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We are living in an age of information. That's what I keep hearing on TV and reading in newspapers. We are surrounded by information technology that puts information at our fingertips. To get ahead, you need the latest information. I'm not really sure how much information we need. Our brains can only handle a certain amount of information at a time. I reckon a lot of us have information overload. I'm sure before computers came along this didn't happen. One problem with computers is the amount of personal information online. I worry about putting confidential info on different websites. Of course the great thing about computers is that we have so much information at our disposal. That's pretty useful.


We are living in an age of information. 私たちは情報の時代に生きています。 That's what I keep hearing on TV and reading in newspapers. We are surrounded by information technology that puts information at our fingertips. 私たちは、情報を手元に置く情報技術に囲まれています。 To get ahead, you need the latest information. I'm not really sure how much information we need. どれだけの情報が必要か本当にわかりません。 Our brains can only handle a certain amount of information at a time. 私たちの脳は、一度に一定量の情報しか処理できません。 I reckon a lot of us have information overload. I'm sure before computers came along this didn't happen. コンピューターが登場する前は、これは起こりませんでした。 One problem with computers is the amount of personal information online. コンピューターの問題の1つは、オンラインの個人情報の量です。 I worry about putting confidential info on different websites. 別のウェブサイトに機密情報を掲載するのが心配です。 Of course the great thing about computers is that we have so much information at our disposal. もちろん、コンピューターの素晴らしいところは、自由に使える情報がたくさんあることです。 That's pretty useful.