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Self-Help - Youtube, How to become 37.78 times better at anything | Atomic Habits summary (by James Clear) (3)

How to become 37.78 times better at anything | Atomic Habits summary (by James Clear) (3)

been using this book to build systems around my habits the past few months.

After you read the book maybe your approach will be different than mine or better, or maybe there

are some parts I completely missed or could improve upon so do let me know in the comments.

The Good habits I wanted to develop were more consistent workout and reading routines.

The Bad habit I wanted to eliminate was becoming distracted and overconsuming social media

First I completed the Habit scorecard. This gave me a good idea of habits I could try to eliminate,

but more importantly it gave me an idea of daily habits I was

already doing that I could stack my new habits with.

Ultimately, when you find the habits you want to work on. you want to be pushing

Desired good habits towards this side of the spectrum, and bad habits towards this side.

For the working out habit.

The first step was to make the cues more obvious, and I had a few tools I could use from the book.

In this case I used what James Clear calls the implementation strategy.

I will workout at 6am in the living room.

Next I tried as best I could to design my environment conducive to this new habit.

I took my dumbbell set out of the closet, and put them in the living room.

I also found a few pictures of healthy physiques on the internet

and put them in places around the house as cues that would remind me of the habit.

Next, I moved on to the craving phase.

To increase dopamine and motivation I bundle the workout with listening to

some of my favorite podcasts. I also implement reprogramming my brain. I tell myself repeatedly

I don't “have to do a workout” but that “ I get to build strength and a healthier body”

That subtle shift in mindset has gone a long way.

Ideally, joining a gym, or finding a group to workout with would be even better

to strengthen this habit, but unfortunately all gyms

are closed where I live, so I'm kind of on my own for now with these two tools.

Next, making it easy.

Using the 2 minute rule, to make sure I don't end up like most people

starting a new habit, that try to do too much too soon.

I want my habit to not feel like a challenge at all. My 2 minute rule was putting on my

workout clothes and stretching. If that was the only thing I accomplished then that was fine,

because I showed up. But you will quickly find that once you are there, you are now motivated to

get the workout done. It is weird but the motivation seems to come after you get started.

My mindset is focused on small 1 percent changes compounding into meaningful results

AND that my systems will get me to the results, not vague goals. Remembering that my main focus

at this point is just making sure I show up and start anchoring this habit in place.

Once you are consistently showing up, increase the progression.

To decrease friction, I made the rule that I'm not allowed to check my phone

until the workout was complete. If I get distracted by emails or social media,

It is one excuse and one step of friction between myself and the workout getting completed.

Lastly, this was a game changer for me, priming the environment. When I place my shoes,

yoga mat and dumbbells out the night before I skyrocket my show up and workout percentage.

As soon as I place these items out the night before,

I feel like the ritual has begun and the workout is already complete because I have zero excuses.

So with those 3 phases of the loop systemized to get me to show up.

I only had the last phase of the loop left to tackle. To make sure I keep repeating the habit.

I use both of these tools somewhat together to close out the loop.

I use a habit tracker, crossing the day off the calendar becomes the reward

and it forces me to not want to break the chain. I also take a of picture of

the calories I burnt and send the picture to my partner, and that feels satisfying.

Mindset wise, I begin with identity and I remind myself after each workout that “I

want to become the kind of person that enjoys fitness and doesn't miss workouts” I don't

put all my focus on outcomes such as I want to be 10kg lighter by such and such a date.

I also remind myself that I need to be patient for results and that I'm

probably still somewhere in this Valley of disappointment before I will see results!

So that is my personal system for morning workouts.

I went through the same process with the reading habit, with a few minor changes.

I used the habit stack. After [making a coffee] I will [read for 90 minutes]

… making a coffee was my trigger cue for reading.

My one space one use rule was reading on the balcony of my apartment.

One of the best parts of my day is a nice cup of coffee in the

morning. So this was the perfect thing to bundle the habit with.

Remembering how dopamine raises in anticipation of a reward and not the reward itself. I wanted

this dopamine spike for wanting coffee to start becoming associated with reading.

My 2 minute rule was to read 1 page of The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday. Super simple,

again in the beginning all I was concerned with was showing up and getting this habit

anchored. Then I slowly built up the habit to around 90 minutes.

For the bad habit I was trying to eliminate

To make the habit invisible, I started by making my phone as boring as possible,

which required deleting a lot of apps.

I use the reprogramming tool, to highlight the unattractive side of

overconsuming social media. Telling myself things like… … consuming is the easy and

lazy option of the masses ,producing things is difficult but rewarding. Do I

want to be a consumer or a producer? Random scrolling through feeds is for losers. So

try to paint your bad habit in a light that makes it super unattractive to keep doing.

To increase friction, I left my phone out of sight whilst working in a drawer in another room.

To make it unsatisfying, I have an accountability partner, I get my partner to enforce this

habit. The punishment is If she sees me using social media during work time, I owe her $10.

So that is how I have been using this fantastic book guys with great results

so far, and I hope this summary has helped you to better understand the concepts within this book.

Go out and grab a copy of this book if you haven't already, you are going to take in the

knowledge at a much deeper level, from all the stories and examples that James Clear goes over

some advanced techniques, not in this summary that will help you strengthen your habits.

Thankyou for watching. See you in the next video.

How to become 37.78 times better at anything | Atomic Habits summary (by James Clear) (3) In what way|method for achieving|grow into|||||||||| Wie man 37,78-mal besser in allem wird | Atomic Habits Zusammenfassung (von James Clear) (3) Cómo ser 37,78 veces mejor en cualquier cosa | Resumen de Atomic Habits (por James Clear) (3) Comment devenir 37,78 fois meilleur dans n'importe quel domaine | Résumé de Atomic Habits (par James Clear) (3) Come diventare 37,78 volte più bravi in qualsiasi cosa | Riassunto di Atomic Habits (di James Clear) (3) 何事も37.78倍うまくなる方法|アトミックハビットのまとめ(ジェームス・クリア著) (3) 무엇이든 37.78배 더 잘하는 방법 | 원자 습관 요약 (제임스 클리어 저) (3) (3) Jak stać się 37,78 razy lepszym w czymkolwiek | Podsumowanie Atomic Habits (autor: James Clear) (3) Como tornar-se 37,78 vezes melhor em qualquer coisa | Resumo dos hábitos atómicos (por James Clear) (3) Как стать в 37,78 раза лучше во всем | Краткое изложение "Атомные привычки" (автор Джеймс Клир) (3) Hur man blir 37,78 gånger bättre på någonting | Atomic Habits sammanfattning (av James Clear) (3) Herhangi bir şeyde nasıl 37,78 kat daha iyi olunur | Atomik Alışkanlıklar özeti (James Clear tarafından) (3) Як стати в 37,78 разів кращим у будь-чому | Атомні звички короткий виклад (автор Джеймс Клір) (3) 如何使自己在任何事情上都进步 37.78 倍 | 《原子习惯》摘要(作者:詹姆斯·克利尔)(3) 如何在任何事情上變得更好 37.78 倍 |原子習慣總結(作者:James Clear)(3)

been using this book to build systems  around my habits the past few months. ここ数ヶ月、この本を使って自分の習慣にまつわるシステムを構築している。

After you read the book maybe your approach will  be different than mine or better, or maybe there この本を読んだら、もしかしたらあなたのアプローチは私とは違うものになるかもしれないし、より良いものになるかもしれない。

are some parts I completely missed or could  improve upon so do let me know in the comments. ||||||ou bien||||||||||| が、私が完全に見落としている部分や改善できる部分もあるので、コメントで教えてほしい。

The Good habits I wanted to develop were  more consistent workout and reading routines. ||||||||plus de||||| ||||||||||||Lesen| 私が身につけたかった良い習慣は、より一貫したワークアウトと読書の習慣だった。 Labie ieradumi, ko vēlējos attīstīt, bija konsekventāki treniņi un lasīšanas rutīnas.

The Bad habit I wanted to eliminate was becoming  distracted and overconsuming social media |||||||||||trop consommer|| 私がなくしたいと思っていた悪い習慣は、注意散漫になり、ソーシャル・メディアを過剰に消費することだった。 Sliktais ieradums, ko vēlējos novērst, bija novērsties un pārmērīgi izmantot sociālos medijus.

First I completed the Habit scorecard. This gave  me a good idea of habits I could try to eliminate, まず、習慣スコアカードを完成させた。これによって、私が排除しようと思える習慣がよくわかった、 Vispirms es aizpildīju ieradumu novērtējuma karti. Tas man deva labu priekšstatu par ieradumiem, kurus es varētu mēģināt novērst, 首先我完成了习惯评分卡。这让我有一个很好的想法,可以尝试消除哪些习惯。

but more importantly it gave me  an idea of daily habits I was |||||||||||m'a donné|

already doing that I could  stack my new habits with. déjà||cela||||||| 新しい習慣を積み重ねることができる。 已经在做的,我可以将我的新习惯与之叠加。

Ultimately, when you find the habits you  want to work on. you want to be pushing 最终,当你找到要努力养成的习惯时,你希望推动

Desired good habits towards this side of the  spectrum, and bad habits towards this side. Habitudes souhaitées|||||||||et||||| Deseado|||||||||||||| 将期望的好习惯朝这一端推进,将坏习惯朝这一端推进。

For the working out habit. Par treniņu ieradumu.

The first step was to make the cues more obvious,  and I had a few tools I could use from the book. Le||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||Hinweise||||||||||||||

In this case I used what James Clear  calls the implementation strategy.

I will workout at 6am in the living room. ||trainieren|||||| Es trenēšos plkst. 6 no rīta viesistabā.

Next I tried as best I could to design my  environment conducive to this new habit. |||||||||||도움이 되는||||

I took my dumbbell set out of the  closet, and put them in the living room. |ai sorti||haltères|||||||||||| |||Hantelset|||||Schrank||||||| Es paņēmu hanteļu komplektu no skapja un novietoju tos viesistabā. 我把哑铃放出衣柜,放到客厅里。

I also found a few pictures of  healthy physiques on the internet Es arī atradu dažus veselīgas miesas veidošanas attēlus internetā. 我还在互联网上找到了一些健康体态的照片

and put them in places around the house  as cues that would remind me of the habit. 并把它们放在家里的各个地方,作为提醒我的习惯的提示。

Next, I moved on to the craving phase. |je|||||| ||||||Verlangen|

To increase dopamine and motivation I  bundle the workout with listening to ||||motivation||associe||||| ||||||combino con||||| Pour augmenter la dopamine et la motivation, j'associe l'entraînement à l'écoute de Lai palielinātu dopamīna līmeni un motivāciju, es treniņu apvienoju ar klausīšanos 为了增加多巴胺和动力,我会把锻炼和听音乐结合在一起。

some of my favorite podcasts. I also implement  reprogramming my brain. I tell myself repeatedly |||||je||||||||| |||||||umsetzen||||||| 一些我喜欢的播客。我还实施重塑我的大脑。我一再告诉自己

I don't “have to do a workout” but that “ I  get to build strength and a healthier body” |tue nicht|||||||||darf||||||| No "tengo que hacer ejercicio" sino que "consigo fortalecerme y tener un cuerpo más sano". 我不需要“锻炼”,而是“我有机会增强力量和拥有更健康的身体”

That subtle shift in mindset has gone a long way. Ce||||||||| |feine|||||||| |sutil|||||||| Šī smalkā domāšanas veida maiņa ir bijusi ļoti nozīmīga. 这种微妙的心态转变已经走了很长一段路。

Ideally, joining a gym, or finding a  group to workout with would be even better

to strengthen this habit,  but unfortunately all gyms |fortalecer||||||

are closed where I live, so I'm kind of  on my own for now with these two tools. |||||||irgendwie||||||||||

Next, making it easy.

Using the 2 minute rule, to make  sure I don't end up like most people Verwende|||||sicherstellen||||enden|||| Usando la regla de los 2 minutos, para asegurarme de no acabar como la mayoría de la gente. Utiliser la règle des 2 minutes, pour être sûr de ne pas finir comme la plupart des gens

starting a new habit, that  try to do too much too soon. Anfangen||||||||||| sākt jaunu ieradumu, mēģināt izdarīt pārāk daudz un pārāk ātri.

I want my habit to not feel like a challenge  at all. My 2 minute rule was putting on my |möchte|mein|Gewohnheit||nicht|||||||||||||

workout clothes and stretching. If that was the  only thing I accomplished then that was fine, |||||das||die||||erreicht|||| |||||||||||logré|||| 运动服装和拉伸。如果这是我唯一完成的事情,那也没关系。

because I showed up. But you will quickly find  that once you are there, you are now motivated to parce que|||||||||||||||||| ||aufgetaucht bin||||||||einmal|||||||| parce que je suis venu. Mais vous constaterez rapidement qu'une fois sur place, vous êtes désormais motivé pour

get the workout done. It is weird but the  motivation seems to come after you get started.

My mindset is focused on small 1 percent  changes compounding into meaningful results ||||||||sich summieren||| 我的思维专注于不断累积的小1%的变化,变成有意义的结果

AND that my systems will get me to the results,  not vague goals. Remembering that my main focus |||||||||||unklare Ziele|||||| 我知道我的系统会帮助我实现结果,而不是模糊的目标。记住,我目前的重点

at this point is just making sure I show  up and start anchoring this habit in place. ||||||||||et||ancrer|||| à ce stade, il s'agit simplement de s'assurer que je me présente et que je commence à ancrer cette habitude en place. Šobrīd es tikai gribu būt pārliecināts, ka es parādīšos un sāku nostiprināt šo ieradumu. 就是确保我出现并开始巩固这个习惯。

Once you are consistently showing  up, increase the progression. Une fois que|||||||| ||||||steigern|| 一旦您始终如一地出现,增加进程。

To decrease friction, I made the rule  that I'm not allowed to check my phone |verringern|Reibung verringern|||||||||||| 为了减少摩擦,我制定了规则,不允许我在锻炼完成之前查看手机。

until the workout was complete. If I get  distracted by emails or social media, ||||||||abgelenkt||||| 如果我被电子邮件或社交媒体分心,

It is one excuse and one step of friction  between myself and the workout getting completed. |||Ausrede|||||||||||abgeschlossen wird| Tas ir viens attaisnojums un viens solis berzes starp mani un treniņa pabeigšanu. 这只是我和运动完成之间的一个借口和一个阻碍。

Lastly, this was a game changer for me,  priming the environment. When I place my shoes, ||||||||Vorbereitung der Umgebung||||||| Por último, esto fue un cambio de juego para mí, la preparación del medio ambiente. Cuando coloco mis zapatos, 最后,这对我来说是一个改变游戏规则的举措,为环境做准备。当我把鞋子、瑜伽垫和哑铃放在前一天晚上,我立刻提高了出席和锻炼的比例。

yoga mat and dumbbells out the night before I  skyrocket my show up and workout percentage. |||||||||in die Höhe schießen||||||Trainingsquote la esterilla de yoga y las mancuernas la noche anterior, dispararé mi porcentaje de aparición y entrenamiento. Si je sors mon tapis de yoga et mes haltères la veille, je monte en flèche mon pourcentage de présence et d'entraînement. jogas paklājiņš un hanteles iepriekšējā vakarā, pirms es raķete manu parādīties un treniņu procentus. 一旦我把这些物品放在前一天晚上,

As soon as I place these  items out the night before, 最后,这对我来说是一个改变游戏规则的举措,为环境做准备。当我把鞋子、瑜伽垫和哑铃放在前一天晚上,我立刻提高了出席和锻炼的比例。

I feel like the ritual has begun and the workout  is already complete because I have zero excuses. ||||||||||||||je||| ||||의식|||||||||||||

So with those 3 phases of the loop  systemized to get me to show up. Donc|||||le|||||||| Donc, avec ces 3 phases de la boucle systématisée pour me faire venir.

I only had the last phase of the loop left to  tackle. To make sure I keep repeating the habit. |||||||||||bewältigen|||||||| |||||||||||abordar|||||||| Sólo me quedaba por abordar la última fase del bucle. Para asegurarme de seguir repitiendo el hábito. Il ne me restait plus que la dernière phase de la boucle à aborder. Pour m'assurer que je continue à répéter l'habitude. Man bija palicis tikai pēdējais cilpas posms. Lai pārliecinātos, ka es turpinu atkārtot ieradumu.

I use both of these tools somewhat  together to close out the loop. ||||||etwas|||abschließen||| Utilizo estas dos herramientas algo juntas para cerrar el bucle. J'utilise ces deux outils conjointement pour boucler la boucle.

I use a habit tracker, crossing the  day off the calendar becomes the reward J'utilise un carnet de suivi des habitudes, et le fait de rayer le jour du calendrier devient la récompense. 我使用习惯追踪器,划掉日历上的一天成为奖励

and it forces me to not want to break  the chain. I also take a of picture of 这迫使我不想中断这个习惯链。我还会拍下我燃烧的卡路里的照片,发送给我的伴侣,这让我感到满足。

the calories I burnt and send the picture  to my partner, and that feels satisfying. |||quemé|||||||||||

Mindset wise, I begin with identity and I  remind myself after each workout that “I Domātprieks, es sāku ar identitāti un pēc katra treniņa atgādinu sev, ka "Es... 在心态方面,我从身份开始,每次锻炼后我都会提醒自己“我"

want to become the kind of person that enjoys  fitness and doesn't miss workouts” I don't

put all my focus on outcomes such as I want  to be 10kg lighter by such and such a date. me concentrer sur des résultats tels que je veux avoir perdu 10 kg à telle date. 把我所有的注意力都放在结果上,比如我想在某个特定的日期之前减轻10公斤。

I also remind myself that I need to  be patient for results and that I'm

probably still somewhere in this Valley of  disappointment before I will see results! |||||||Enttäuschungstal||||| probablement encore quelque part dans cette vallée de la déception avant de voir des résultats !

So that is my personal  system for morning workouts. ||||personnel||||

I went through the same process with the  reading habit, with a few minor changes. ||à travers|||||||||||| 我用同样的方法养成阅读习惯,只是有一些小改变。

I used the habit stack. After [making  a coffee] I will [read for 90 minutes] Es izmantoju ieradumu kaudze. Pēc [kafijas pagatavošanas] es [lasīšu 90 minūtes]. 我采用了习惯堆叠。在[泡咖啡]后,我会[阅读90分钟]

… making a coffee was my trigger cue for reading. |||était||||| …泡咖啡是我阅读的触发提示。

My one space one use rule was reading on  the balcony of my apartment. 我的一个空间一个用途的规则是在我公寓的阳台上阅读。

One of the best parts of my day  is a nice cup of coffee in the

morning. So this was the perfect  thing to bundle the habit with. ||||||||combinar con||| matin. C'était donc la solution idéale pour mettre un terme à cette habitude.

Remembering how dopamine raises in anticipation  of a reward and not the reward itself. I wanted |||||Erwartung||||||||||

this dopamine spike for wanting coffee to  start becoming associated with reading. ||aumento repentino|||||||||

My 2 minute rule was to read 1 page of The  Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday. Super simple, 我的2分钟原则是每天读一页 Ryan Holiday 的《每日斯多葛主义者》。非常简单,

again in the beginning all I was concerned  with was showing up and getting this habit |||||||besorgt|||||||| Encore une fois, au début, tout ce qui m'importait, c'était de me montrer et de prendre cette habitude. 刚开始时,我只关心参与并养成这个习惯。

anchored. Then I slowly built up  the habit to around 90 minutes. anclado|||||||||| 随后我慢慢将习惯培养到大约90分钟。

For the bad habit I was trying to eliminate

To make the habit invisible, I started  by making my phone as boring as possible, ||||unsichtbar machen||||machen||||langweilig||

which required deleting a lot of apps. |erforderte|||||

I use the reprogramming tool, to  highlight the unattractive side of

overconsuming social media. Telling myself  things like… … consuming is the easy and

lazy option of the masses ,producing  things is difficult but rewarding. Do I

want to be a consumer or a producer? Random  scrolling through feeds is for losers. So ||||||||zufällig||||||| ¿Quieres ser un consumidor o un productor? El desplazamiento aleatorio a través de los feeds es para los perdedores. Así que vēlaties būt patērētājs vai ražotājs? Nejaušīga ritināšana pa kanāliem ir paredzēta neveiksminiekiem. Tātad . 想成为消费者还是生产者?随机浏览动态供应对失败者是毫无意义的。所以

try to paint your bad habit in a light that  makes it super unattractive to keep doing. mēģiniet parādīt savu slikto ieradumu tādā gaismā, lai to turpināt darīt būtu ļoti nepievilcīgi. 试着把你的坏习惯描绘成一种让它变得非常不吸引人的光景,以此来改变。

To increase friction, I left my phone out of  sight whilst working in a drawer in another room. ||||||||||동안에||||||| Lai palielinātu berzi, atstāju tālruni ārpus redzesloka, kamēr strādāju atvilktnē citā telpā. 为了增加阻力,我把手机放在另一个房间的抽屉里,工作时看不到。

To make it unsatisfying, I have an accountability  partner, I get my partner to enforce this |||||||Verantwortungspartner|||||||durchsetzen| Lai padarītu to neapmierinošu, man ir atbildības partneris, es iegūstu savu partneri, lai to īstenotu.

habit. The punishment is If she sees me using  social media during work time, I owe her $10. |||||||||||||temps de travail||| |||||||||||||||schulde|

So that is how I have been using this  fantastic book guys with great results ||||||||||||avec||

so far, and I hope this summary has helped you to  better understand the concepts within this book.

Go out and grab a copy of this book if you  haven't already, you are going to take in the |||hol dir||||||||||||||||

knowledge at a much deeper level, from all the  stories and examples that James Clear goes over

some advanced techniques, not in this summary  that will help you strengthen your habits.

Thankyou for watching. See you in the next video.