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E-Books (english-e-reader), The Tale of Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby

The Tale of Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby


The Tar Baby

It was a hot day in August. Summer is a very hot season in the South of the United States. All the animals on the old plantation had a rest.

Brer Fox was outside his house. He sat under a magnolia tree and drank cold lemonade. He was very hot. He was also angry and nervous.

Brer Fox didn't like Brer Rabbit. Before Brer Rabbit came to the old plantation, Brer Fox was a happy fox. The old plantation was a peaceful place. Brer Rabbit tricked everyone. He tricked Brer Bear, Brer Turtle, Brer Wolf and Brer Fox. Brer Rabbit was a very intelligent rabbit. He was young and dressed well.

Brer Fox was tired of Brer Rabbit. He decided to trick him. He went to his garden and took a big bucket of tar. He put other oils in the bucket too. Then he mixed the tar for a long time. The tar had a terrible odour, It was very sticky.

Brer Fox went into his house. He went to the kitchen to look for an old straw hat, but he didn't find it. Then he went to the living room. He looked there too. Finally he went to the bedroom. In the bedroom he found an old straw hat, two buttons and a comb. He put them in a sack. Then he took the bucket of tar and walked to the road.

He threw the tar near a log and made a big black Tar Baby. He put the old straw hat on the Tar Baby. He put on two buttons for the eyes. Then he put on the comb for the mouth. Brer Fox looked at his work and was happy.

The Tar Baby was ready! Brer Fox hid behind a big tree. He waited for Brer Rabbit to walk by. He waited and waited. It was very hot.

After an hour Brer Rabbit walked down the road. He was very happy. He walked, jumped and sang a song.

Brer Fox watched him from behind the tree. Suddenly Brer Rabbit saw the Tar Baby! He stopped and looked at it. Brer Rabbit was a friendly rabbit. He said, "Good morning! It's a hot day today!"

The Tar Baby smiled but didn't answer.

"I am from the old plantation," said Brer Rabbit. "Where are you from?"

The Tar Baby smiled but didn't answer.

Brer Fox watched everything from behind the tree. He wanted to laugh, but he didn't.

Brer Rabbit tried again. "Good morning! How are you?"

The Tar Baby smiled but didn't answer.

"What are you doing here? Where are you from?" Brer Rabbit asked again.

The Tar Baby smiled but didn't answer.

Brer Rabbit was angry. His face and ears were red.

"Can you hear me? I said 'Good morning!' Why don't you answer me?" he shouted.

There was no answer.

Brer Rabbit was very angry. "You are very unfriendly. I'm a friendly rabbit. I want to be your friend. Who are you?"

The Tar Baby didn't answer.

Brer Rabbit was furious! He hit the Tar Baby! His front paw was stuck in the Tar Baby's face,

Brer Fox was very happy. He laughed quietly.

"Let me go!" said Brer Rabbit.

The Tar Baby did not let go.

"Let me go!" said Brer Rabbit again.

Brer Rabbit kicked the Tar Baby. Now his back paw was stuck in the Tar Baby's body.

"Please, let me go!" shouted Brer Rabbit.

He kicked the Tar Baby again. Now his other back paw was stuck.

"Help! I can't move!" he shouted. "This is terrible!"

Poor Brer Rabbit! He was covered with tar. His face and ears were black with tar. His paws were black with tar. He was a very unhappy rabbit.


The Briar Patch

When Brer Fox saw Brer Rabbit covered with tar, he laughed and laughed. He walked down the road and said, "This is a good lesson for you, Brer Rabbit. You always tricked everyone on the old plantation. This time I tricked YOU! This is the end of Brer Rabbit!" Brer Fox looked at Brer Rabbit and laughed again.

Brer Rabbit didn't say one word. He was frightened. He didn't move.

Brer Fox looked at his watch and said, "It's dinner time and I'm very hungry. I want rabbit barbecue for dinner. Rabbit barbecue is delicious. I must find some wood to make a fire." Brer Fox went to look for some wood.

Brer Rabbit started to think. He was a very intelligent rabbit. His eyes moved from left to right. He looked everywhere. Then he saw a briar patch. "The briar patch can take off the tar. But I can't move. I'm stuck. I must go to the briar patch. What can I do?" thought Brer Rabbit.

Brer Fox returned and said, "I didn't find any wood to make a fire. I can't have rabbit barbecue for dinner, but I can hang you!"

"Oh, Brer Fox, you can hang me, but please don't throw me in the briar patch!" said Brer Rabbit.

Brer Fox looked for a rope. "There's no rope. I can't hang you. How can I kill you?" asked Brer Fox.

He thought for a moment and said, "I can throw you in a river or a lake."

"Oh, Brer Fox, throw me in a river or a lake, but please don't throw me in the terrible briar patch. PLEASE!"

Brer Fox went to look for a river or a lake. He looked everywhere but he didn't find a river or a lake. He was angry. He wanted to kill Brer Rabbit, but how?

"Have you got a heart, Brer Fox? Please don't throw me into the briar patch," said Brer Rabbit. "Oh, please!"

"Well," said Brer Fox smiling, "you don't want to go into the briar patch. That's exactly where I will throw you. Into the briar patch!"

Brer Fox threw Brer Rabbit into the briar patch! This was exactly what Brer Rabbit wanted. The Tar Baby stuck to the briar patch and Brer Rabbit was free!

When Brer Fox saw the Tar Baby in the briar patch he asked, "What's happening? Where is that cunning rabbit? Why is the Tar Baby here?"

Brer Rabbit ran up the road and then stopped. He looked at Brer Fox and said, "You didn't listen to me. I said, 'Please don't throw me into the briar patch.' Next time you'll listen to me!" Brer Rabbit laughed and ran home to have a bath.

"You horrible cunning rabbit. You tricked me again!" shouted Brer Fox. He was purple with anger. He looked at the briar patch and he looked at the Tar Baby. Then he walked home slowly. He was very sad and angry. Brer Rabbit tricked him again. Why was Brer Rabbit so intelligent?

When Brer Fox went into his garden he sat down under the magnolia tree. He was tired. He looked at the evening sky. He saw the stars and the moon and fell asleep.


The Tale of Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby Das Märchen von Brer Rabbit und dem Teerbaby El cuento de Brer Rabbit y el bebé de alquitrán L'histoire de Brer Rabbit et du Tar Baby 브르 래빗과 타르 아기 이야기 Opowieść o króliku Brer Rabbit i smolistym dziecku Сказка о братце Кролике и дегтярном ребенке 兔子兄弟和焦油宝宝的故事 兔子兄弟與焦油寶寶的故事


The Tar Baby O bebê de alcatrão Дегтярный ребенок

It was a hot day in August. Summer is a very hot season in the South of the United States. All the animals on the old plantation had a rest. Все животные на старой плантации отдохнули.

Brer Fox was outside his house. He sat under a magnolia tree and drank cold lemonade. Он сидел под магнолией и пил холодный лимонад. He was very hot. He was very hot. Он был очень горячим. He was also angry and nervous.

Brer Fox didn't like Brer Rabbit. Братец Лис не любил Братца Кролика. Before Brer Rabbit came to the old plantation, Brer Fox was a happy fox. Avant que Brer Rabbit n'arrive dans l'ancienne plantation, Brer Fox était un renard heureux. До того, как Братец Кролик пришел на старую плантацию, Братец Лис был счастливой лисой. The old plantation was a peaceful place. Старая плантация была мирным местом. Brer Rabbit tricked everyone. Brer Rabbit engañó a todos. Братец Кролик обманул всех. He tricked Brer Bear, Brer Turtle, Brer Wolf and Brer Fox. Он обманул Братца Медведя, Братца Черепаху, Братца Волка и Братца Лиса. Brer Rabbit was a very intelligent rabbit. He was young and dressed well.

Brer Fox was tired of Brer Rabbit. Братец Лис устал от Братца Кролика. He decided to trick him. Он решил обмануть его. He went to his garden and took a big bucket of tar. Он пошел в свой сад и взял большое ведро смолы. He put other oils in the bucket too. Он добавил в ведро и другие масла. Він поклав у відро й інші олії. Then he mixed the tar for a long time. The tar had a terrible odour, It was very sticky.

Brer Fox went into his house. Братец Фокс пошел в свой дом. He went to the kitchen to look for an old straw hat, but he didn't find it. Then he went to the living room. He looked there too. Finally he went to the bedroom. In the bedroom he found an old straw hat, two buttons and a comb. Dans la chambre, il trouva un vieux chapeau de paille, deux boutons et un peigne. He put them in a sack. Он положил их в мешок. Then he took the bucket of tar and walked to the road. Puis il prit le seau de goudron et se dirigea vers la route. Потом взял ведро смолы и пошел к дороге.

He threw the tar near a log and made a big black Tar Baby. Il jeta le goudron près d'une bûche et fit un gros Tar Baby noir. Он бросил смолу возле бревна и сделал большого черного смоляного младенца. He put the old straw hat on the Tar Baby. Он надел старую соломенную шляпу на Дегтярного Бэби. He put on two buttons for the eyes. Он надел две пуговицы вместо глаз. Then he put on the comb for the mouth. Потом надел гребень для рта. Brer Fox looked at his work and was happy. Братец Лис посмотрел на свою работу и обрадовался.

The Tar Baby was ready! Brer Fox hid behind a big tree. He waited for Brer Rabbit to walk by. Він чекав, поки Брат Кролик пройде повз. He waited and waited. It was very hot.

After an hour Brer Rabbit walked down the road. He was very happy. He walked, jumped and sang a song. Он ходил, прыгал и пел песню.

Brer Fox watched him from behind the tree. Suddenly Brer Rabbit saw the Tar Baby! He stopped and looked at it. Brer Rabbit was a friendly rabbit. He said, "Good morning! It's a hot day today!"

The Tar Baby smiled but didn't answer.

"I am from the old plantation," said Brer Rabbit. — Я со старой плантации, — сказал Братец Кролик. "Where are you from?"

The Tar Baby smiled but didn't answer.

Brer Fox watched everything from behind the tree. Братец Лис наблюдал за всем из-за дерева. He wanted to laugh, but he didn't.

Brer Rabbit tried again. "Good morning! How are you?"

The Tar Baby smiled but didn't answer.

"What are you doing here? Where are you from?" Brer Rabbit asked again.

The Tar Baby smiled but didn't answer.

Brer Rabbit was angry. His face and ears were red. Его лицо и уши были красными.

"Can you hear me? I said 'Good morning!' Why don't you answer me?" he shouted.

There was no answer.

Brer Rabbit was very angry. "You are very unfriendly. I'm a friendly rabbit. Я дружелюбный кролик. I want to be your friend. Who are you?"

The Tar Baby didn't answer.

Brer Rabbit was furious! He hit the Tar Baby! Он ударил Tar Baby! His front paw was stuck in the Tar Baby's face, Его передняя лапа застряла в морде Дегтярного Ребенка,

Brer Fox was very happy. He laughed quietly. Он тихо рассмеялся.

"Let me go!" "Lâchez-moi !" "Отпусти меня!" "Відпустіть мене!" said Brer Rabbit.

The Tar Baby did not let go.

"Let me go!" said Brer Rabbit again.

Brer Rabbit kicked the Tar Baby. Братец Кролик пнул Смоляного Малыша. Now his back paw was stuck in the Tar Baby's body. Теперь его задняя лапа застряла в теле Смоляного Малыша.

"Please, let me go!" shouted Brer Rabbit.

He kicked the Tar Baby again. Now his other back paw was stuck.

"Help! I can't move!" he shouted. "This is terrible!"

Poor Brer Rabbit! He was covered with tar. Он был покрыт смолой. His face and ears were black with tar. Его лицо и уши были черными от смолы. His paws were black with tar. Его лапы были черными от смолы. He was a very unhappy rabbit.


The Briar Patch Le patch de bruyère Шиповник патч The Briar Patch

When Brer Fox saw Brer Rabbit covered with tar, he laughed and laughed. Когда Братец Лис увидел Братца Кролика, покрытого смолой, он смеялся и смеялся. He walked down the road and said, "This is a good lesson for you, Brer Rabbit. Он пошел по дороге и сказал: «Это хороший урок для тебя, Братец Кролик. You always tricked everyone on the old plantation. Ты всегда обманывал всех на старой плантации. This time I tricked YOU! На этот раз я обманул ВАС! This is the end of Brer Rabbit!" Это конец Братца Кролика!" Brer Fox looked at Brer Rabbit and laughed again. Братец Лис посмотрел на Братца Кролика и снова засмеялся.

Brer Rabbit didn't say one word. He was frightened. He didn't move.

Brer Fox looked at his watch and said, "It's dinner time and I'm very hungry. Братец Фокс посмотрел на часы и сказал: «Пора обедать, и я очень голоден. I want rabbit barbecue for dinner. Rabbit barbecue is delicious. I must find some wood to make a fire." Brer Fox went to look for some wood.

Brer Rabbit started to think. Братец Кролик задумался. He was a very intelligent rabbit. His eyes moved from left to right. Его глаза двигались слева направо. He looked everywhere. Он смотрел везде. Then he saw a briar patch. Затем он увидел куст шиповника. Потім він побачив кущ шипшини. "The briar patch can take off the tar. "Le patch de bruyère peut enlever le goudron. «Шиповник может снять смолу. "Шипшина може зняти смолу. But I can't move. I'm stuck. I must go to the briar patch. Я должен пойти на шиповник. What can I do?" thought Brer Rabbit.

Brer Fox returned and said, "I didn't find any wood to make a fire. I can't have rabbit barbecue for dinner, but I can hang you!" Я не могу приготовить барбекю из кролика на ужин, но я могу повесить тебя!»

"Oh, Brer Fox, you can hang me, but please don't throw me in the briar patch!" «О, братец Лис, вы можете повесить меня, но, пожалуйста, не бросайте меня в терновник!» said Brer Rabbit.

Brer Fox looked for a rope. Братец Лис искал веревку. "There's no rope. I can't hang you. How can I kill you?" asked Brer Fox.

He thought for a moment and said, "I can throw you in a river or a lake."

"Oh, Brer Fox, throw me in a river or a lake, but please don't throw me in the terrible briar patch. PLEASE!"

Brer Fox went to look for a river or a lake. He looked everywhere but he didn't find a river or a lake. He was angry. He wanted to kill Brer Rabbit, but how?

"Have you got a heart, Brer Fox? 「あなたは心を持っていますか、ブレア・フォックス? «Есть ли у тебя сердце, Братец Лис? "У тебе є серце, брате Лисе? Please don't throw me into the briar patch," said Brer Rabbit. "Oh, please!"

"Well," said Brer Fox smiling, "you don't want to go into the briar patch. «Ну, — усміхаючись, сказав Брат Фокс, — ти ж не хочеш заходити в шипшину. That's exactly where I will throw you. Именно туда я тебя брошу. Into the briar patch!" В шипшину!"

Brer Fox threw Brer Rabbit into the briar patch! This was exactly what Brer Rabbit wanted. The Tar Baby stuck to the briar patch and Brer Rabbit was free! Дегтярный Малыш прилип к шиповнику, и Братец Кролик был свободен! Tar Baby прилип до шипшини, і Brer Rabbit був вільний!

When Brer Fox saw the Tar Baby in the briar patch he asked, "What's happening? Where is that cunning rabbit? Где этот хитрый кролик? Why is the Tar Baby here?"

Brer Rabbit ran up the road and then stopped. He looked at Brer Fox and said, "You didn't listen to me. I said, 'Please don't throw me into the briar patch.' J'ai dit : 'S'il vous plaît, ne me jetez pas dans la bruyère.' Я сказал: «Пожалуйста, не бросайте меня в шиповник». Next time you'll listen to me!" Brer Rabbit laughed and ran home to have a bath.

"You horrible cunning rabbit. "Ты ужасный хитрый кролик. You tricked me again!" shouted Brer Fox. He was purple with anger. Он был багровым от гнева. He looked at the briar patch and he looked at the Tar Baby. Then he walked home slowly. He was very sad and angry. Brer Rabbit tricked him again. Why was Brer Rabbit so intelligent?

When Brer Fox went into his garden he sat down under the magnolia tree. He was tired. He looked at the evening sky. He saw the stars and the moon and fell asleep.