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Ted Talks, I See Dead People: Dreams and Visions of the Dying | Dr. Christopher Kerr | TEDxBuffalo (2)

I See Dead People: Dreams and Visions of the Dying | Dr. Christopher Kerr | TEDxBuffalo (2)

Others dreamed of the deceased just there, waiting for them.

Sarah says, "There were six dead family members in my room waiting for me.

It's good to see them."

Less frequently, people had distressing dreams.

These are often relived, past, traumatic events, such as war.

And here again is Paul.

(Video starts)

Paul: Another thing I've dreamed of quite often, not lately,

is I'm back in the service.

I'm at Fort Devens up in Massachusetts,

where they were forming this company we were going to oversee; a new company.

The guys are all young. They're like... I remember them! And I am old.

And I'm trying to tell them,

"Guys! I've been here. I've done this. I'm not going to do it again!"

And they're arguing with me!

(Video ends)


CK: I have the deep privilege of hearing many people's life stories

which tend to emerge or come to surface at the end of life.

Sometimes, I'm saddened by the amount of trauma and tragedy people have endured.

But more often, I'm inspired

by the strength of the human spirit,

and its endless quest to heal what is harmed, and what is broken.

And this brings me to the story of Mack.

I met Mack in 2011.

When I walked into his room and started to talk to ask him what was wrong,

he gave me three words, and he said, "A war problem."

His family explained that Mack never spoke about the war, but in the last few weeks,

he was unable to close his eyes without reliving the horror.

He couldn't sleep that's why he was coming into our facility.

Mac went on to explain that he was a World War II vet.

He was very proud to be from Texas and serve on the USS Texas.

At the age of 17, he was involved in the invasion of Normandy, in June, 1944.

He was a gunner on a landing craft that went from the ship to the shore.

But his nightmares were about the return from the shore to the ship.

Because that's when he was transporting the dead and the dying.

He called these nightmares terrifying and realistic.

He says, "There is nothing but death... dead soldiers all around me."

A few days later,

Mack was completely transformed.

He looked comfortable and at peace. He could sleep.

He said the horrifying dream had quieted, and in its place were two types of dreams.

There were comforting dreams and neutral dreams.

In the comforting dreams, he gets to relive the day

he got his discharge papers from the military.

In the neutral dream, a dead soldier comes up to him on a beach.

He doesn't know who he is, and he says,

"Soon, they, your fellow soldiers, are going to come and get you."

Mack was rescued by the dead soldiers he had tried so hard to save.

He had closure. He could close his eyes. He could rest.

He died peacefully, and he died with his dignity.

But just think about it.

The human spirit and that courageous 17-year-old boy fought for 67 years

to be free, to be released

from that enormous obligation, from that pain,

from that horrible injustice.

His end-of-life experiences didn't deny his reality, didn't deny him his war,

but it recast it in such a way

that he was finally granted his hard-earned peace.

I want to end where I began:

my hope was that you'd hear what I have heard from the dying.

Their words are compelling and relevant.

And I hope they leave open the possibility

that there is light within the darkness of dying.

Look back on your own life.

Think of your greatest loss,

your greatest comfort, and your greatest wonder

- loss of someone you loved,

the familiar, warm hug of a grandparent, the birth of a child.

What if, at the end of your life, at some appointed hour,

the lost return,

distant feelings become familiar, and meaning is restored?

If any of that is true, then dying is illuminating.

Thank you.


I See Dead People: Dreams and Visions of the Dying | Dr. Christopher Kerr | TEDxBuffalo (2) Ich sehe tote Menschen: Träume und Visionen von Sterbenden | Dr. Christopher Kerr | TEDxBuffalo (2) Eu vejo pessoas mortas: Sonhos e Visões dos Moribundos | Dr. Christopher Kerr | TEDxBuffalo (2) Ölü İnsanlar Görüyorum: Ölmekte Olanların Rüyaları ve Vizyonları | Dr. Christopher Kerr | TEDxBuffalo (2) 我看到死人:临终者的梦想和愿景|克里斯托弗·克尔博士 | TEDx布法罗 (2) 我看到死人:臨終者的夢想和願景|克里斯多福‧克爾博士 | TEDx布法羅 (2)

Others dreamed of the deceased just there, waiting for them. D'autres rêvent des personnes disparues qui les attendent juste là. יש שחולמים שהמנוחים פשוט נמצאים שם ומחכים להם. Alții visează morți care-i așteaptă.

Sarah says, "There were six dead family members in my room waiting for me. Sarah disait : « Il y avait six personnes décédées de ma famille qui m'attendaient. שרה אומרת, "היו בחדר 6 קרובי משפחה מתים שחיכו לי. Sarah spune: „În camera mea mă așteptau șase membrii morți ai familiei.

It's good to see them." C'est bon de les voir. » "טוב לראות אותם." Mă bucur să-i văd.”

Less frequently, people had distressing dreams. Moins fréquemment, les gens font des rêves angoissants. בתדירות פחותה, אנשים חווים חלומות מצוקה. Mai rar, oamenii au vise stresante.

These are often relived, past, traumatic events, such as war. Ils revivent parfois le passé, des évènements traumatisants comme la guerre. הם בד"כ חווים מחדש אירועי עבר טראומטיים, כמו מלחמה. Adesea retrăiesc evenimente traumatizante din trecut, cum ar fi din război.

And here again is Paul. Voici Paul à nouveau. הנה שוב פול. Aici e Paul din nou.

(Video starts) (Lancement de la vidéo) (סרטון) (Începe clipul)

Paul: Another thing I've dreamed of quite often, not lately, Paul : Une chose dont je rêve aussi souvent, mais pas récemment, פול: דבר נוסף שחלמתי עליו די הרבה, לא לאחרונה, Paul: Alt lucru pe care l-am visat adesea, dar nu recent,

is I'm back in the service. c'est d'être à nouveau à l'armée. היה שאני שוב חייל. e că sunt înrolat iar.

I'm at Fort Devens up in Massachusetts, Je suis à Fort Devens dans le Massachusetts, אני משרת בפורט דוונס שבמסצ'וסטס, Sunt la Cazemata Devens în Massachusetts,

where they were forming this company we were going to oversee; a new company. où ils entraînaient un régiment, nous devions superviser ; un nouveau régiment. ושיבצו שם אנשים למחלקה שעמדה להישלח לחו"ל, מחלקה חדשה. unde formau această companie, mergeam să supraveghem, o nouă companie.

The guys are all young. They're like... I remember them! And I am old. Tous les gars sont jeunes. Ils sont... Je me souviens d'eux ! Et je suis vieux. כל הבחורים היו צעירים. הם... אני זוכר אותם! ואני זקן. Toți băieții sunt tineri. Sunt... Mi-i amintesc! Și eu sunt bătrân.

And I'm trying to tell them, Et j'essaye de leur dire : ואני מנסה לומר להם, Încerc să le spun,

"Guys! I've been here. I've done this. I'm not going to do it again!" « Les gars ! Je suis passé par là. Je ne vais pas recommencer. » "חבר'ה, כבר עברתי את זה. אני לא מתכוון לעשות זאת שוב!" „Băieți! Am fost acolo. Am făcut asta. Nu o mai fac iar.”

And they're arguing with me! Et ils se disputent avec moi ! והם מתווכחים איתי! Și ei mă contrazic!

(Video ends) (Fin de la vidéo) (סוף הסרטון) (Se sfârșește clipul)

(Laughter) (Rit) (צחוק) (Râsete)

CK: I have the deep privilege of hearing many people's life stories CK : J'ai le grand privilège d'entendre beaucoup d'histoires personnelles כ"ק: נפלה בחלקי הזכות לשמוע את סיפורי חייהם של רבים CK: Am privilegiul profund de a le asculta multora poveștile de viață

which tend to emerge or come to surface at the end of life. qui ont tendance à refaire surface en fin de vie. שנוטים לצוץ ולעלות אל פני השטח בסוף החיים. care tind să iasă la suprafață la sfârșitul vieții.

Sometimes, I'm saddened by the amount of trauma and tragedy people have endured. Parfois, je suis attristé par le nombre de traumatismes et de tragédies vécus. לפעמים מצער אותי גודל הטראומה והטרגדיה שאנשים עברו Uneori mă întristez când aud traumele și tragediile suferite de ei.

But more often, I'm inspired Mais le plus souvent, je suis inspiré par la force de l'esprit humain אבל לעתים קרובות מאד, אני זוכה להשראה Dar adesea mă simt inspirat

by the strength of the human spirit, מעוצמתה של הרוח האנושית, de puterea spiritului uman.

and its endless quest to heal what is harmed, and what is broken. et sa quête éternelle de guérir ce qui est blessé et ce qui est cassé. ומאמציה האינסופיים לרפא את מה שניזוק ונשבר. E o misiune continuă de a vindeca ceea ce e rănit și stricat.

And this brings me to the story of Mack. Ce qui m'amène à l'histoire de Mack. וזה מביא אותי לסיפורו של מאק. Asta mă aduce la povestea lui Mack.

I met Mack in 2011. J'ai rencontré Mack en 2011. פגשתי את מאק ב-2011. L-am întâlnit pe Mack în 2011.

When I walked into his room and started to talk to ask him what was wrong, Quand je suis entré dans sa chambre et lui ai demandé ce qui n'allait pas, כשנכנסתי לחדרו והתחלתי לדבר ולשאול אותו מה לא בסדר, Când m-am dus în camera lui și l-am întrebat ce-i în neregulă,

he gave me three words, and he said, "A war problem." il m'a répondu par trois mots : « problème de guerre ». הוא אמר לי שתי מלים: "בעיית מלחמה". mi-a răspuns prin trei cuvinte, și-a zis: „Problemă de război.”

His family explained that Mack never spoke about the war, but in the last few weeks, Sa famille m'a expliqué que Mack ne parlait jamais de la guerre, mais ces dernières semaines, לדברי בני משפחתו, מאק מעולם לא דיבר על המלחמה, אבל בשבועות האחרונים לחייו Familia lui mi-a spus că Mack n-a vorbit niciodată despre război, dar recent

he was unable to close his eyes without reliving the horror. c'était impossible pour lui de fermer les yeux et de ne pas revivre l'horreur. לא הצליח לעצום את עיניו מבלי לחיות מחדש את האימה. nu putea închide ochii fără să retrăiască oroarea.

He couldn't sleep that's why he was coming into our facility. Il ne pouvait pas dormir, c'est pourquoi il était venu ici. הוא לא הצליח לישון, ולכן הגיע למוסד שלנו. Nu putea să doarmă, de aceea a venit la noi în azil.

Mac went on to explain that he was a World War II vet. Mack a expliqué qu'il était un vétéran de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. מאק הסביר שהוא חייל משוחרר ממלחמת העולם ה-2. Mack era un veteran al celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial.

He was very proud to be from Texas and serve on the USS Texas. Il était très fier d'être du Texas et de servir sur l'USS Texas. הוא התגאה מאד במוצאו הטקסני ובכך ששירת בספינת הצי "טקסס". Era mândru că era din Texas și că a deservit USS Texas.

At the age of 17, he was involved in the invasion of Normandy, in June, 1944. À 17 ans, en juin 1944, il a participé au Débarquement, בגיל 17 הוא השתתף בפלישה לנורמנדי, ב-4 ליוני 1944. La 17 ani, a fost implicat în invazia Normandiei, în iunie, 1944.

He was a gunner on a landing craft that went from the ship to the shore. artilleur sur une péniche de débarquement qui allait de la plage au bateau. הוא היה מקלען בנחתת שיצאה מהספינה אל החוף. Era pușcaș pe o platformă de aterizare care ținea de la navă la țărm.

But his nightmares were about the return from the shore to the ship. Mais il faisait des cauchemars sur le retour de la plage au bateau. אבל הסיוטים שלו התייחסו לחזרה מהחוף אל הספינה. Dar coșmarurile lui era despre întoarcerea de la țărm la navă.

Because that's when he was transporting the dead and the dying. Parce que c'est là qu'il transportait les morts et les mourants. כי אז הוא הוביל את המתים והגוססים. Fiindcă atunci el transporta morții și muribunzii.

He called these nightmares terrifying and realistic. Il qualifiait ses cauchemars de terrifiants et réalistes. הוא אמר שהסיוטים האלה איומים ומציאותיים. El numea aceste coșmaruri îngrozitoare și realistice.

He says, "There is nothing but death... dead soldiers all around me." הוא אומר, "אין דבר פרט למוות... על כל סביבותי חיילים מתים." Spunea: „Nu e nimic în afară de moarte, soldați morți peste tot în jurul meu.”

A few days later, Quelques jours plus tard, כעבור כמה ימים Câteva zile mai târziu,

Mack was completely transformed. Mack était complètement transformé. מאק השתנה לחלוטין. Mack era complet transformat.

He looked comfortable and at peace. He could sleep. Il semblait apaisé et en paix. Il arrivait à dormir. הוא נראה רגוע ושליו, הוא הצליח לישון. Arăta confortabil și împăcat. Putea dormi.

He said the horrifying dream had quieted, and in its place were two types of dreams. Il disait que le rêve terrifiant s'était apaisé, et était remplacé par deux types de rêves. הוא אמר שהחלום הנורא ההוא דעך, ובמקומו באו שני סוגי חלומות. A spus cum coșmarurile oribile au încetat, și două tipuri de vise le-au înlocuit.

There were comforting dreams and neutral dreams. C'était des rêves réconfortants et neutres. חלומות נחמה וחלומות נייטרליים. Erau vise confortabile și neutre.

In the comforting dreams, he gets to relive the day Dans les rêves réconfortants, il pouvait revivre le jour בחלומות הנחמה הוא זוכה לחיות מחדש את היום În cele confortabile, retrăia ziua

he got his discharge papers from the military. où il avait reçu ses papiers de démobilisation. שבו קיבל לידיו את מסמכי השחרור מהצבא. în care a primit hârtiile de eliberare din armată.

In the neutral dream, a dead soldier comes up to him on a beach. Dans le rêve neutre, un soldat mort venait à lui sur une plage. בחלום הנייטרלי, ניגש אליו בחוף חייל מת. În cel neutru, un soldat mort vine pe plajă către el.

He doesn't know who he is, and he says, Il ne savait pas qui il était et il disait : הוא לא מכיר אותו, והוא אומר, Nu știe cine e el, și el îi spune:

"Soon, they, your fellow soldiers, are going to come and get you." « Bientôt, eux, tes camarades soldats vont venir te chercher et t'emmener. » "עוד מעט הם, חבריך ליחידה, יבואו לאסוף אותך." „Curând, ei, dragii tăi soldații, vor veni să te ia.”

Mack was rescued by the dead soldiers he had tried so hard to save. Mack a été secouru par des soldats décédés qu'il avait tant essayé de sauver. מאק ניצל בידי החיילים המתים שאותם התאמץ כל-כך להציל. Mack a fost salvat de soldați morți pe care a încercat mult să-i salveze

He had closure. He could close his eyes. He could rest. Il pouvait tourner la page ; il pouvait fermer les yeux ; se reposer. הוא סגר מעגל. הוא הצליח לעצום את עיניו ולנוח. Se simțea împăcat. Putea să-și închidă ochii. Se putea odihni.

He died peacefully, and he died with his dignity. Il est mort en paix, et il est mort avec dignité. הוא מת בשלווה, ונותר מכובד במותו. A murit împăcat, a murit cu demnitate.

But just think about it. Pensez-y un instant. חישבו על כך. Dar gândiți-vă.

The human spirit and that courageous 17-year-old boy fought for 67 years L'esprit humain et ce courageux gamin de 17 ans se sont battus pendant 67 ans הרוח האנושית ואותו נער אמיץ בן 17 נאבקו במשך 67 שנה Spiritul uman și acel curajos băiat de 17 ani s-au luptat vreme de 67 de ani

to be free, to be released pour être libres, pour être libérés להשתחרר, להתנער să fie liberi, să fie eliberați

from that enormous obligation, from that pain, de cette responsabilité écrasante, de cette douleur, מהחובה העצומה, מהכאב, de aceea obligație enormă, de aceea durere

from that horrible injustice. de cette horrible injustice. מאי-הצדק הנורא. de aceea oribilă nedreptate.

His end-of-life experiences didn't deny his reality, didn't deny him his war, Ses expériences de fin de vie n'ont pas dénié la réalité, la guerre, חוויות קץ החיים שלו לא התכחשו למציאות חייו או למלחמתו, Experiența lui finală nu i-a negat realitatea lui, nu i-a negat războiul lui,

but it recast it in such a way mais elles les ont remodelées de telle façon אך הן עיצבו אותן באופן כזה l-a transformat în așa fel

that he was finally granted his hard-earned peace. qu'on lui accordait enfin cette paix si durement gagnée. שזיכה אותו סוף-סוף בשלווה בה זכה בעמל רב. încât i-a fost oferită la final pacea câștigată cu greu.

I want to end where I began: Je veux terminer par là où j'ai commencé : ברצוני לסיים במקום בו התחלתי: Închei cum am început:

my hope was that you'd hear what I have heard from the dying. j'espère que vous entendrez ce que j'ai entendu des mourants. קיוויתי שתשמעו את מה ששמעתי אני מהגוססים. speranța mea e să auziți ceea ce eu am auzit de la muribunzi.

Their words are compelling and relevant. Leurs mots sont éloquents et pertinents. דבריהם היו משכנעים ורלוונטיים. Vorbele lor sunt relevante și convingătoare.

And I hope they leave open the possibility Et j'espère qu'ils laissent la possibilité ואני מקווה שהצלחתי לפתוח פתח לאפשרות Și sper că lasă deschisă posibilitatea

that there is light within the darkness of dying. qu'il existe une lumière au sein des ténèbres de la mort. שיש אור באפילת המוות. existenței luminii din întunericul morții.

Look back on your own life. Repensez à votre propre vie. היזכרו בחייכם. Privește-ți viața în retrospectivă.

Think of your greatest loss, Pensez à votre plus grande perte, חישבו על אובדנכם הגדול ביותר, Gândește-te la cea mai mare pierdere a ta,

your greatest comfort, and your greatest wonder votre plus grand réconfort, et votre plus grand émerveillement - נחמתכם הגדולה ביותר ופליאתכם הרבה ביותר la cel mai mare confort, la cea mai mare minune:

- loss of someone you loved, la perte d'un être cher, - אובדנו של מישהו אהוב, pierderea unei ființe iubite,

the familiar, warm hug of a grandparent, the birth of a child. l'accolade familière et chaleureuse d'un grand-parent, la naissance d'un enfant. החיבוק החם והמוכר מסבא וסבתא, הולדת ילד. îmbrățișarea caldă și familiară a unui bunic, nașterea unui copil.

What if, at the end of your life, at some appointed hour, Et si, à la fin de votre vie, à une heure donnée, מה אם בסוף חייכם, באיזו שעה מיועדת, Ce-ar fi dacă, la sfârșitul vieții tale, la o anumită oră,

the lost return, le retour perdu, האבודים יחזרו, cei pierduți se întorc,

distant feelings become familiar, and meaning is restored? les sentiments de distance devenaient familiers s'ils faisaient sens ? רגשות נידחים ייעשו מוכרים והמשמעות תיווצר מחדש? trăiri de mult uitate devin familiare, și însemnătatea e restaurată?

If any of that is true, then dying is illuminating. Si l'une de ces choses est vrai, alors la mort est une illumination. אם משהו מכל זה נכון, הרי שהמיתה מביאה להארה. Dacă e ceva adevărat în ce am spus, atunci moartea e edificatoare.

Thank you. Merci. תודה לכם. Vă mulțumesc!

(Applause) (Applaudissements) (מחיאות כפיים) (Aplauze)