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The Ten News, Happy Mother's Day! 💐

Happy Mother's Day! 💐

Bethany Van Delft 0:02

Hey Ryan. What are all those beautiful flowers for?

Ryan Willard 0:07

I bought flowers for all the moms that work at the Ten News.

Bethany Van Delft 0:10

Ryan, that is so sweet. Moms assemble.

Ryan Willard 0:18

Oh, wow. You ladies are fast. Okay, here you go. Tracy Kaplan, Tracey Crooks, Bethany and Pam, Sarah and Pete.

Bethany Van Delft 0:30

That is so thoughtful. Thank you, Ryan.

Pete Musto 0:32

Thanks, Ryan.

Ryan Willard 0:34

Wait, Pete, you're not a mom.

Pete Musto 0:36

True, but I did forget about Mother's Day and can take those flowers to my wife tonight.

Ryan Willard 0:42

Okay, yep, that makes more sense.

Pete Musto 0:44

I gotta go bake a vegan souffle for now. See ya!

Bethany Van Delft 0:48

I'm Bethany Van Delft. It's Saturday, May 7th, and this is no ordinary episode of the Ten News. This is the Ten News Gets Extra.

Sound Bit 0:57

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Bethany Van Delft 1:06

Happy Mother's Day. We wanted to honor and send love to all the moms out there who do so so much. So we asked Ten'ers to send in their best, positive yo mama jokes. Take it away, Ten'ers

Ten'er 1:23

Hi, my name is Jana. I'm eight years old. And this is my your mama joke. Your mom is so precious, she's a prized possession.

Ten'er 1:31

Hi, my name is Bennett. I am from San Diego, California. This is my positive your momma joke. Your mama is so smart, she can rewire your internet to be 10 times faster.

Ten'er 1:42

Hi, my name is Aria and I'm nine years old. Here's my positive yo mama joke. Your mom is so funny, she makes sidewalks crack up.

Ten'er 1:59

Hi, my name is Edward. I am eight years old. I live in San Diego, California. And my yo mama joke that is positive is... your mom so chill, she sleeps in the freezer.

Ten'er 2:10

My name is Colton. I'm 11 years old and this is my positive yo mama joke. Your mom is so nice, I gotta say it twice. Your mom is so nice.

Ten'er 2:19

Yo Mama is so sweet, she's like frosting on cupcake.

Ten'er 2:23

Your mom is so good, she's like a surfer.

Bethany Van Delft 2:27

Those are some hilarious and heartwarming jokes. Thank you for sharing with us, Ten'ers. Did you know that it's not just human moms who feed their young, take care of their young, show them the ropes and even keep them clean? It's true. Ten News correspondent Laine Farber is here to tell us about some of the amazing moms of the animal kingdom.

Laine Farber 2:50

Time for Mother's Day, the special holiday where we celebrate the wonderful women who raised us now, raising a human baby is hard work. No doubt about it. But have you ever tried raising a baby alligator or an orangutan? Though there are no dirty diapers to change, wild animals that face a whole different set of challenges when it comes to bringing a baby into the world. So, let's take a few minutes to celebrate the top five mamas of the animal kingdom. Number five, the Orca whale. Many moms don't get enough sleep after their baby arrives, but none have it as bad as the Orca whale. After giving birth to one massive baby. A mother orca will stay awake for an entire month. She has no time to sleep. She and her baby must keep moving to stay safe from hungry predators. Number four, the emperor penguin. raising a baby in one of the coldest places on the planet is not an easy task. It truly takes a village or in this case, a waddle that's what scientists call a group of penguins. A baby penguin's journey begins when Mama lays an egg. And when that egg hatches, the new chick will be hungry. So Mama heads to the supermarket, aka the ocean to fill up on food. She leaves the egg in dad's capable care as she sets off on it up to 50 mile trek across the ice. The journey will take months but she breathes the harsh Antarctic winter weather. She will travel to the ends of the earth for her baby. Number three frilled shark. Being pregnant can be uncomfortable. Human moms are only pregnant for nine months. The frilled shark is not so lucky. This mysterious deep sea shark can be pregnant for up to 42 months. That's three and a half years. I am so sorry miss shark. Number two, alligators despite their scaly, exterior and ferocious appearance alligators are very good mamas. Most reptiles are not known for having a strong maternal instinct. But the same thing cannot be said about alligators. Alligators don't sit on their eggs to warm them. Instead, they build large nests out of dead plants to incubate the eggs. Mama guards her nest from predators until the eggs hatch. Then she gently scoops up the babies in her massive jaws and brings them to the water. Like a strange, toothy Uber. Mama Gator will stay at her baby's side for up to two years until they're big enough to protect themselves. And last but not least, number one, orangutan primates are close relatives to humans. So it's no surprise that they care for their babies just as much as we do. Mama orangutans have strong bonds with their little ones, which is good because the babies are completely dependent on mama. For six to seven years. Mom provides food security and transportation for the baby. Yeah, transportation. Baby orangutans cling to their mom like a little orange backpack, too cute. The strong bond between mom and baby never fades. Even after orangutans have grown big enough to be on their own. These mostly solitary animals can still be found occasionally visiting their mamas to share a meal. So here's to all of the amazing animal moms out there. And to all the wonderful human moms too. And an extra special thanks to my mom. Hi, Mom. Happy Mother's Day to you all.

Bethany Van Delft 6:33

Thanks, Laine. Wow. I can't even imagine how grumpy my mom would be if she stayed awake for a full month like an Orca. And honestly, I don't want to test that. Tessa, I know you got the cool mom tidbits.

Tessa Flannery 6:49

Happy Mother's Day, Bethany. And I Do. I Do. I Do. One mom recently made headlines with a special address to her daughter's the newest Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson thanked her daughters Talia and Leila during her confirmation hearing. But did you know that in 2016 when Leila was 11 years old, she wrote to President Obama asking him to nominate her mom to the Supreme Court? It's true. And six years later, Layla's mom is now a Supreme Court justice. That's incredible.

Bethany Van Delft 7:21

Up next, it's time for...

Various Voices 7:23

What, what, what's the big idea?

Bethany Van Delft 7:27

Trivia on the Ten. Get this, Ten'ers, there is a truly dedicated mom in the insect kingdom. Which famous spider mom carries her babies around in their eggs and once they hatch? Is it a) tarantulas b) black widows or c) daddy long legs? Did you guess it? The answer is the mommy Daddy Long Legs. Try saying that five times fast, carry their egg sacks in their mouths until they hatch. Then they carry their baby spiders around on their backs for about a week. And do you know what baby spiders are called? Spiderlings, that's so cute for creepy crawly. And that is our Mother's Day extravaganza. But before we go, here's a quick note for the grownups. Thanks for listening to the Ten News. Look out for our new episodes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and extras on Saturdays. The Ten News is a coproduction of Small But Mighty Media and Next Chapter Podcasts and is distributed by iHeartRadio. The Ten News creative team is making breakfast in bed for their moms and includes Tracey Crooks, Pete Musto, Ryan Willard, Logan Deyoung, and Tessa Flannery. Laine Farber contributed to this episode. And thank you to all the Ten'ers who called in their jokes. We love them. Our production director is Jeremiah Tittle and our executive producers are Donald Albright and show creator Tracy Leeds Kaplan. I'm Bethany Van Delft and thanks for listening to the Ten News. Mommy Daddy Long Legs, mommy Daddy Long Legs, mommy daddy long legs. I gotta be honest with you. I still don't think I'd be carrying around little tiny spiders in my mouth. Even if they were my babies, Confessions of an arachnophobic.

Happy Mother's Day! 💐 عيد ام سعيد! 💐 Alles Gute zum Muttertag! 💐 Happy Mother's Day! 💐 ¡Feliz día de la madre! 💐 Bonne fête des mères ! 💐 Buona festa della mamma! 💐 母の日おめでとう💐 행복한 어버이날 보내세요! 💐 Su Motinos diena! 💐 Feliz Dia da Mãe! 💐 С Днем матери! 💐 Anneler Gününüz Kutlu Olsun! 💐 母亲节快乐! 💐

**Bethany Van Delft  0:02** بيثاني|فان|دلفت بيثاني فان ديلفت 0:02 Bethany Van Delft 0:02

Hey Ryan. |رايان يا ريان. Olá, Ryan. Hey Ryan. What are all those beautiful flowers for? لماذا كل تلك الزهور الجميلة؟ What are all those beautiful flowers for? Para que servem todas estas flores bonitas? Bütün bu güzel çiçekler ne için?

**Ryan Willard  0:07** ريان ويلارد 0:07 Ryan Willard 0:07 Ryan Willard 0:07

I bought flowers for all the moms that work at the Ten News. اشتريت الزهور لجميع الأمهات العاملات في Ten News. Comprei flores para todas as mães que trabalham no Ten News. Ten News'de çalışan tüm annelere çiçek aldım.

**Bethany Van Delft  0:10** بيثاني فان ديلفت 0:10 Bethany Van Delft 0:10

Ryan, that is so sweet. رايان ، هذا لطيف للغاية. Ryan, isso é tão querido. Ryan, bu çok tatlı. Moms assemble. |妈妈们集合。 أمهات|اجتمعن تجمع الأمهات. As mães reúnem-se. Anneler toplanın.

**Ryan Willard  0:18** رايان ويلارد 0:18 Ryan Willard 0:18

Oh, wow. أوه ، واو. You ladies are fast. أنتم سيدات سريعون. Siz bayanlar hızlısınız. Okay, here you go. حسنًا ، ها أنت ذا. Okay, hier ist es. Tamam, al bakalım. Tracy Kaplan, Tracey Crooks, Bethany and Pam, Sarah and Pete. ترايسي||تريسي|محتالون|بيثاني||بام|||بيتر تريسي كابلان ، تريسي كروكس ، بيثاني وبام ، سارة وبيت. Tracy Kaplan, Tracey Crooks, Bethany ve Pam, Sarah ve Pete.

**Bethany Van Delft  0:30** بيثاني فان ديلفت 0:30

That is so thoughtful. |||真贴心 |||مراعٍ للمشاعر هذا مدروس جدا Isso é tão atencioso. Çok düşüncelisin. Thank you, Ryan. شكرا لك يا ريان.

**Pete Musto  0:32** |موستو بيت موستو 0:32

Thanks, Ryan. شكرا رايان.

**Ryan Willard  0:34** ريان ويلارد 0:34

Wait, Pete, you're not a mom. انتظر ، بيت ، أنت لست أماً. Bekle, Pete, sen anne değilsin.

**Pete Musto  0:36** بيت موستو 0:36

True, but I did forget about Mother's Day and can take those flowers to my wife tonight. صحيح ، لكني نسيت عيد الأم ويمكنني أن آخذ تلك الزهور إلى زوجتي الليلة. Stimmt, aber ich habe den Muttertag vergessen und kann meiner Frau heute Abend diese Blumen bringen. Doğru, ama Anneler Günü'nü unuttum ve o çiçekleri bu gece karıma götürebilirim.

**Ryan Willard  0:42** رايان ويلارد 0:42

Okay, yep, that makes more sense. حسنًا ، هذا منطقي أكثر. Tamam, evet, bu daha mantıklı.

**Pete Musto  0:44** بيت موستو 0:44

I gotta go bake a vegan souffle for now. |||||纯素的|素食舒芙蕾|| ||||||سوفليه|| يجب أن أذهب لأخبز سوفليه نباتي في الوقت الحالي. Ich muss jetzt erst einmal einen veganen Auflauf backen. Şimdi gidip vegan sufle pişirmeliyim. See ya! |أراك اراك لاحقا!

**Bethany Van Delft  0:48** بيثاني فان ديلفت 0:48

I'm Bethany Van Delft. أنا بيثاني فان ديلفت. It's Saturday, May 7th, and this is no ordinary episode of the Ten News. إنه يوم السبت 7 مايو ، وهذه ليست حلقة عادية من The Ten News. Bugün Cumartesi, 7 Mayıs, ve bu Ten News'in sıradan bir bölümü değil. This is the Ten News Gets Extra. هذه هي الأخبار العشر تحصل على المزيد. Bu Ten News Extra bölümüdür.

**Sound Bit  0:57** بت الصوت 0:57 Ses Parçası 0:57

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. 10 ، 9 ، 8 ، 7 ، 6 ، 5 ، 4 ، 3 ، 2 ، 1.

**Bethany Van Delft  1:06** بيثاني فان ديلفت 1:06

Happy Mother's Day. عيد ام سعيد. We wanted to honor and send love to all the moms out there who do so so much. أردنا تكريم وإرسال الحب لجميع الأمهات اللواتي يفعلن الكثير. So we asked Ten'ers to send in their best, positive yo mama jokes. |||مستخدمي Ten|||||||يا|يا أمي| لذلك طلبنا من Ten'ers إرسال أفضل نكاتهم الإيجابية إلى yo mama. Deshalb haben wir Ten'ers gebeten, uns ihre besten, positiven Mama-Witze zu schicken. Bu yüzden Ten'ers'a en iyi, olumlu yo mama şakalarını göndermelerini istedik. Take it away, Ten'ers خذها بعيدا ، Ten'ers Nehmt es weg, Zehntklässler A vous de jouer, les Dix Söz sizde, Ten'ers

**Ten'er  1:23** تسعة عشر تنير 1:23 Ten'er 1:23 Ten'er 1:23

Hi, my name is Jana. ||||جانا مرحبًا ، اسمي جانا. I'm eight years old. أنا في الثامنة من عمره. And this is my your mama joke. وهذه هي نكتة والدتي. Und das ist mein Witz über deine Mutter. Your mom is so precious, she's a prized possession. ||||عزيزة جداً|هي||ممتازة|ممتلكات والدتك ثمينة للغاية ، إنها ملكية ثمينة.

**Ten'er  1:31** تنير 1:31

Hi, my name is Bennett. ||||بنيت مرحبًا ، اسمي بينيت. I am from San Diego, California. ||||دييغو| انا من سان دييغو ، كاليفورنيا. This is my positive your momma joke. |||||أمي| هذه هي نكتة أمك الإيجابية. Your mama is so smart,  she can rewire your internet to be 10 times faster. |||||||يعيد توصيل|||||| والدتك ذكية للغاية ، يمكنها إعادة توصيل الإنترنت الخاص بك ليكون أسرع بعشر مرات. A tua mãe é tão inteligente que pode ligar a tua Internet 10 vezes mais depressa. Annem çok zeki, İnternetinizi 10 kat daha hızlı yapabilir. 你媽媽太聰明了,她可以重新連接你的互聯網,使其速度提高 10 倍。

**Ten'er 1:42** تنير 1:42 Saat 1:42

Hi, my name is Aria and I'm nine years old. ||||أريا||||| مرحبًا ، اسمي أريا وعمري تسع سنوات. Merhaba, benim adım Aria ve 9 yaşındayım. Here's my positive yo mama joke. ها هي نكتة يو ماما الإيجابية. Hier ist mein positiver Yo-Mama-Witz. Your mom is so funny, she makes sidewalks crack up. ||||||||تضحك| والدتك مضحكة للغاية ، إنها تجعل الأرصفة تتصدع. Annen çok komik, kaldırımları güldürüyor.

**Ten'er 1:59** عشرة: 1:59 Ten'er 1:59

Hi, my name is Edward. ||||إدوارد مرحبًا ، اسمي إدوارد. Merhaba, benim adım Edward. I am eight years old. عمري ثمانية سنين. I live in San Diego, California. أعيش في سان دييغو ، كاليفورنيا. And my yo mama joke that is positive is... your mom so chill, she sleeps in the freezer. |||||||||||||||||الفريزر ونكتة يو ماما الإيجابية هي ... والدتك باردة جدا ، تنام في الفريزر. 我妈妈的笑话是积极的……你妈妈很冷,她睡在冰箱里。

**Ten'er  2:10** تنير 2:10

My name is Colton. |||كولتون اسمي كولتون. I'm 11 years old and this is my positive yo mama joke. عمري 11 سنة وهذه هي نكتة يو ماما الإيجابية. Your mom is so nice, I gotta say it twice. والدتك لطيفة للغاية ، يجب أن أقولها مرتين. Deine Mutter ist so nett, dass ich es zweimal sagen muss. Your mom is so nice. والدتك لطيفة جدا.

**Ten'er 2:19** تنير 2:19

Yo Mama is so sweet, she's like frosting on cupcake. |||||||كريمة التزيين||كعكة صغيرة يو ماما حلوة للغاية ، إنها مثل الصقيع على الكب كيك. A Yo Mama é tão querida, é como a cobertura de um cupcake.

**Ten'er 2:23** تنير 2:23

Your mom is so good, she's like a surfer. ||||||||راكب أمواج والدتك جيدة جدًا ، إنها مثل راكب أمواج. Deine Mutter ist so gut, sie ist wie ein Surfer. A tua mãe é tão boa, é como uma surfista.

**Bethany Van Delft  2:27** بيثاني فان ديلفت 2:27

Those are some hilarious and heartwarming jokes. |||مضحك جداً||مؤثرة ومبهجة| هذه بعض النكات المضحكة والمغرية. Thank you for sharing with us, Ten'ers. شكرا لمشاركتك معنا ، Ten'ers. Did you know that it's not just human moms who feed their young, take care of their young, show them the ropes and even keep them clean? هل تعلم أنه ليس الأمهات البشر فقط هم من يطعمون صغارهم ، ويعتنون بصغارهم ، ويظهرون لهم الحبال ويحافظون على نظافتهم؟ Wussten Sie, dass es nicht nur menschliche Mütter sind, die ihre Jungen füttern, sich um sie kümmern, ihnen zeigen, wo es langgeht und sie sogar sauber halten? It's true. انها حقيقة. Ten News correspondent Laine Farber is here to tell us about some of the amazing moms of the animal kingdom. ||المراسل|لاين|فاربر||||||||||||||| مراسل Ten News Laine Farber موجود هنا ليخبرنا عن بعض الأمهات الرائعات في مملكة الحيوان.

**Laine Farber  2:50** لين فاربر 2:50

Time for Mother's Day, the special holiday where we celebrate the wonderful women who raised us now, raising a human baby is hard work. حان وقت عيد الأم ، العطلة الخاصة حيث نحتفل بالنساء الرائعات اللواتي ربننا الآن ، وتربية طفل بشري هو عمل شاق. Es ist Zeit für den Muttertag, den besonderen Feiertag, an dem wir die wunderbaren Frauen feiern, die uns großgezogen haben, denn ein menschliches Baby aufzuziehen ist harte Arbeit. No doubt about it. |لا شك|| لا شك في ذلك. But have you ever tried raising a baby alligator or an orangutan? ||||||||تمساح|||إنسان الغاب ولكن هل سبق لك أن حاولت تربية طفل تمساح أو إنسان الغاب؟ Though there are no dirty diapers to change, wild animals that face a whole different set of challenges when it comes to bringing a baby into the world. |||||حفاضات|||||||||||||||||||||| على الرغم من عدم وجود حفاضات قذرة لتغييرها ، إلا أن الحيوانات البرية تواجه مجموعة مختلفة تمامًا من التحديات عندما يتعلق الأمر بإنجاب طفل إلى العالم. Zwar müssen keine schmutzigen Windeln gewechselt werden, aber wilde Tiere stehen vor ganz anderen Herausforderungen, wenn es darum geht, ein Baby zur Welt zu bringen. So, let's take a few minutes to celebrate the top five mamas of the animal kingdom. |||||||||||أمهات|||| لذا ، لنأخذ بضع دقائق للاحتفال بأفضل خمس ماما في مملكة الحيوان. Number five, the Orca whale. |||أوركا| رقم خمسة ، حوت Orca. Many moms don't get enough sleep after their baby arrives, but none have it as bad as the Orca whale. |||||||||||لا شيء|||||||| لا تحصل العديد من الأمهات على قسط كافٍ من النوم بعد ولادة أطفالهن ، لكن لا تنام أي منهن مثل حوت Orca. After giving birth to one massive baby. |||||ضخم جدا| بعد ولادة طفل ضخم. A mother orca will stay awake for an entire month. ستبقى أم الأوركا مستيقظة لمدة شهر كامل. She has no time to sleep. ليس لديها وقت للنوم. She and her baby must keep moving to stay safe from hungry predators. ||||||||||||الافتراس يجب أن تستمر هي وطفلها في التحرك للبقاء في مأمن من الحيوانات المفترسة الجائعة. Number four, the emperor penguin. |||إمبراطور| رقم أربعة ، البطريق الإمبراطور. raising a baby in one of the coldest places on the planet is not an easy task. إن تربية الطفل في أحد أبرد الأماكن على هذا الكوكب ليست مهمة سهلة. It truly takes a village or in this case, a waddle that's what scientists call a group of penguins. ||||||||||زقزوق|||||||| إن الأمر يتطلب حقًا قرية أو في هذه الحالة ، تمايل وهو ما يسميه العلماء مجموعة من طيور البطريق. É mesmo preciso uma aldeia ou, neste caso, um grupo de pinguins, como os cientistas chamam a um grupo de pinguins. A baby penguin's journey begins when Mama lays an egg. ||البطريق|||||تضع|| تبدأ رحلة طائر البطريق الصغير عندما تضع ماما بيضة. And when that egg hatches, the new chick will be hungry. ||||تفقس|||||| وعندما تفقس تلك البيضة ، سيصاب الكتكوت الجديد بالجوع. So Mama heads to the supermarket, aka the ocean to fill up on food. ||||||المعروفة أيضًا باسم||||||| لذلك تتجه ماما إلى السوبر ماركت ، المعروف أيضًا باسم المحيط لملء الطعام. Also geht Mama zum Supermarkt, auch bekannt als Ozean, um sich mit Lebensmitteln einzudecken. She leaves the egg in dad's capable care as she sets off on it up to 50 mile trek across the ice. |||||||||||||||||رحلة مشي||| تترك البيضة في رعاية أبيها القادرة وهي تنطلق عليها لمسافة تصل إلى 50 ميلاً عبر الجليد. Sie überlässt das Ei der Obhut ihres Vaters und macht sich auf den bis zu 50 Meilen weiten Weg über das Eis. Ela deixa o ovo sob os cuidados do pai e parte para uma caminhada de 80 quilômetros pelo gelo. The journey will take months but she breathes the harsh Antarctic winter weather. |||||||تتنفس||قاسي|القطبي|| A viagem levará meses, mas ela respira o clima rigoroso do inverno antártico. She will travel to the ends of the earth for her baby. Number three frilled shark. ||مُزَيَّن| Tubarão-cobra número três. Being pregnant can be uncomfortable. Human moms are only pregnant for nine months. The frilled shark is not so lucky. This mysterious deep sea shark can be pregnant for up to 42 months. That's three and a half years. I am so sorry miss shark. Number two, alligators despite their scaly, exterior and ferocious appearance alligators are very good mamas. ||تمساح|رغم||مقشر|خارجي||شرسة|المظهر||||| Número dois, os jacarés, apesar de sua aparência escamosa, exterior e feroz, são mães muito boas. Most reptiles are not known for having a strong maternal instinct. |زواحف||||||||أمومي|غريزة الأمومة But the same thing cannot be said about alligators. Alligators don't sit on their eggs to warm them. Instead, they build large nests out of dead plants to incubate the eggs. ||||||||||تفقيس|| Em vez disso, eles constroem grandes ninhos de plantas mortas para incubar os ovos. Mama guards her nest from predators until the eggs hatch. |||||||||تفقس البيض Mamãe protege seu ninho de predadores até que os ovos eclodam. Then she gently scoops up the babies in her massive jaws and brings them to the water. Então ela gentilmente pega os bebês em suas mandíbulas enormes e os traz para a água. Like a strange, toothy Uber. |||ذو أسنان|أوبر غريب Como um Uber estranho e cheio de dentes. Mama Gator will stay at her baby's side for up to two years until they're big enough to protect themselves. |تمساح|||||||||||||||||| Mama Gator bleibt bis zu zwei Jahre lang an der Seite ihres Babys, bis es groß genug ist, um sich selbst zu schützen. And last but not least, number one, orangutan primates are close relatives to humans. ||||||||رئيسيات|||أقارب|| So it's no surprise that they care for their babies just as much as we do. Portanto, não é surpresa que eles cuidem de seus bebês tanto quanto nós. Mama orangutans have strong bonds with their little ones, which is good because the babies are completely dependent on mama. |قرود الأورانغوتان|||روابط||||||||||||||| Mamãe orangotango tem fortes laços com seus pequenos, o que é bom porque os bebês são completamente dependentes da mamãe. For six to seven years. Mom provides food security and transportation for the baby. |||||وسائل النقل||| Yeah, transportation. Baby orangutans cling to their mom like a little orange backpack, too cute. ||تتعلق|||||||||| Orang-Utan-Babys klammern sich an ihre Mutter wie an einen kleinen orangenen Rucksack, zu niedlich. Bebês orangotangos se agarram à mãe como uma pequena mochila laranja, fofo demais. The strong bond between mom and baby never fades. ||رابطة قوية||||||يضعف Die starke Bindung zwischen Mutter und Kind lässt nie nach. O forte vínculo entre mãe e bebê nunca desaparece. Even after orangutans have grown big enough to be on their own. These mostly solitary animals can still be found occasionally visiting their mamas to share a meal. Esses animais principalmente solitários ainda podem ser encontrados ocasionalmente visitando suas mães para compartilhar uma refeição. So here's to all of the amazing animal moms out there. And to all the wonderful human moms too. And an extra special thanks to my mom. Hi, Mom. Happy Mother's Day to you all.

**Bethany Van Delft  6:33**

Thanks, Laine. Wow. I can't even imagine how grumpy my mom would be if she stayed awake for a full month like an Orca. ||||||||||||||||||||أوركا Ich kann mir gar nicht vorstellen, wie mürrisch meine Mutter sein würde, wenn sie einen ganzen Monat lang wie ein Orca wach bliebe. Eu não posso nem imaginar o quão mal-humorada minha mãe ficaria se ela ficasse acordada por um mês inteiro como uma Orca. And honestly, I don't want to test that. E honestamente, eu não quero testar isso. Tessa, I know you got the cool mom tidbits. تيسا||||||||معلومات صغيرة Tessa, eu sei que você tem os petiscos legais da mãe.

**Tessa Flannery  6:49** |فلانري

Happy Mother's Day, Bethany. And I Do. I Do. I Do. One mom recently made headlines with a special address to her daughter's the newest Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson thanked her daughters Talia and Leila during her confirmation hearing. ||||عناوين الأخبار||||||||||عالي||عدالة|كتانجي|||||ابنتيها|تاليا||ليلى|||| Eine Mutter machte kürzlich Schlagzeilen mit einer besonderen Ansprache an ihre Töchter. Die neue Richterin am Obersten Gerichtshof, Ketanji Brown Jackson, dankte ihren Töchtern Talia und Leila während ihrer Bestätigungsanhörung. Uma mãe recentemente ganhou as manchetes com um discurso especial para a mais nova juíza da Suprema Corte de sua filha, Ketanji Brown Jackson, agradeceu às filhas Talia e Leila durante sua audiência de confirmação. But did you know that in 2016 when Leila was 11 years old, she wrote to President Obama asking him to nominate her mom to the Supreme Court? |||||||||||||||أوباما|يطلب|||ترشح|||||| Aber wussten Sie, dass Leila im Jahr 2016, als sie 11 Jahre alt war, an Präsident Obama schrieb und ihn bat, ihre Mutter für den Obersten Gerichtshof zu nominieren? It's true. And six years later, Layla's mom is now a Supreme Court justice. |||||||||||قاضية في المحكمة العليا E seis anos depois, a mãe de Layla é agora uma juíza da Suprema Corte. That's incredible. |لا يصدق

**Bethany Van Delft  7:21**

Up next, it's time for...

**Various Voices  7:23** Verschiedene Stimmen 7:23

What, what, what's the big idea?

**Bethany Van Delft  7:27**

Trivia on the Ten. |||عشرة Curiosidades sobre os dez. Get this, Ten'ers, there is a truly dedicated mom in the insect kingdom. |||||||مكرسة||||مملكة الحشرات| Veja, Ten'ers, há uma mãe verdadeiramente dedicada no reino dos insetos. Which famous spider mom carries her babies around in their eggs and once they hatch? ||||تحمل|||||||||| Is it a) tarantulas b) black widows or c) daddy long legs? |||العناكب الكبيرة|||الأرامل السوداء||||| É a) tarântulas b) viúvas negras ou c) papai pernas longas? Did you guess it? Você adivinhou? The answer is the mommy Daddy Long Legs. Try saying that five times fast, carry their egg sacks in their mouths until they hatch. |||||||||أكياس البيض|||||| Versuchen Sie, das fünfmal schnell zu sagen, tragen Sie ihre Eiersäcke im Mund, bis sie schlüpfen. Tente dizer isso cinco vezes rápido, carregue seus sacos de ovos na boca até que eclodam. Then they carry their baby spiders around on their backs for about a week. Em seguida, eles carregam suas aranhas bebês nas costas por cerca de uma semana. And do you know what baby spiders are called? Spiderlings, that's so cute for creepy crawly. صغار العناكب|||||زاحف|المخلوقات الزاحفة Spiderlings, isso é tão fofo para o rastejador assustador. And that is our Mother's Day extravaganza. ||||||احتفالية E essa é a nossa extravagância do Dia das Mães. But before we go, here's a quick note for the grownups. Aber bevor wir gehen, hier noch eine kurze Anmerkung für die Erwachsenen. Mas antes de irmos, aqui vai uma nota rápida para os adultos. Thanks for listening to the Ten News. Look out for our new episodes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and extras on Saturdays. ||||||||||محتوى إضافي|| The Ten News is a coproduction of Small But Mighty Media and Next Chapter Podcasts and is distributed by iHeartRadio. |||||إنتاج مشترك||||||||||||||آي هارت راديو The Ten News é uma coprodução de Small But Mighty Media e Next Chapter Podcasts e é distribuído pela iHeartRadio. The Ten News creative team is making breakfast in bed for their moms and includes Tracey Crooks, Pete Musto, Ryan Willard, Logan Deyoung, and Tessa Flannery. ||||||||||||||||||||||دي يونغ||| Laine Farber contributed to this episode. And thank you to all the Ten'ers who called in their jokes. We love them. Our production director is Jeremiah Tittle and our executive producers are Donald Albright and show creator Tracy Leeds Kaplan. ||||إرميا|تيتل|||المنتجين التنفيذيين|المنتجون||||||مبدعة||تريسي ليدز كابلان| I'm Bethany Van Delft and thanks for listening to the Ten News. Mommy Daddy Long Legs, mommy Daddy Long Legs, mommy daddy long legs. I gotta be honest with you. Ich will ehrlich zu Ihnen sein. I still don't think I'd be carrying around little tiny spiders in my mouth. Ich glaube trotzdem nicht, dass ich kleine, winzige Spinnen in meinem Mund herumtragen würde. Even if they were my babies, Confessions of an arachnophobic. ||||||اعترافات|||عنكبوتي