar. Ce n'est pas parce que les choses vont mal qu'elles ne peuvent pas aller mieux. 일이 잘 안 풀렸다고 해서 그 일이 끝난 것은 아닙니다. To, że coś jest nie tak, nie znaczy, że nie może nastąpić poprawa. Só porque as coisas pioraram não significa que elas não possam melhorar. Birşeyler kötüleşmiş olduğu iyileşemeyeceği anlamına gelmez.

I believe that just like there are no incurable illnesses Πιστεύω πως όπως δεν υπάρχουν ανίατες ασθένειες, Creo que igual como no hay [br]enfermedades incurables Je crois que tout comme il n'existe pas de maladie incurable, 저는 세상에 불치병이란 것이 없듯이 Uważam, że tak jak nie ma nieuleczalnych chorób, Eu acredito que assim como não existem doenças incuráveis Tedavi edilemez hastalık,

there are no incurable systems. δεν υπάρχουν και ανίατα συστήματα. tampoco hay sistemas incurables. il n'existe pas de système incurable. 고칠 수 없는 시스템은 없다고 믿습니다. nie ma też systemów, których nie da się uzdrowić. tedavi edilemez sistem olmadığını düşünüyorum.

But it's going to take all of us, needing to open our heart and our minds, Όμως θα χρειαστούμε όλοι να ανοίξουμε την καρδιά μας και το μυαλό μας Pero requerirá de todos nosotros que [br]abramos nuestros corazones y mentes Mais il va falloir que nous tous ouvrions nos cœurs et nos esprits Wszyscy musimy otworzyć nasze serca i umysły Fakat hepimizin kalplerimizi ve zihinlerimi açması ve

and bring care back to healthcare. και να φέρουμε πίσω τη φροντίδα στο σύστημα υγείας. y poner atención de vuelta [br]en el cuidado de salud. et retournions la sollicitude aux services de santé. i przywrócić opiekę w opiece zdrowotnej. önemsemeyi yeniden sağlık sistemine döndürmeyi.

So please hold hands with your fellow neighbor Οπότε σας παρακαλώ, πιάστε τα χέρια του διπλανού σας Por favor tomen la [br]mano de sus vecinos S'il vous plaît, prenez les mains de vos voisins Weźcie proszę swoich sąsiadów za ręce. Lütfen yanınızdaki komşunuzun elini tutun,

and let's just set the intention right here, και ας δηλώσουμε εδώ την πρόθεση y pongamos [br]la intención justo aquí, et formulons l'intention ici-même 그리고 우리 모두 마음을 합쳐봅시다. Wyraźmy tu i teraz intencję, ve dikkatinizi buraya verin.

that things are going to be different from now on, πως θα αλλάξουν τα πράγματα από δω και πέρα, que las cosas serán [br]diferentes a partir de ahora, que les choses changent à partir de maintenant, 모든 것이 지금부터 달라질 것이며 że sytuacja od teraz zacznie się zmieniać, Şu andan itibaren birşeyler değişecek,

that we can start this grassroots effort that it all starts with you. πως θα αρχίσουμε αυτή την θεμελιώδη προσπάθεια και πως όλα ξεκινάνε με εσάς. que podemos iniciar este esfuerzo [br]de base que empieza con Uds. que nous pouvons commencer cet effort communautaire. Il commence par vous. 우리 모두 초심으로 돌아가고 모든 것은 여러분으로 부터 시작합니다. że możemy rozpocząć oddolne działania, że to wszystko zaczyna się od was. bu tohumların yeşermesi bizlerle başlayacak.

Be the love that you want to see in healthcare, Να γίνετε η αγάπη που θέλετε να δείτε στο σύστημα υγείας, Sean el amor que quieren [br]ver en el cuidado de salud, Soyez cet amour que vous souhaitez voir dans les services de santé. 여러분이 건강관리에서 원했던 것을 스스로 실천해보세요. Bądźcie tą miłością, której oczekujecie od opieki zdrowotnej, Sağlık sisteminde görmek istediğiniz sevgi olun,

and I believe miracles can happen. και πιστεύω πως μπορούν να συμβούν θαύματα. y crean que los milagros [br]pueden ocurrir. Et, je crois que les miracles peuvent se produire. 그러면 기적이 일어날 것입니다. bo cuda się zdarzają. ben mucizelerin olabileceğine inanırım.

As we do this you're releasing oxytocin, dopamine, you start to heal yourself Καθώς το κάνετε, εκκρίνετε οξυτοκίνη, ντοπαμίνη, θεραπεύετε τον εαυτό σας Al hacerlo liberamos oxitocina, dopamina, [br]empiezan a autosanarse En faisant ça, vous libérez de l'ocytocine, de la dopamine... Vous commencez à vous guérir vous-même. Teraz wydziela się oksytocyna i dopamina, zaczynacie się uzdrawiać, Bunu yaptığımızda, oksitosin, dopamin salgılamaya ve

and as we do so we can heal healthcare. και καθώς το κάνουμε αυτό, μπορούμε να θεραπεύσουμε το σύστημα υγείας. y al hacerlo podemos sanar [br]el cuidado de la salud. Et ce faisant, nous pouvons guérir les services de santé. a gdy to się dzieje, możemy uzdrowić opiekę zdrowotną. kendinizi iyileştirmeye başlıyorsunuz. Bunu sağlık sistemi için de yapabiliriz.

Thank you. Σας ευχαριστώ. Gracias. Merci ! Dziękuję. Teşekkürler

(Applause) (Χειροκρότημα) (Aplausos) (מחיאות כפיים) (Applausi) (박수) (Brawa) (Aplausos) (Aplauze) (Аплодисменты)