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E-Books (english-e-reader), Marley and Me Chapter 6-10 (3)

Marley and Me Chapter 6-10 (3)

I looked at Jenny and she looked at me.

"Marley has to go to the hospital," we told the children. "The doctors are going to try to make him better. But he's very sick."

With Jenny's help, I put Marley into the back of the car. He lay on the floor. I petted his head.

"Oh, Marley," I said again and again.

At the hospital, I helped him out of the car and took him inside. The young doctor took him away. Then she came back and showed me some pictures of the inside of Marley's stomach.

"I'm very sorry," she said quietly. "We can't do anything for Marley now."

"I understand," I said. "Please can I say goodbye to him?"

"Yes, of course," she said. "Have as much time with him as you want."

Marley was asleep. I got down next to him and ran my fingers through his fur. I held up each ear in my hands. I opened his mouth and looked at his teeth. Then I held up his front paw.

"I want you to understand something, Marley," I said. "Sometimes we called you the world's worst dog. But you're not. We never told you this before... but you're a great dog, Marley. A great dog."

I sat with Marley for a long time, then I called the doctor.

"I'm ready now," I said.

I held Marley's head and the doctor gave Marley something. It didn't hurt him. He died quietly.

"I want to take Marley home," I said.

Two people brought a large black bag out to my car. Then I thanked the doctor and drove away. When I got home, the children were in bed. I put my arms around Jenny and we cried for a long time.

Later, we went outside. We took the black bag out of the car and put it into the garage.

Next morning, Jenny told the children about Marley. They were very sad and started to cry.

"It's OK," I said. "When you have a dog, this always happens. Dogs don't live as long as people."

Conor made a picture and wrote a letter for Marley:

To Marley. I loved you all my life. You were always there when I wanted you. Your brother, Conor Richard Grogan.

Colleen made a picture of a girl with a big yellow dog. She wrote under the picture: I will never forget you, Marley.

I found a very good place for Marley, in the ground under two big fruit trees. I put the black bag in the ground, and Jenny and the children watched. After I finished, everybody said, "We love you, Marley."

Then we went back to the kitchen and told stories about Marley. Sometimes we laughed and sometimes we cried.

The next days were very difficult. The house was very quiet. When I came home at night, there was no Marley. Jenny cleaned the house, but his fur was everywhere. One morning, when I put on my shoes, I found some of Marley's fur inside them.

Marley was my dog for thirteen years. He wasn't an obedient dog, but he was important in my life. I wanted to tell other people about him. So I wrote about him in my newspaper.

Nobody called Marley a great dog... or a good dog, I wrote. He was wild and crazy. He had to leave obedience school. He chewed things, and he wasn't very intelligent. But he understood people's feelings, and he was very good with children.

A person can learn a lot from a dog. Because of him, I listened to my feelings. Because of him, I enjoyed winter sunlight and the snow and a walk in the woods. Because of him, I can be a good friend.

A dog can show us the important things in life. A dog isn't interested in fast cars or big houses or expensive clothes. Give a dog your love, and he will give you his.

Many people read about Marley in the newspaper. Animal lovers called me and wrote to me. They wrote to me about their love for dogs. They wrote about their feelings when their dogs died.

Many people wrote funny stories about their dogs. Some people wrote, "Marley wasn't the worst dog in the world. My dog's the worst dog in the world!" I began to feel better.

I took the letters home and showed them to Jenny. She laughed, too.

Winter came to an end and it was spring. Our yard was full of flowers. I didn't think about Marley all the time. When I thought about him, I usually remembered the happy days.

In many ways, life without a dog was easier. The house and the yard were clean. We could enjoy going out to dinner. But something about our family wasn't right.

One morning, Jenny showed me the newspaper.

"Look at this," she said.

It was an ad for a dog. I saw a photo of a big yellow Labrador. I looked at the photo, then I looked again.

"That's Marley!" I said.

"It isn't Marley," said Jenny. "Look."

Under the photo was the dog's name: Lucky. I read:

I'm looking for a new home and a new family. I want a quiet home, because I'm a little wild.

We read the ad and looked at the photo again. We didn't say anything for some time.

Then I said, "We can go and look at him."

"Yes," said Jenny. "Why not?"


Marley and Me Chapter 6-10 (3) Marley und ich Kapitel 6-10 (3) Marley y yo Capítulo 6-10 (3) Marley et moi Chapitre 6-10 (3) マーリーとわたし 第6章-第10章 (3) 말리와 나 챕터 6-10 (3) Marley e Eu Capítulo 6-10 (3) Марли и я Глава 6-10 (3) Марлі і я Розділ 6-10 (3) 马利和我 第6-10章(3)

I looked at Jenny and she looked at me. Miré a Jenny y ella me miró a mí.

"Marley has to go to the hospital," we told the children. "Marley tiene que ir al hospital", les dijimos a los niños. "The doctors are going to try to make him better. "Los médicos van a intentar que mejore. But he's very sick."

With Jenny's help, I put Marley into the back of the car. Con la ayuda de Jenny, metí a Marley en la parte de atrás del coche. He lay on the floor. Se tumbó en el suelo. I petted his head. Le acaricié la cabeza.

"Oh, Marley," I said again and again. "Oh, Marley", dije una y otra vez.

At the hospital, I helped him out of the car and took him inside. En el hospital, le ayudé a salir del coche y le llevé dentro. The young doctor took him away. El joven médico se lo llevó. Then she came back and showed me some pictures of the inside of Marley's stomach. Luego volvió y me enseñó unas fotos del interior del estómago de Marley.

"I'm very sorry," she said quietly. "Lo siento mucho", dijo en voz baja. "We can't do anything for Marley now." "No podemos hacer nada por Marley ahora".

"I understand," I said. "Entiendo", dije. "Please can I say goodbye to him?" "Por favor, ¿puedo despedirme de él?"

"Yes, of course," she said. "Sí, por supuesto", dijo ella. "Have as much time with him as you want." "Pasa todo el tiempo que quieras con él". "원하는 만큼 많은 시간을 함께 보내세요."

Marley was asleep. Marley estaba dormido. I got down next to him and ran my fingers through his fur. Me puse a su lado y le pasé los dedos por el pelaje. I held up each ear in my hands. Levanté cada oreja en mis manos. I opened his mouth and looked at his teeth. Le abrí la boca y le miré los dientes. Then I held up his front paw. Pak jsem mu zvedla přední tlapku. Luego le levanté la pata delantera.

"I want you to understand something, Marley," I said. "Quiero que entiendas algo, Marley", le dije. "말리, 네가 이해해줬으면 하는 게 있어." 내가 말했다. "Sometimes we called you the world's worst dog. "A veces te llamábamos el peor perro del mundo. But you're not. Pero no lo eres. We never told you this before... but you're a great dog, Marley. 전에는 이런 말을 한 적이 없지만 넌 정말 훌륭한 개야, 말리. A great dog."

I sat with Marley for a long time, then I called the doctor.

"I'm ready now," I said.

I held Marley's head and the doctor gave Marley something. It didn't hurt him. He died quietly.

"I want to take Marley home," I said.

Two people brought a large black bag out to my car. 두 사람이 커다란 검은색 가방을 제 차에 가져다주었습니다. Then I thanked the doctor and drove away. When I got home, the children were in bed. I put my arms around Jenny and we cried for a long time. Rodeé a Jenny con mis brazos y lloramos largo rato.

Later, we went outside. We took the black bag out of the car and put it into the garage.

Next morning, Jenny told the children about Marley. They were very sad and started to cry.

"It's OK," I said. "When you have a dog, this always happens. Dogs don't live as long as people." 개는 사람만큼 오래 살지 못합니다."

Conor made a picture and wrote a letter for Marley:

To Marley. I loved you all my life. 평생 당신을 사랑했어요. You were always there when I wanted you. Your brother, Conor Richard Grogan.

Colleen made a picture of a girl with a big yellow dog. She wrote under the picture: I will never forget you, Marley.

I found a very good place for Marley, in the ground under two big fruit trees. 큰 과일나무 두 그루 아래에서 말리를 위한 아주 좋은 장소를 찾았어요. I put the black bag in the ground, and Jenny and the children watched. After I finished, everybody said, "We love you, Marley."

Then we went back to the kitchen and told stories about Marley. Sometimes we laughed and sometimes we cried.

The next days were very difficult. The house was very quiet. When I came home at night, there was no Marley. Jenny cleaned the house, but his fur was everywhere. One morning, when I put on my shoes, I found some of Marley's fur inside them.

Marley was my dog for thirteen years. He wasn't an obedient dog, but he was important in my life. I wanted to tell other people about him. So I wrote about him in my newspaper.

Nobody called Marley a great dog... or a good dog, I wrote. He was wild and crazy. He had to leave obedience school. He chewed things, and he wasn't very intelligent. Žvýkal věci a nebyl příliš inteligentní. But he understood people's feelings, and he was very good with children. Ale rozuměl lidským pocitům a uměl to s dětmi.

A person can learn a lot from a dog. Člověk se může od psa hodně naučit. Because of him, I listened to my feelings. Díky němu jsem naslouchal svým pocitům. Wegen ihm habe ich auf meine Gefühle gehört. 그 덕분에 제 감정에 귀를 기울이게 되었습니다. Because of him, I enjoyed winter sunlight and the snow and a walk in the woods. Kvůli němu jsem si užívala zimního slunce, sněhu a procházek v lese. Because of him, I can be a good friend. Díky němu mohu být dobrým přítelem. 그 덕분에 저는 좋은 친구가 될 수 있었습니다.

A dog can show us the important things in life. A dog isn't interested in fast cars or big houses or expensive clothes. Give a dog your love, and he will give you his. Dejte psovi svou lásku a on vám dá tu svou.

Many people read about Marley in the newspaper. Animal lovers called me and wrote to me. They wrote to me about their love for dogs. They wrote about their feelings when their dogs died.

Many people wrote funny stories about their dogs. Some people wrote, "Marley wasn't the worst dog in the world. My dog's the worst dog in the world!" Můj pes je nejhorší pes na světě!" I began to feel better.

I took the letters home and showed them to Jenny. She laughed, too.

Winter came to an end and it was spring. Zima skončila a nastalo jaro. Our yard was full of flowers. I didn't think about Marley all the time. Na Marleyho jsem nemyslel pořád. 항상 말리에 대해 생각하지 않았어요. When I thought about him, I usually remembered the happy days. Když jsem si na něj vzpomněla, obvykle jsem si vybavila šťastné dny. 그를 생각하면 행복했던 시절이 떠올랐어요.

In many ways, life without a dog was easier. Život bez psa byl v mnoha ohledech jednodušší. The house and the yard were clean. We could enjoy going out to dinner. Mohli bychom si užít večeři. But something about our family wasn't right. Ale něco v naší rodině nebylo v pořádku. 하지만 우리 가족은 뭔가 잘못되었습니다.

One morning, Jenny showed me the newspaper. Jednoho rána mi Jenny ukázala noviny.

"Look at this," she said.

It was an ad for a dog. I saw a photo of a big yellow Labrador. I looked at the photo, then I looked again.

"That's Marley!" I said.

"It isn't Marley," said Jenny. "Look."

Under the photo was the dog's name: Lucky. I read:

I'm looking for a new home and a new family. Hledám nový domov a novou rodinu. I want a quiet home, because I'm a little wild. Chci klidný domov, protože jsem trochu divoká.

We read the ad and looked at the photo again. Přečetli jsme si inzerát a znovu si prohlédli fotografii. We didn't say anything for some time. Nějakou dobu jsme nic neříkali.

Then I said, "We can go and look at him."

"Yes," said Jenny. "Why not?" "¿Por qué no?"