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English conversations with Beth #1 LMA007, DAMIJANA w BETH #4.1


Hi I liked hearing about your story about the cow today it was really interesting and I hope that the little cow is not trying to escape today.

I also hope that your cooking is going well with the sweet and sour it sounds really yummy.

I'm a little bit jealous.

It's annoying that you can't just post me some of your yummy cooking or something so that I can try it.

I also am so interested by the kozolec I've forgotten how you say it….

but the little huts that you have visitors coming to stay in.

I think it's so cool that you must get to meet people from all across the world who come to stay with you and find out a bit more about… you know,….

the olden days and the different ways of farming in the past I think that must be a really fun thing to do, and maybe one day I will come and stay and you can tell me all about it! I hope you enjoy the sun again today and I will see you on Tuesday

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Hi I liked hearing about your story about the cow today it was really interesting and I hope that the little cow is not trying to escape today.

I also hope that your cooking is going well with the sweet and sour it sounds really yummy.

I'm a little bit jealous.

It's annoying that you can't just post me some of your yummy cooking or something so that I can try it.

I also am so interested by the kozolec I've forgotten how you say it….

but the little huts that you have visitors coming to stay in. |||small cabins||||||||

I think it's so cool that you must get to meet people from all across the world who come to stay with you and find out a bit more about… you know,….

the olden days and the different ways of farming in the past I think that must be a really fun thing to do, and maybe one day I will come and stay and you can tell me all about it! |past times|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| I hope you enjoy the sun again today and I will see you on Tuesday